ID |
Date |
Author |
Target Material |
Target Oven W.O# |
Source |
Status |
Subject |
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 22:18 |
John Wong | TiC | 44692-5 | LP-FEBIAD | In progress | TiC230425 |
Darwin Ortiz Rosales wrote: |
John Wong wrote: |
Carla Babcock wrote: |
Darwin Ortiz Rosales wrote: |
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 09:32
LP FEBIAD loaded with 367 TiC discs and 4 TiC removable discs for analyses
50 packs of 5 and the rest are singles
TaC coated (sintered) springs placed at both ends
Initial total Weight = 521.83 g
Initial heating @ 1A/min to 400 A on TGHT and 280A on TBHT
OMEGA slope = 0.99
Vacuum limits up to 200A: 3.0e-05 Torr -- 5.0e-04 Torr
Vacuum limit up after 200A: 3.0e-05 Torr -- 5.5e-05 Torr
No Ta heat-shields used
Initial IGP1 = 4.1e-07 Torr
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 09:49
Starting initial ramp up to 200A on both TGHT and TBHT @ 1A/min
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 12:50
Around 120A on TGHT, the pressure started to slowly drop. First outgassing done.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 14:03
IGP1 = 6.0 e-05 Torr
TGHT = 200 A, 2.7V
TBHT = 200 A, 2.6 v
OMEGA = Below lower limit
Waiting for pressure to fall below 5e0-5 Torr. Will change bad vacuum to 5.0e-05 Torr and then continue ramping @1A/min to 400 A on TGHT and 280 A on TBHT.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 14:13
IGPI= 4.2 e-05 Torr
starting ramping to 400 A on TGHT and 280A on TBHT
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 14:26
The IGP1 pressure just fell below 3.0e-05 Torr and ramping has resumed
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 14:42
pressure hovering around good vacuum so very slow progress.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 15:12
TGHT= 223 A, 3.1 V
TBHT = 226 A, 3.0 V
Set ramp rate is 1A/min but real rate is slightly less than 0.5A/min due to pressure fluctuation.
Vacuum spike at 300A.
TGHT= 316A, 4.6V
TBHT=283A, 3.9V
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 18:18 Ramping TBHT down from 280A to 270A
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 22:12
TGHT = 400A, 6.1V; TBHT = 274A/3.7V. Temp is holding sturdy ~1100 C and will leave it overnight.
Pressure is coming down, currently at 8.8 e-6 Torr. See attachment for the overview.
TGHT will continue to ramp up tomorrow morning; check the pressure to ensure it has come down below 5e-6 Torr before proceeding. Refer to the instructions for details.
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 06:27
IGP1= 1.7e-06 Torr
OMEGA= 1097 C
TGHT= 400A, 6.2V
TBHT= 273A, 3.7 V
Starting ramp up of TGHT @0.2A/min set to 550A
Thursday, April 27, 2023, 22:04
TGHT has reached 580A/10.33V. Temp = 1540C.
The two out-gassing peaks were observed: 1st peak around 1300C and 2nd peak 1370C. See attachments 1 & 2.
A few minutes after TGHT reached to 580A, there was a small jump in TGHT current/voltage and also the pressure, but didn't notice any change in the temp, see attachment 3&4.
Pressure is currently at 3.4e-6 Torr; will hold TGHT until pressure reaches close to 1e-6 Torr before cooling down.
Friday, April 28, 2023, 01:06
Pressure has reached 1.8 e-6 Torr; TGHT has been holding at 580A for 3.5 hrs, a slight increase in voltage, reading at 10.45V and temperature, 1548C. See attachment #5 for overview.
Initiating auto-cooling TGHT at -2A/min, TBHT at -1A/min.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-04-27_204948.jpg
Attachment 2: Screenshot_2023-04-27_205012.jpg
Attachment 3: Screenshot_2023-04-27_220239.jpg
Attachment 4: Screenshot_2023-04-27_220323.jpg
Attachment 5: Screenshot_2023-04-28_010640.jpg
Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 14:20 |
John Wong | np-TiO2 | | TARGET BOAT | In progress | Carbonization of np-TiO2 spun fibrous pellets/fibre mats | Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 14:03
Two np-TiO2 spun fibrous pellets and 1 batch of fibre mats were wrapped with graphite foils and loaded into a target boat.
