Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 1 of 34  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Target Material Target Oven W.O# Source Status Subject
  67   Friday, April 19, 2013, 09:39 Rick MaharajEmpty  Donethermocouple Feedthru

 A thermocouple feedthru was installed via 9 pin sub-D connector. It runs from the the conflat cross on the top of the evaporator to the upper 9 pin connector of the target mounting plate.

  218   Thursday, June 18, 2015, 11:39 Rick Maharaj    Installation of Extraction Electrode Insulator - New Material

Tuesday June 16, 2015

An Extraction Insulator ITD0381 made from a different grade of AiN was installed in Evaporator 2 for testing purposes. The sub assembly included the SIS Restraint Housing ITD0389, New Extraction Insulator ITD0381, Repeller Electrode ITD0377, Extraction Electrode ITD0374 with fingerstock mounted.

The standoff insulator ITD0400 was found to be swelled up and broken. It was replaced with and glazed alumina insulator.

The tube heater Insulator ITD0342 - central support helicoil was repaired.

  2   Thursday, July 21, 2011, 17:33 Pierre Bricault   Maintenance 
Rick mentioned to me that the evaporator is ready for the next steps of the commissioning process.
In the chamber only the target leg heaters have current by-pass clamps on them. 
The ionizer tube heaters do not have them because these lines do not have the same configuration as the others. The current by-pass clamps will 
not fit these lines.

We may not need this for the commissioning, Rick will design and manufacture something  for this when I get back from holiday.

The water is on in all circuits except for the power supply cooling circuit.

  147   Friday, August 01, 2014, 11:47 Peter Kunz  40282-3LP-SISIn progressZrC #6 conditioning

The maximum current of 580A was reached at 9:15.



IGP1:RDVAC 3.8e-6

The temperature was measured with the Minolta 2-color pyrometer:

from the side - inside target container : ~1200 deg C

from the front trough hole in the heat shield : ~1800 deg C


  148   Friday, August 01, 2014, 13:27 Peter Kunz  40282-3LP-SISIn progressZrC #6 conditioning

Target was conditioned for 4 hours at 580A.

Initiating ramp-down sequence @ 2A/min


  6   Monday, March 19, 2012, 17:10 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #1 DoneSintering BeO pellets

 Monday, March 19, 2012, 17:04


Target boat contains 4 BeO pellets with 30% PVB:

Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1   4.943,  0.9628,  1.265

2  4.930,  0.9685,  1.276

3  4.758,  0.9607,  1.312

4  4.979,  0.9872,  1.288


Target chamber is currently being pumped down. Leak check will be done tomorrow by turning on the cooling water for the heat shield. 


Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 18:30

The Evaporator #2 backing pump (IEVAP2BP1) muffler has been connected to the exhaust system.

The auto-ramp program has been tested today and works well.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 500 A, between 5.00e-05 and 6.00e-05 Torr.

ISAC ops have been informed of the process and they will include it in their walkaround.

  10   Thursday, March 22, 2012, 17:56 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #1 DoneSintering BeO pellets

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Monday, March 19, 2012, 17:04


Target boat contains 4 BeO pellets with 30% PVB:

Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1   4.943,  0.9628,  1.265

2  4.930,  0.9685,  1.276

3  4.758,  0.9607,  1.312

4  4.979,  0.9872,  1.288


Target chamber is currently being pumped down. Leak check will be done tomorrow by turning on the cooling water for the heat shield. 


Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 18:30

The Evaporator #2 backing pump (IEVAP2BP1) muffler has been connected to the exhaust system.

The auto-ramp program has been tested today and works well.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 500 A, between 5.00e-05 and 6.00e-05 Torr.

ISAC ops have been informed of the process and they will include it in their walkaround.

After sintering at up to 500 A (~1000°C), the 4 BeO pellets have shrunk and feel robust. We can manipulate them with tweesers or hands. Also we can drop them from a couple of inches high and they don't break.

One of the pellets rolled to the extremity of the target boat tube and still has black traces from bad sintering on one side.


