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Friday, May 06, 2022, 11:27 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Standard Operation | 4V CM1 RH joint install | 2022 Apr 28 to 29:
Installed a new remote handling 4"
indium joint for new beamline 4 north section. |
Friday, March 18, 2022, 12:12 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | q15 repair | beamlines replaced leaking insulator
on q15, circuit #4. See updated pdf for replacement
part and location. |
Monday, August 10, 2020, 16:08 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | M9 Q1Q2 magnet assembly installed in pit | The M9 Q1Q2 magnet assembly was installed
in the M9 beam line today.
Attached to elog is an inspection |
Friday, August 07, 2020, 16:18 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 exit port and B1 flange cleaning | Today we attempted to scrape remnant indium
from T2 M9 exit port and clean B1 knife flange
for the new magnet. Report of todays activities |
Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:42 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | Vault beamline beam position monitor | The Beam Position Monitor between 1VB1
and 1VM3 has been installed. The indium joints
are leak tight, however the V flanges are |
Friday, March 06, 2020, 13:36 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | M9 B1 moved to warm cell | The M9 B1 was removed from the M9
channel surveyed and moved to the remote
handling warm cell for refurbishment. |
Monday, February 24, 2020, 15:13 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | m9 q1q2 repair laser tracker shoot | Beamlines
shot the position of the M9 T2 port and B1
flange for setting the M9 test stand flanges |
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 14:41 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Maintenance | annotated drawing of 1A Q15 cooling headers | Annotated drawing of TBP0425D attempting
to capture the repairs of 1A Q15 triplet
magnet ceramic insulator/coils over the years. |
Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 14:37 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Standard Operation | lead pig radiation survey | Surveyed contents of storage flask located
at TNF. The lid was lifted off roughly 12"
up and a pole monitor was swept over the |
Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 14:56 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | M9 B1 seal notes from 1988 | Found original installation notes
for the initial installation of M9 Q1Q2 generation
2 in 1988. |
Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:13 |
Keith C Ng | M20 | Repair | M20 Q2 repair notes | See attached scan for repair notes regarding
M20 Q2 during the 2019 winter shutdown. The
repair method for M20 Q2 was instigated by |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 11:19 |
Ron Kuramoto | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1AQ14 B/L Flange Broken Thermocouple | On March 7,2019 the Thermocouple (TC) cable
which monitors the temperature of the 1AQ14
B/L vacuum joint was broken when the iron |
Thursday, March 29, 2018, 15:15 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | t2 m9 port blank off | Today leak checked the M9 exit port with
Edi and we found no leaks. The usual delayed
helium response in the M20/Collimator B/ |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 15:08 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Standard Operation | t2 m9 port blank off | 1.
Blank off installed 11:40 with Dan McDonald,
east spring ear looks 'deeper" than |
Monday, March 26, 2018, 15:57 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | t2 m9 laser tracker alignment | Removed all Leica tracker targets from
M9 pit, I will proceed with blanking off
T2 exit port sometime this week. Alignment |
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 15:22 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | t2 m9 laser tracker jigs | Installed the remaining laser tracker jigs
for beam lines. No issues. Made sure 8"
target the mounting poles did not interfere |
Friday, March 16, 2018, 13:39 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | t2 m9 port inspection | Video imaged T2 port post blank off removal,
looks roughly the same as last year. Knife
edge looks clean. |
Thursday, March 15, 2018, 15:48 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | m9 t2 alignment job | Blank off removed this morning, video recorded
the T2 flange,B1 flange and B1 vacuum box
interior. Blank off is 150 uSv/h @ .5m, 3 |
Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 15:36 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Standard Operation | m9 alignment work | Set up shielding canyon for M9 laser tracker
Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 10:36 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1a q12 q13 | Uncovered and placed bridges for 1a q12
q13 for doug's re cabling work. See WP C2018-02-13-2:
work |