Sample will be heated to 1875C, similar to the previous process, see e-log ID#605 (TGHT: 440A/7.6V).
TGHT will be autoramped to 350 A and monitor the conditions before ramping up further.
Good vacuum: 3e-5 Torr
Bad vacuum: 5e-5 Torr
Omega slope: 1.08
In the previous process (ID#605), Ta-foil was inserted at both ends of the tubes to hold the sample together. However, it was observed that the out-gassing of the material reacted with the Ta-foil, causing issues. Therefore, it's decided not to cover the ends with Ta-foil, and the sensor is now looking at the graphite foil. It had previously determined the slope for SiC material set for its emissivity, but need to note any errors that may have arisen due to the change in the sample setup.
See attachment#1 for sample setup - note that Omega sensor is slightly looking at the edge of the Ta-boat tube.
Initiate autoramp: 1 A/min
Chamber has been pumped down below 5.6e-6 Torr.
Tuesday, May 02, 2023, 15:31
Vacuum spike TGHT at 75A, auto-ramping down kicked in.
Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 12:18Thursday, May 04, 2023, 15:16
TGHT has been holding at 350A/5.7V (1995W) for almost 2hrs, temp is reading at 1368C - 232C lower than the previous process (ID#605) with TGHT = 348/5.8V (2018W).
Pressure started to come down around 344A/5.5V, temp 1331C - see attachment #2.
Current status overall view - see attachment #3
Continue to ramp up t0 440A at 1A/min and monitor.
Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 14:47
TGHT reached 440A/7.5V, temp reading at 1672C. Pressure is coming down, currently at 1.8e-6 Torr. Will keep at this setting overnight and will check the Omega/emmissivity to confirm the temperature.
Thursday, May 04, 2023, 10:54
Eractic vacuum spikes started just over 3 hrs ago. Temp at 1681 C; TGHT has been stable at 440A/7.6V. Pressure ranging between 5.0e-7 to 1.5 e-6 and gradually decreasing, see attachment #4.
Will perform the omega/emmissivity measurement.
Thursday, May 04, 2023, 15:16
Temperature was checked with the digital and analogue pyrometers.
With the analogue pyrometer on the Ta-container (left end, top surface), measured temp = 1360 C, with e=0.22, correction + 200 C => 1560 C
With the Omega pyrometer (right end), 1-color mode with e= 0.22, temp = 1585 C.
Setting Omega pyrometer to 2-color mode with e= 0.99 temp = 1516 C -- this is in agreement with the measurements for Ta. Note that the pyrometer is looking at some part of the Ta container which is not covered by the sample wrapped with the graphite foil (see attachment #5).
From e-log#596, temp was reported at 1520 C (slope at 0.99) with a Ta-foil at the end of the tube, but from e-log#605, temp was reported at 1864 C (slope at 0.99) - possibly an error occurred during that time.
In conclusion, the temp should be at 1530 C +/- 10C with TGHT = 440A/7.7V (3388W).
Thursday, May 04, 2023, 15:43
Vacuum spikes continue every 30 min lasting for 10 min.
Tapped down TGHT to 430A/7.5V, temp reading at 1500 C. Will monitor if any improvement with the vacuum.
Friday, May 05, 2023, 09:34
Vacuum spikes continue to happen; see attachment #6 for the striptool overview.
Lower TGHT to 420A/7.3V, temp = 1480 C.
Friday, May 05, 2023, 10:10
Vacuum spikes continue every 20-30 min lasting for 10 min.
Lower TGHT to 410A/7.1V, temp = 1450 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 11:25
Vacuum spikes continue,
Lower TGHT to 400A/6.93V, temp = 1433 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 12:20
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT to 390A/6.7V, temp at 1407C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 13:19
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT to 380A/6.5V, temp at 1388C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 13:47
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT to 370A/6.3V, temp at1373 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 14:16
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT 360A/6.1V, temp at 1348 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 15:11
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT 350A/5.9V, temp at 1308 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 16:34
Vacuum spikes - lower TGHT 340A/5.7V, temp at 1371 C
Friday, May 05, 2023, 16:56
Vacuum spikes continue; container possibly broken.
Slow ramp down TGHT at -0.5A/min to see when the vacuum spikes would stop.