Sample,  Thickness (mm),  Mass (g),  Diameter (mm),  Density (g/cm3)

1  3.688,  0.7118,  11.231,  1.948

2  3.822,  0.7196,  11.241,  1.897

3  3.810,  0.7037,  11.188,  1.879

4  3.803,  0.7077,  11.269,  1.866


The average thickness before sintering was 4.90 mm. After sintering, 3.78 mm. Thus the average thickness loss is 1.12 mm (22.9%)

The average mass before sintering was 0.9698 g. After sintering, 0.7107 g. Thus the average mass loss is 0.2591 g (26.7%)

The average diameter before sintering was 14.35 mm. After sintering, 11.23 mm. Thus the average diameter loss is 3.12 mm (21.7%)

The average density after sintering is 1.897 g/cm3, compared to the density of BeO (3.01 g/cm3). Thus the pellets have a BeO density of 63.0%.


Evaporator #2 is now off.

  11   Thursday, March 29, 2012, 19:30 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #1 DoneSintering new BeO pellets

 Thursday, March 29, 2012, 19:17


Target boat contains 3 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1    9.06,  1.9713,  1.413

2    9.11,  1.9900,  1.419

3  13.54,  1.9916,  0.956


Samples 1 and 2 are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was washed with excess acetone and let to dry on a greased baking sheet (with PAM Butter flavoured). The flakes were then milled for 26 minutes at 400 RPM. It resulted in a very fine grey powder, much denser than the BeO powder with 30% PVB (not washed with acetone) that was used for Sample 3.

The initial settings on Evaporator #2 were 100 A and 0.83 V until the vacuum increased.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 700 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 5.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 6.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).




  14   Monday, April 02, 2012, 16:26 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #1 DoneSintering new BeO pellets

John Wong wrote:

John Wong wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Thursday, March 29, 2012, 19:17


Target boat contains 3 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1    9.06,  1.9713,  1.413

2    9.11,  1.9900,  1.416

3  13.54,  1.9916,  0.956


Samples 1 and 2 are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was washed with excess acetone and let to dry on a greased baking sheet (with PAM Butter flavoured). The flakes were then milled for 26 minutes at 400 RPM. It resulted in a very fine grey powder, much denser than the BeO powder with 30% PVB (not washed with acetone) that was used for Sample 3.

The initial settings on Evaporator #2 were 100 A and 0.83 V until the vacuum increased.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 700 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 5.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 6.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).




 Thursday, March 29, 2012, 22:31:

TGHT tripped off a few times over the past hours.  After changing the Good Vac to 2.00e-5 torr and Bad Vac to 3.00e-5 Torr, the target heater are regulating properly and the max pressure is well maintained below 6.5e-5 Torr [Trip point @ 8.0e-5 Torr].  (see attachment#1: parameter.jpg)

Friday, March 30, 2012, 23:19  

Archive of the target current and vacuum over the past 24 hours.  (see attachment #1: archive_24hr)

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 12:12

The organic materials have been burnt off.  The target heater ramping up is no longer restricted by the vacuum limit. 

Archive of the target current and vacuum over the past 10 hours. (see attachment #2: TGHT@240A). 

 Saturday, March 31, 2012, 22:52

TGHT has stayed at 700A/12.37V, local @ 693A/12.43 = Temp @ 1780C.  

The striptool shows some out-gassing when TGHT reached to 700A. (see attachment #3 marked with black circle: TGHT@700A.jpg)

Increasing TGHT to 750A to see if there is any further reaction...  

Sunday, April 01, 2012, 10:24  

TGHT was ramped up to 750A, local 730A/13.90V.  The pressure has come down to low 10e-6 but not stable;  Some reaction may be ongoing therefore it's causing the vacuum excursion.  (See attachment #4: TGHT @ 750A).  Notice the current readback is not constant and it's slowly decreasing as the voltage readback is increasing.  There might be some resistant building up.

--> Initiating the cool-down process at 2A/min. 

Sunday, April 01, 2012, 19:30  

TGHT has ramped down to 0A, and the pressure is going down (currently at 7.e-8 Torr) with no excursion.  (see attachment #5: TGHT@0A). 

The chamber will be vented tomorrow, and the target materials will be inspected. 


 Monday, April 02, 2012, 16:11

After sintering , the 3 BeO pellets have shrunk and feel robust.

The first sample ate through the Ta target boat, shrank a lot and has white and black marks. We suspect the PAM (mostly made of canola oil) to be responsible for the boat damage and the weird sintering process (see John's posts).

