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Friday, January 25, 2013, 15:15 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair (ground fault) |
Today: Uncovered 1A triplet cable chase and reconfigured shielding. D. Preddy will continue with diagnosing ground fault on Monday.
Photo of uncovered cable chase shown below. Note that steel blocks with rust (in middle far left of photo) are contaminated.
Monday, January 28, 2013, 16:28 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair (ground fault) |
Rad survey map from last Friday (25 January) here.
Found exposed thermal switch cable in triplet service chase.
- Fibre glass outer sheath was damaged leaving 5" of exposed cable. See photo below.
- Cable found under corner of shielding block.
- Fixed with black electrical tape, each wire individually taped, 9 wires in total. See photo.
Found Q15 thermocouples were touching water lines near yellow connector was exposed and contacting waterlines.
- Insulated with nomex paper to isolate wire/connector. See photo.
Reconnected thermocouple from 2012 and jammed thermocouple head between water lines. See photo.
Wires were moved again to see if the resistance had changed after applying fixes. Resistance to ground stayed at 4.8 kOhm.
Triplet booster pump turned back on by R. Kuramoto and D. Preddy. No problems.
Q15 power supply was reconnected and tested to 800 A. Regulator voltage at 9 A, load voltage at 60 V.
- Ground fault interlock re-enabled by C. Yee in Q15 power supply.
- Ground current measured at 20 mV (through power supply ground shunt).
D. Preddy feels power supply is okay to operate. Power supply currently off and locked out, booster pump left on. Will prepare to restore service chase shielding and uncover triplet magnets to remove asymmetric steering wires. |
Attachment 5: 20130128_tripletrepair_IMG_0094.JPG
Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 16:28 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair (ground fault) |
Restored shielding over 1A triplet chase.
Uncovered Q16 and set up RH bridge with lead blankets over Q16.
Cut Q14 and 16 asymmetric steering leads off north side pyrotenax connector block.
C. Ballard unbolted Q16 asymmetric steering lead from Q16 working through RH bridge floor opening.
- Rad levels through RH bridge were 2 mSv/h.
- Vacuumed tops of 1A triplet blocks and T2 area.
- Total time for jobs: 1.5 min, accumulated dose 0.04 mSv.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 16:46 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair (ground fault) |
Cut and removed asymmetric steering cables from Q14 and 16, cables are no longer resting on magnet power bus bars.
Cut short sections left on magnet and connector block. North connector block left in place. Short cable section on magnet insulated with fiber glass insulation, see photo.
- J. Mckinnon severed cables and removed unused sections. Accumulated dose for job: 0.27 mSv.
- Respirator cartridge dropped into beam line trench, see photo (on top right corner of Q14 magnet photo).
- Rad fields were the same as before. See previous survey maps for levels. Q14 rad levels, Q15 rad levels, Q16 rad levels.
Photos of Q15 before and after cable removed, note bus bars at top of photo.
D. Preddy performed power test, ground fault persists at same resistance (magnets now at 250 Ohm Q14, 3.5 kOhm Q15). Doug deems it okay to run triplet in this state.
No water was found on magnets during final inspection. All three magnets were uncovered and visually checked for water before replacing dust covers.
- Booster pump was running.
- Q15 & 16 shield blocks back in place.
- Q14 left uncovered at this time, remote handling bridge still present in area. Shielding still needs to be fully restored. |
Attachment 1: 20130130_tripletrepair_P1020683.JPG
Monday, February 04, 2013, 16:04 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair (ground fault) |
Restored 1A triplet shielding and removed RH shielding.
1. Moved severed asymmetric steering cable on Q14 so as not to touch the coils underneath and the cover plate above it.
- Job done through RH bridge through floor tile and 6' tongs.
- Cable end pictured in center of photo toward left of magnet.
- Replaced cover plate, checked for water leaks, none found.
2. Restored Q14 shield block.
- J. McKinnon performed power test on triplet (Q14, 15, 16). Tested okay.
3. Restored triplet shielding. See photos.
- 1st layer restored.
- 2nd layer restored.
- Photo of temporary bunker for triplet shielding. Bunker was located East of T2.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 17:03 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair |
Moved 18' blocks away from triplet area in preparation for uncovering triplet. Plastic laid down up stream of t2 target station for short term storage of 6' layered blocks. |
Friday, January 18, 2013, 14:40 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair |
Completed uncovering shielding and RH setup over 1A Q14 triplet area, see photo for RH setup.
- D. Preddy disconnected coil #1 thermocouple on Q14 in an attempt to clear ground fault, fault still present.
- Moved three asymmetric steering magnet cables to see if ground fault cleared, no effect.
- D. Preddy will contact D. Louie for power supply issues, will contact RH when job complete.
Radiation survey map here: Jan 18 1A Triplet Area
Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 16:02 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A triplet repair |
1.5 day work delay due to plant group unavailable on the 21st of January. Gardner air compressor was being moved.
- Moved bridge off 1AQ14, cleaned and relocated.
- Uncovered 1AQ15, set up bridge over magnets, downstream of 1AQ15. Completed at 14:15.
Radiation survey map here: BL1A Q14 Q15 Uncovered
- Two magnets exposed, fields are higher (1200 uSv/h vs 600 uSv/h). Cover plate still on 1AQ15, see photo.
- Waiting for D. Preddy to complete work.
Monday, February 05, 2018, 15:40 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1A Q15 repair. |
1.) Completed covering up 1A Q15.
2.) RH flask currently contains the 8 insulators removed from Q15. 3.6 mSv/h on contact, 40-60 uSv/h @ .5 m. Double bagged. Bag exterior was swiped clean, inside was not checked (didn’t want to breach interior bag just to swipe components). |
Attachment 1: 20180205_1aq15repair_P1030889.JPG