Monday, May 08, 2023, 09:54
TGHT was ramped down over the weekend. Chamber was kept under vacuum and vacuum continued to spike; suspecting problem with the gauge?! see attachment &7 for an over view.
Will take out the samples for exam.
Attachment 1: Samples_setup.jpg
Attachment 2: Screenshot_2023-05-03_100756.jpg
Attachment 3: Screenshot_2023-05-03_105812.jpg
Attachment 4: Screenshot_2023-05-04_105347.jpg
Attachment 5: Screenshot_2023-05-04_152636.jpg
Attachment 6: Screenshot_2023-05-05_092340.jpg
Attachment 7: Screenshot_2023-05-08_095057.jpg
Friday, July 26, 2024, 10:05 |
John Wong | np-Ta | | TARGET BOAT | Done | Carbonization of Heat Stabilized np-Ta Fibres Disk (1st Attempt) |
Angelina Chen wrote: |
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 15:18
Target container consists of two np-Ta fibres disk samples. Both disks are made from heat stabilized np-Ta fibres (150 C for 17 hours) and were pressed at 8 tons / 300 MPa.
Sample 1 was made from np-Ta fibres spun using Dope solution #1. The sample 1 disk has an average thickness of 0.727 mm and a diameter of 17.113 mm. The mass of the green sample 1 disk is 0.1957 g.
Sample 2 was made from np-Ta fibres spun using Dope solution #6. The sample 2 disk has an average thickness of 0.688 mm and a diameter of 17.123 mm. The mass of the heat stabilized fibres used to make the green sample 2 disk is 0.1860 g. The mass loss from pressing the heat stabilized fibres was virtually zero. Therefore, while the mass of the green sample 2 disk was not measured, it can be extrapolated to be 0.1860 g.
The target container was wrapped with Ta foil. Each sample disk was wrapped in graphite foil and placed inside the target container horizontally near the center.
The Omega slope was initially set to 0.980. After reviewing previous logbook on np-Ti
The chamber is currently being pumped down. The current reading (as of 15:40) is 4.70e-05 Torr.
Two heating schedules will be tested. Heating schedule 1 entails heating both sample disks at ~1000 C until the pressure reaches below 1.00e-06 Torr. Once heating schedule 1 is completed, sample 1 will be removed. Heating schedule 2 entails heating sample 2 to ~1800 C until the pressure reaches below 1.00e-06 Torr. TGHT is estimated to be approximately 440A/7.6V to reach 1875 C (348A/5.8V to hold temperature at 1600 C). Refer to e-log ID#605.
Friday, July 26, 2024, 09:52
Chamber has been pumped down overnight, pressure currently at 1e-6 Torr.
Initiate auto ramping 1A/min to reach 200 A.
Good vac = 3 e-5 Torr
Bad vac = 5 e-5 Torr.
Continue to monitor.
Friday, July 26, 2024, 17:06
Gas evolution has seen observed to be completed as TGHT slowly ramping up. Temp is currently reading at 1015 C, TGHT 164A/2.43V. Pressure holding at 2.4e-6 Torr but slowly coming down, see attachment 1. Will keep this setting and cool it down on Sunday.
Sunday, July 28, 2024, 11:27
Temperature has been holding sturdy at ~1000C for over 36 hours, TGHT at 164A/2.59V (a slight increase in the voltage). Pressure is currentlyat 4.5e-7 Torr (see attachment #2 for the archiver).
Ramping down TGHT at 1A/min.
Will remove both samples on Monday to measure the mass loss. Sample 1 will be analyzed. Sample 2 will be loaded back to the Evap 2 for further heating to reach about 1800 C.
Monday, July 29, 2024, 14:29
Both samples were removed from the chamber and measured for weight loss, and Sample 2 was put back for further heating; Thanks Darwin for helping up with this.
Chamber is currently pump down, pressure at 6.0e-5 Torr. Will ramp up TGHT once the pressure has come down to 10e-6 Torr.
Monday, July 29, 2024, 16:52
Pressure at 6.5e-6 Torr. Ramping up TGHT at 2A/min to reach 164A (previous setting at ~1000C).
Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 09:02
Temperature has been holding at about 1000C. THGT at 160A(readback,, 164A setpoint)/2.56V. Pressure 7e-7 Torr.
Stepping up 1A/min in 20A increment to reach 1800C.