Sample 2 is holding well.

Sample 3, which was not washed with acetone, shows some cracks.


Sample,   Thickness (mm),   Mass (g),  Density (g/cm3)

1    -----,  0.6254,  -----

2   5.81,  0.9229,  1.032

3   8.89,  1.1073,  0.809


The average mass before sintering was 1.9843 g. After sintering, 0.8852 g. Thus the average mass loss is 0.9757  (49.0%).


We are starting a new batch of treated powder washed with acetone without PAM.




  16   Thursday, April 05, 2012, 16:40 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #2 DoneSintering BeO pellets #3

Thursday, April 05, 2012, 16:31

Target boat contains 6 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Mass (g),   Thickness (mm),   Density (g/cm3)

1   1.2842,    5.406,        1.4647
2   1.2619,    5.150,        1.5108
3   1.2886,    5.316,        1.4946
4   1.2858,    5.310,        1.4931

5   1.3382,    5.520,        1.4948
6   1.3916,    5.650,        1.5187


Samples are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was treated at 400 RPM for 26 minutes. A ratio of 1:0.1 of mineral oil was added before another high speed treatment for 10 minutes. The powder was then pressed into pellets.

Pellets are loaded on a target boat coated/sintered with TaC. The target boat is wrapped with a Ta foil that is 0.002 inches thick.

**** Sintering is postponed until the situation with the ventilation in the lab06 is cleared. ****


  22   Friday, May 18, 2012, 12:19 Nikita BernierSiC38481-2HP-SISDoneRe-condition the HP-SIS SiC target

John Wong wrote:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 12:24

The HP-SIS SiC target was made on Nov 03, 2010.  The target consists of 405 discs, 18.5cm in length.  It was sintered in the Evaporator#1. 

This target is going into Evap#2 for re-conditioning.  It is currently being pumped down. 


Friday, May 18, 2012, 12:19 

The target is wrapped with only one heat shield.

Evaporator #2 Target Heater is now auto-ramping at 0.5 A/min, up to 820 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 2 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum). Tube Heater is auto-ramping at 0.5 A/min, up to 230 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 1 V. See attachments.

  24   Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 12:15 Nikita BernierSiC38481-2HP-SISDoneRe-condition the HP-SIS SiC target

John Wong wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

John Wong wrote:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 12:24

The HP-SIS SiC target was made on Nov 03, 2010.  The target consists of 405 discs, 18.5cm in length.  It was sintered in the Evaporator#1. 

This target is going into Evap#2 for re-conditioning.  It is currently being pumped down. 


Friday, May 18, 2012, 12:19 

The target is wrapped with only one heat shield.

Evaporator #2 Target Heater is now auto-ramping at 0.5 A/min, up to 820 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 2 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum). Tube Heater is auto-ramping at 0.5 A/min, up to 230 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 1 V. See attachments.

 Friday, May 18, 2012, 13:15

Increased TBHT voltage to 5V, and TGHT to 15V.  Currently, TBHT =83A, 0.986V, TGHT= 144A, 1.65V, IGP1 = 5.2e-7 Torr, IGP2 = 4.3e-7 Torr. 

Continue ramping up... 

 Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 12:02

TGHT and TBHT were ramped up to 830A/13.65V (local), and 235A/3.85V, respectively.  The target was conditioned over the long weekend.  


 Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 12:13

Initiating the cool-down process at 5 A/min.

See archive plots of the Target Heater (Attachment 1) and the Tube Heater (Attachment 2).

  26   Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 16:45 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #2 DoneSintering BeO pellets #3

Nikita Bernier wrote:

Thursday, April 05, 2012, 16:31

Target boat contains 6 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Mass (g),   Thickness (mm),   Density (g/cm3)

1   1.2842,    5.406,        1.4647
2   1.2619,    5.150,        1.5108
3   1.2886,    5.316,        1.4946
4   1.2858,    5.310,        1.4931

5   1.3382,    5.520,        1.4948
6   1.3916,    5.650,        1.5187


Samples are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was treated at 400 RPM for 26 minutes. A ratio of 1:0.1 of mineral oil was added before another high speed treatment for 10 minutes. The powder was then pressed into pellets.

Pellets are loaded on a target boat coated/sintered with TaC. The target boat is wrapped with a Ta foil that is 0.002 inches thick.

