1st test polarity 1
10:12 am Begin pumping down to rough vacuum
12:50 pm begin ramping up towards 2000C. Ta tube only, welded thermocouple mount
3:08 Ta tube reached 2000C, began ramping down. The ramping up process was smooth and no hiccups happened
4:57 ramp down complete, began shutting down the evap2, will let the turbopump to slow down spin overnight.
2nd test polarity 2(swapped)
Tuesday, Aug 09 2022, 4pm begin pumping to vacuum after switching the polarity of the power supply
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 13:09 begin ramping up
3:18 ramped to 671A. 2000C, no hiccups, everything is nominal. The thermocouple reads higher than before, about 20-30 deg C colder than pyro at high temperatures (1400C and above)
No bad connections, short circuits or unexpected overheating.
begin ramping down
ramping down was smooth, with error being the TC about 40 deg C colder than pyro at temp above 1500C
ramping done completed at Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 16:46 , shutting down evap 2 roughing and turbopump |