Continue to monitor.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 10:07
Plotting out THGT (readback) vs Temp:
181 A/2.91V, 1070C
206A/3.34V, 1153C
225A/3.7V, 1213C
245A/4.1V, 1277C
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 11:26
TGHT tripped off due to HS water flow NOT oK, Attempted to clear it but did not work, see attachment #3.
Will stop the process for now and investigate the problem.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 12:10
Darwin helped to check the surrounding of the lab for water leaks; everything was good and the chamber remained under vacuum.
All the water paddle wheels were moving. A slight touch of the HS paddle wheel somehow cleared the interlock. Maybe the connection was loose.
We checked all the paddle wheels by shutting and opening the water valves. All the interlocks responded correctly.
Continue with the heating process...
Ramping up TGHT at 2A/min to reach 300A.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 15:27
TGHT vs temp:
294A/5.1V 1477C
343A/6.0A, 1633C
402A/7.2V, 1818C
Will keep TGHT at 410A (setpoint) for night.(see attachment#4)
Tuesday, August 06, 2024, 10:00
Venting Evap 2; the process is done.
The sample will be analyzed.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2024-07-26_170518.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_2024-07-28_112630.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_2024-07-31_112557.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_2024-07-31_171808.png
Monday, August 19, 2024, 13:17 |
John Wong | np-Ta | | TARGET BOAT | In progress | Carbonization of heat stabilized np-Ta fibres - 2nd Attempt | Monday, August 19, 2024, 13:06
Target container consists of 2 samples, and both samples were heat stabilized at 150 C for 24 hours then pre-oxidized at 360 C for 4 hours:
1. PVP (7% wt/v) spun fibres 0.0569 g
2. np-Ta (Dope 7) spun fibres: 0.1730 g
Samples are wrapped in graphite foil and loaded into a target boat which is wrapped with Ta foil.
Omega slope set at 0.99.
Similar heat treatment as the 1st attempt, see e-log #667 (1800 C = 402A/7.2V).
Good vac = 3 e-5 Torr
Bad vac = 5 e-5 Torr.
Chamber is currently pumping down.
Monday, August 19, 2024, 16:52
Chamber pressure @ 4.6e-6 Torr.
Initiate auto-ramping at 1A/min to reach 400A.
Continue to monitor the pressure and TGHT.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 09:48
TGHT reached 400 A/6.87V about 10 hr ago. But the temperature has been holding at 1665 C.
The voltage is much lower this time compared to the previous heat treatment. See attachment #1 for the overall process.
Ramping up to 450A. Continue monitoring..
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 15:43
TGHT at 450A (readback 441A)/7.892V, temperature holding at 1803C
Pressure coming down from 1.62e-6 Torr.
Continue to hold on the temperature for a few more hours before cooling it down
Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 09:40
Temperature was holding for about 18 hours before ramping down TGHT was initiated at 2A/min.
The samples can be taken out after 2 pm.
Attachment 1: Capture.PNG
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 09:31 |
Ivan Bao | Empty | | TARGET BOAT | In progress | TC tests | 1st test polarity 1
10:12 am Begin pumping down to rough vacuum
12:50 pm begin ramping up towards 2000C. Ta tube only, welded thermocouple mount
3:08 Ta tube reached 2000C, began ramping down. The ramping up process was smooth and no hiccups happened
4:57 ramp down complete, began shutting down the evap2, will let the turbopump to slow down spin overnight.
2nd test polarity 2(swapped)
Tuesday, Aug 09 2022, 4pm begin pumping to vacuum after switching the polarity of the power supply
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 13:09 begin ramping up
3:18 ramped to 671A. 2000C, no hiccups, everything is nominal. The thermocouple reads higher than before, about 20-30 deg C colder than pyro at high temperatures (1400C and above)
No bad connections, short circuits or unexpected overheating.
begin ramping down
ramping down was smooth, with error being the TC about 40 deg C colder than pyro at temp above 1500C
ramping done completed at Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 16:46 , shutting down evap 2 roughing and turbopump |
Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 13:59 |
Hannah Toy | TiC | Target boat (tube) | TARGET BOAT | Done | Synthesis of TiC | Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 13:52
38 pieces of samples made of TiO2/C/PVP loaded into a target boat wrapped with 2 layers of Ta-heat shield.