**** Sintering is postponed until the situation with the ventilation in the lab06 is cleared. ****


 Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 16:44

Target chamber is currently being pumped down. Leak check will be done tomorrow by turning on the cooling water for the heat shield.

  29   Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 15:43 Nikita BernierBeOTarget boat #2 FailedSintering BeO pellets #3

John Wong wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

Thursday, April 05, 2012, 16:31

Target boat contains 6 BeO pellets :

Sample,   Mass (g),   Thickness (mm),   Density (g/cm3)

1   1.2842,    5.406,        1.4647
2   1.2619,    5.150,        1.5108
3   1.2886,    5.316,        1.4946
4   1.2858,    5.310,        1.4931

5   1.3382,    5.520,        1.4948
6   1.3916,    5.650,        1.5187


Samples are made of BeO powder with 30% PVB which was treated at 400 RPM for 26 minutes. A ratio of 1:0.1 of mineral oil was added before another high speed treatment for 10 minutes. The powder was then pressed into pellets.

Pellets are loaded on a target boat coated/sintered with TaC. The target boat is wrapped with a Ta foil that is 0.002 inches thick.

**** Sintering is postponed until the situation with the ventilation in the lab06 is cleared. ****


 Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 16:44

Target chamber is currently being pumped down. Leak check will be done tomorrow by turning on the cooling water for the heat shield.

 Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 17:38

TGHT was stepped up to about 55A before the auto ramping was initiated.  The vacuum limit parameter was set for good vac at <4.0 e-5 Torr and bad vac at >5.0 e0-5 Torr. 

The pressure is coming close to the trip limit (8.5 e-5 Torr) (see attachment 1: strip tool over the past 5 hours).  Changed the vacuum limit parameter:  good vac =3.0e-5 Torr, bad vac= 4.0e-5 Torr. 

 Saturday, May 26, 2012, 10:44

TGHT is auto ramping up smoothly as the pressure is regulating between 1e-5 to 4 e-5 torr.  (See attachment 2, past 21 hr)

Sunday, May 27, 2012, 12:25  

There could be a power bump  early this morning at 06:30hr, and tripped off the TGHT power supply (see attachment #3).  The computer in the cold lab was found to be off expectedly, so the alarm handler running on that computer was also shut off (*Need a UPS on this computer!)  

Called the ISAC Ops, and  nothing about any power bump around that time was noticed.  

Turned on TGHT p/s and set TGHT at 318A, local at 315A/4.58V.  TGHT has been running for about 10 mins.  Currently vac at 4.2e-7 Torr.  

Sunday, May 27, 2012, 12:35

Initiating TGHT auto ramping... 

 Monday, May 28, 2012, 00:20

TGHT has reached to 600A and will remain at that current for the rest of the night.  The target oven temperature will be measured tomorrow.

See attachment#4 for the striptool over the past 10hr.

 Monday, May 28, 2012, 10:56

TGHT stayed at 600A for about 12 hours.  Pressure gradually came down to 7.6e-7 Torr. (See attachment #5). 

At TGHT=600A, The target boat temperature was measured at 1400C (with the pyrometer), and the Ta-heat shield (1-layer) was at 1050C. [Note: These temperature measurements are very closed to the measurements with an empty LP target (with not heat shield), TGHT @ 600A = 1360C].

Monday, May 28, 2012, 11:04

Due to the water leak from the Evap2 chiller, the system has to be shut off for inspection. 

TGHT was tapped down to 0A.  The target was cooled down for about 20min before the chiller was turned off.

Will continue with the process after the problem is solved...


 Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 15:30

Evap2 was vented out and the pellets were taken out of the boat and examined.

The six pellets are cracked and have a greyish colour. The cracking is probably caused by the instant cooling and reheating when the system tripped on Sunday morning.

The light grey colour and white spots suggest that the sintering process was not completed and so the shrinkage cannot be determined.

A new batch of BeO pellets will have to be prepared and sintered in order to determine the dimensions of the final die.


  31   Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 17:29 Nikita BernierNiOTa target boat DoneNiO development

Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 17:23

New Target boat, with no coating, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, contains 3 NiO pellets :

Sample,   # Disks,    Mass (g),    Thickness (mm)

1    12,  1.9396,  1.938

2    13,  0.9592,  0.847

3    25,  2.6675,  3.06

See John's Ipad for their recipes.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 0.5 A/min, up to 580 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 3.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 4.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).