Samples will be heated to 1700, 1800, 1900, and 2000 C
Some of the pieces will be removed after each target temperature
Target chamber has been pumping down and the current pressure reading is 6.62e-6 T
Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 14:12
TGHT will be autoramped to 250 A
Good vacuum: 3e-5 Torr
Bad vacuum: 5e-5 Torr
Omega slope: 0.99
Initiate autoramp: 1 A/min
Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 10:00 |
Flora Wu | | boat | | Done | carbonize PAN 10% discs | Thursday, June 09, 2022, 11:25
Total number of foils: 14 electrospun fiber pellets
Total weight = 208.3 g
container has 3 Ta heat shields.
Desired temperature at 1800 C
Omega slope set at 0.990
Good vac = 3.0e-5 Torr,
Bad vac = 5.0e-5 Torr.
Pumping down in progress
Thursday, June 09, 2022, 11:25
chamber pumped down below 5e-5
initiate auto ramping, 1A/min ----> 100 A
(see eLog 581)
Friday, July 31, 2020, 11:16 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-1 | TARGET BOAT | Done | Thermocouple measurent of boat temperature | Boat with attached thermocouple type C with AREMCO ceramabond glue installed in evap2 the 30-07-2020
Vacuum 3.2e-6torr in IGP1 after night with the roughing pump and morning with turbo.
TGHT heater on.
ramp up started
1A/20s up to 200A
Thermocouple de-attached at about 400A.
Target cooled down. 1A/10s
Turbo and roughing pump off. System left with present vacuum over night. Tomorrow inspection. |
Wednesday, August 05, 2020, 19:14 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-1 | TARGET BOAT | Done | Parasitic target cooling test | 2020-08-05 7.13pm Roughing pump on
2020-08-06 10:48am Turbo was turned on by Marla in the morning. Vacuum IGP1 4e-6Torr. Water leak check performed, everything good to start heating up target. Waiting for Anders confirmation to start.
2020-08-06 4:38pm after changing setup to metallic connections only. Roughing on. After some minutes abnormal behavior in vacuum.

Turning water off to see if it is a small water leak.
Water purged, no change in vacuum.

IEVAP2:RV1 was closed. After opening, normal vacuum behavior recovered. The valve is automatically closing when reaching 100Torr. Wasn't doing that before. Turbo on now.
2020-08-07 9:24am pumping over night, vacuum at 8e-7torr. Everything ready for test. Ramping up target heater.Up to 50A 1A/20s
2020-08-07 9:48am all good at 50A, ramping to 250 1A/10s
2020-08-07 10:27am all good at 250A, ramping to 400 1A/10s
2020-08-07 10:57am all good at 400A, ramping to 500 1A/10s
2020-08-07 11:17am Tc type C might have been deatached at 500A, ramping to 600 1A/10s
2020-08-07 11:37am All good, ramping to 700 1A/10s
2020-08-07 11:58am 1950degC on pyrometer, 1200degC on type C TC (probably not well attached anymore), TCs on heatshield [30-40]degC. Pressure 9e-6Torr
2020-08-07 12:44pm All values stable after 45min, starting to ramp up parasitic target heating elements.
2020-08-07 1:15pm Open circuit, would seem that one of the heating elements cracked. Cooling down the target.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 10:17 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-1 | TARGET BOAT | In progress | Contamination foils temperature test | The target was prepared and put under vacuum on 2020-08-10
2020-08-11 10:16am The pressure is 1e-6Torr. Leak checked performed, water on no problem. Starting to set target heating curve. 1A/10s up to 300A
2020-08-11 11:23am target at 300A-1200degC Temperatures on exposed foil show to be higher than expected. 300degC already, 70degC on covered by foil thermocouple. Putting 50 more amps at 1A/10s
2020-08-11 12:11pm target at 350A-1340degC. 350degC on exposed thermocouple. Ramping to 400A 1A/10s.
2020-08-11 12:28pm target at 400A-1420degC. 400degC on exposed thermocouple. Ramping to 450A 1A/10s. |
Friday, October 09, 2020, 09:50 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | TARGET BOAT | Done | Tests, radiation gun for parasitic target | 2020-10-09 9:48 The target was installed the day before and left pumping over night. IGP1=4.7e-7Torr. leak check when water on, ok. Setting ramp up
2020-10-09 10:16 Ramping up the target to 50A, 1.5A/30s. All good. Going to 200A same rate.
2020-10-09 11:11 Target at 200A. Pyrometer 1170degC. ramping to 300A same rate.
2020-10-09 11:51 Target at 300A. Pyr. 1510. Ramping to 400A same rate.
2020-10-09 12:27 Target at 400A. Pyr. 1820. Ramping to 500A same rate.
2020-10-09 13:01 Target at 500A. Pyr. 2100. Ramping down to 0A 2A/30s. |
Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 11:15 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | TARGET BOAT | Done | foil heating | 2020-10-13 11:13 Target was left under vacuum over the weekend. IGP1: 1.6e-7T water on- leak check ok. Ramping up 2A/30s to 100A.
2020-10-13 11:47 All ok at 100A. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 200A.
2020-10-13 12:08 All ok at 200A. Temp tc on foil 200degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 300A.
2020-10-13 12:08 All ok at 300A. Temp tc on foil 340degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 400A.
2020-10-13 12:48 All ok at 400A. Temp tc on foil 474degC. pyro shows 1050degC Ramping up, 1A/10s to 500A.
2020-10-13 13:06 All ok at 500A. Temp tc on foil 615degC. pyro shows 1238degC Ramping down, 1A/10s to 0A.
2020-10-13 17:04 The foil has been replaced due to suspected radiation transparency being the cause of low measured temperatures. A graphite and tantalum pack is now attached. Vacuum is back to IGP1: 9.5e-6T. Ramping up to 100A, 1A/10s.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 100A. Temp tc on foil 80degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 200A.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 200A. Temp tc on foil 310degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 300A.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 300A. Temp tc on foil 468degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 400A.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 400A. Temp tc on foil 598degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 500A.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 500A. Temp tc on foil 700degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 600A.
2020-10-13 17:31 All ok at 600A. Temp tc on foil 760degC. Ramping down, 1A/20s to 0A.
2020-10-14 17:09 foils for radiation focusing have been replaced and doubled to reduce transmission. IGP1:1.5e-5T , water leak check ok. Ramping up to 100A 1A/10s.
2020-10-14 17:30 All ok at 100A. Temp tc on foil 60degC. Ramping up, 1A/10s to 500A.
2020-10-14 17:50 All ok at 200A. Temp tc on foil 378degC.
2020-10-14 18:10 All ok at 300A. Temp tc on foil 550degC.
2020-10-14 18:10 All ok at 400A. Temp tc on foil 705degC.
2020-10-14 18:10 All ok at 500A. Temp tc on foil 816degC.Ramping up, 1A/10s to 600A.
2020-10-14 18:10 All ok at 600A. Temp tc on foil 906degC.Ramping up, 1A/10s to 625A.
2020-10-14 18:10 All ok at 625A, IGP1: 1.3e-5T. Temp tc on foil 924degC.Ramping up, 1A/10s to 650A.
2020-10-14 19:21 All ok at 650A. Temp tc on foil 940degC.Ramping down, 1A/10s to 0A. Pyrometer on foil 1200degC
Thursday, October 15, 2020, 18:51 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | TARGET BOAT | Done | heat gun plus parasitic target thermal comissioning. | 2020-10-15 18:51 : Setup installed during the day. Pumped down to IGP1:1.5e-5T , water leak check ok. Ramping up to 100A.
2020-10-15 19:30 : A heating element was showing bad signs and failed very early. ramping down and venting. |
Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 10:25 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | TARGET BOAT | Done | parasitic target commissioning | 2020-10-27 10:24 setup introduced yesterday. Pumping over night IGP1: 5.7e-7T. Water leak check ok. Performing heating elements check.
2020-10-27 10:43 Heating elements check show low cooling. Ramping up target 1A/15s to 200A.
2020-10-27 11:54 all ok 200A, thermocouples show room temperature on cartridge and heat shield. Ramping up target 2A/10s to 300A.
2020-10-27 11:54 all ok 300A, thermocouples show 28/25degC. Ramping up target 2A/10s to 400A.
2020-10-27 11:54 all ok 400A, thermocouples show 36.5/29degC. Ramping up target 2A/10s to 500A.
2020-10-27 11:54 all ok 500A, thermocouples show 48.9/33degC. Ramping up target 2A/15s to 550A.
2020-10-27 12:43 all ok 550A, thermocouples show 55/34degC. Ramping up target 2A/15s to 600A.
2020-10-27 12:43 all ok 600A, thermocouples show 61.5/35.2degC. Ramping up target 2A/15s to 625A.
2020-10-27 13:14 all ok 625A, thermocouples show 64.6/34.2degC. Ramping up target 2A/15s to 650A. |
Monday, November 02, 2020, 18:32 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | TARGET BOAT | Done | HEA heat treatment | 2020-11-02 6:32: roughing on
2020-11-02 7:21: Turbo on for a while, IGP1:1.8e-5T . water leak check ok.
2020-11-02 7:47: IGP1:1e-5T . Ramping up target heater to 200A, 1A/10s.
2020-11-02 7:47: TGHT at 275A, pyrometer at 1300degC. Leaving it hot for 24h.
2020-11-04 9:06: After 37h treatment, ramping down to 0A.2A/10s.
2020-11-04 9:46: target ramped down. Venting.
2020-11-04 17:30: Big amounts of outgassing non detected in GP1 coated some inner walls in evap2. The walls got cleaned with acetone. All as before now.
Attachment 2: 20201104_144831.jpg
Wednesday, November 04, 2020, 17:31 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-2 | TARGET BOAT | Done | Parasitic target graphite outgassing. | 2020-11-04 17:31: target installed with boat containing graphite container for outgassing. Roughing pump on.
2020-11-04 17:49 turbo on, leaving it pumping over night.
2020-11-05 11:32 leak check ok. Ramping up target to 200A 2A/10s.
2020-11-05 11:53 IGP1:1.1e-6T . Ramping up target to 300A 1A/10s.
2020-11-05 11:53 IGP1:1.2e-6T . Pyrometer:1320degC. Ramping up target to 400A 1A/10s.
2020-11-05 11:53 IGP1:1.8e-6T . Pyrometer:1650degC. Ramping up target to 500A 1A/10s.
2020-11-05 12:57 IGP1:3.4e-6T . Pyrometer:1910degC. Ramping up target to 525A 1A/10s.
2020-11-05 13:02 IGP1:3.6e-6T . Pyrometer:1990degC. Leaving it hot for 1h.
2020-11-05 14:00 IGP1:2e-6T stable . Pyrometer:1990degC. cooling down 2A/10s.
Thursday, November 05, 2020, 15:13 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-2 | TARGET BOAT | Done | cleaning treatment. | 2020-11-05 15:44 empty and naked boat in for heating up system and clean up. Turbo on.
2020-11-06 16:58 IGP1:4e-7T leak check ok. Ramping up target to 500A. 1A/10s.
2020-11-09 12:43 The target was left at 1500degC during the weekend.
2020-11-17 14:11 turbo pump off. Slow venting.
2020-11-18 09:18 Evap2 vented. Target removed. |
Friday, February 26, 2021, 09:28 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | none | | Done | Parasitic target thermal tests | Tests were performed with external power supply. No target boat or container.
Small power on heating small heating elements on parasitic target attached on isac heatshield with water cooling on.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 19:49 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 44139-7-SK | | Done | Parasitic target thermal tests | 2021-03-30 7:48 Target loaded with parasitic target only. No container. Leaving under vacuum over night.
2021-03-31 13:43 Leak check performed. Water on. Need to vent system, electric connection disconnected.
2021-03-31 15:02 First test successfully finished. Venting to introduce container with radiating heating gun.
2021-04-01 14:58 Vacuum 3.5E-7 torr. Leak check done. Ramping up target heater to 100A at 1A/10s
2021-04-01 14:58 Vacuum 5E-7, 100A all ok. Temp foil 24.3DegC. ramping to 500A at 1A/10s.
2021-04-01 14:58 Temp of foil not increasing much. Probably issue with TC. ramping down at 1A/10s to vent and inspect.
2021-04-02 11:03 Target reinstalled, foil TC reinstalled. Vacuum 3E-7 torr. Leak check done. Ramping up container to 500A 1A/10s.
2021-04-02 13:07 Still isues with TC. Container ramped down at 1A/10s. Venting, brought heat gun to check TC.
2021-04-02 15:10 TC connection fixed, origin of issues. Vacuum down to 3E-5 torr. Ramping up container to 200A 1A/10s.
2021-04-02 18:32 TGTH 200A Tc temp 327.5degC. ramping up to 300A. 1A/10s.
2021-04-02 18:32 TGTH 300A Tc temp 500degC. ramping up to 400A. 1A/10s.
2021-04-02 19:17 TGTH 400A Tc temp 618degC. ramping down.
2021-04-03 13:37 Foil was changed, ramped up to 200A at 1A/10s, Temp TC 360degC. Ramping to 300A. Vac 8.6E-6 torr.
2021-04-03 13:59 300A Temp TC 580degC. Ramping to 500A, 1A/10s. Vac 7.6E-6 torr.
2021-04-03 14:36 500A Temp TC 836degC. Ramping to 600A, 1A/10s. Vac 9E-6 torr.
2021-04-03 14:36 600A Temp TC 960degC. Vac 1.1E-5 torr. Ramping down.
2021-04-03 19:00 After venting an opening the evap2, it was found that remaining from a past heat treatment where on the Tantalum container. The sublimation of the material coated the inner walls of the evap.2. Now cleaned.
Attachment 1: 20210403_174815.jpg
Attachment 2: 20210403_183102.jpg
Sunday, April 04, 2021, 16:09 |
Ferran Boix Pamies | Empty | 41882-2 | TARGET BOAT | Done | parasitic target commissioning | 2021-04-04 16:07 New container is in with heatshields, vacuum 8.6E-6 torr. leak check done. ramping up current, checking both pyrometer and TC, 1A/10s.
2021-04-04 16:49 200A TGHT 250degC on TC 1130degC on pyrometer. Too low on TC, ramping down and venting to reposition TC in the foil.
2021-04-04 18:00 TC was slightly broken, repaired now. Pumping chamber.
2021-04-04 18:41 ramping up to 200A 1A/10s.
2021-04-04 18:41 200A TGHT, TC 389degC pyro 1130degC. ramping to 400A 1A/10s.
2021-04-04 18:41 300A TGHT, TC 554degC pyro 1440degC.
2021-04-04 18:41 400A TGHT, TC 735degC pyro 1720degC. ramping to 600A 1A/10s.
2021-04-04 20:15 500A TGHT, TC 891degC pyro 1990degC
2021-04-04 20:15 553A TGHT, TC 975degC pyro 2129degC, ramping down.
2021-04-06 13:44 Parasitic target plus thermocouples were introduced in evap2 the day before and put under vacuum. IG1 3E-7 torr, leak check done. Putting some power into HE while ramping up container to 100A 1a/10s.
2021-04-06 14:06 20W on HE 100A on target container. Everything stable. Ramping up to 200A 1A/10s
2021-04-06 14:06 20W on HE 200A on target container. Everything stable. Ramping up to 300A 1A/10s
2021-04-06 14:06 20W on HE 300A on target container. Everything stable 4.6E-7 torr. Ramping up HE to 40W.
2021-04-06 14:06 40W on HE 300A on target container. Everything stable 4.6E-7 torr. Ramping up container to 400A 1A/10s.
2021-04-06 14:06 40W on HE 400A on target container. Everything stable 1E-6 torr. Ramping up container to 500A 1A/10s.
2021-04-06 15:52 35W on HE 500A on target container. Everything stable 1.6E-6 torr. Ramping up He to 65W.
2021-04-06 18:40 at 50W on HE one of them broke, system ramped down, vented, HE replaced, pumping down system again.
2021-04-07 10:38 HE at 70W, ramping up container to 200A 1A/10s. Vacuum 3.3E-7 torr.
2021-04-07 10:59 HE at 70W, 200A on container, ramping up container to 300A 1A/10s. Vacuum 3.9E-7 torr.
2021-04-07 10:59 HE at 65W, 300A on container, ramping up container to 400A 1A/10s. Vacuum 4.5E-7 torr.
2021-04-07 11:50 HE at 70W, 400A on container, ramping up container to 500A 1A/10s. Vacuum 7.8E-7 torr.
2021-04-07 11:50 HE at 65W, 500A on container, ramping up container to 553A 1A/10s. Vacuum 1.4E-6 torr.
2021-04-07 11:50 HE at 65W, 553A on container. All good, ramping down. 1A,10s. |