Thursday, June 21, 2012, 18:14  

See attachment #1, 2 for the density measurements and the graph for the disc thickness  -JW 


  39   Friday, August 10, 2012, 19:57 Nikita Bernier   DoneSintering Ta foil with TaO coating

 Friday, August 10, 2012, 19:54


Target boat with TaC coating, inside covered with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, contains a Ta foil with TaO coating.

See John's Ipad for their recipes.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 0.2 A/min, up to 830 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).


  40   Saturday, August 11, 2012, 19:21 Nikita Bernier   DoneSintering Ta foil with TaO coating

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Friday, August 10, 2012, 19:54


Target boat with TaC coating, inside covered with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, contains a Ta foil with TaO coating.

See John's Ipad for their recipes.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 0.2 A/min, up to 830 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).


 Saturday, August 11, 2012, 19:15

Heating process was going smoothly up to 400 A. See Attachment 1.

Around 420 A, vacuum went up again and the voltage increased more quickly. It seems like resistance is building up. After reaching 530 A, the current was tapped down to 420 A in an effort to save the Ta boat. See Attachment 2.

The current will stay at 420 A for the weekend until John takes a look at this.


  41   Monday, August 13, 2012, 13:50 Nikita Bernier   DoneSintering Ta foil with TaO coating

Nikita Bernier wrote:

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Friday, August 10, 2012, 19:54


Target boat with TaC coating, inside covered with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil, contains a Ta foil with TaO coating.

See John's Ipad for their recipes.

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 0.2 A/min, up to 830 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum).


 Saturday, August 11, 2012, 19:15

Heating process was going smoothly up to 400 A. See Attachment 1.

Around 420 A, vacuum went up again and the voltage increased more quickly. It seems like resistance is building up. After reaching 530 A, the current was tapped down to 420 A in an effort to save the Ta boat. See Attachment 2.

The current will stay at 420 A for the weekend until John takes a look at this.


 Monday, August 13, 2012, 13:46

 TGHT was ramped down at 2 A/min and then tapped down to 0A. See Attachment 1.  The target boat will be cooled down for about an hour before turning off the chiller.















  46   Monday, September 24, 2012, 15:12 Nikita BernierTaC  DoneSintering Ta foil with TaC coating

 Monday, September 24, 2012, 15:01

The target boat with TaC coating is being used again. The inside of the boat is covered with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil with TaC coating, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil.

Chamber was pumped down to 6e-6 Torr before the Heat Shield cooling water valve was opened. A small vacuum bump was detected (See attachment #1). It is not clear if it was caused by a water leak or not.

After consulting with Peter, I will wait for the vacuum to be below e-07 Torr before turning the target heater on.




  47   Monday, September 24, 2012, 18:09 Nikita BernierTaC  DoneSintering Ta foil with TaC coating

Nikita Bernier wrote:

 Monday, September 24, 2012, 15:01

The target boat with TaC coating is being used again. The inside of the boat is covered with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil with TaC coating, wrapped with a 0.002 inches thick Ta foil.

Chamber was pumped down to 6e-6 Torr before the Heat Shield cooling water valve was opened. A small vacuum bump was detected (See attachment #1). It is not clear if it was caused by a water leak or not.

After consulting with Peter, I will wait for the vacuum to be below e-07 Torr before turning the target heater on.




 Monday, September 24, 2012, 18:02

The vacuum was stable until 1e-06 Torr. The target heater was turned on and tapped up to 60 A (0.8 V). 

Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 0.2 A/min, up to 800-850 A, with the maximum voltage limited at 14 V, between 2.00e-05 (Good vacuum) and 3.00e-05 Torr (Bad vacuum). 


 Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 15:11

Sintering process is going smoothly. See Attachment 1. The auto-ramping was increased to 1 A/min up to 800-850 A.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 16:11 

And the voltage limit was increased to 18 V ! See Attachment 2.


 Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 19:13

Around 806 A (readback), voltage increased more quickly than the current. It seems like resistance is building up. After reaching 836 A (readback), the current was tapped down to 800 A (readback)/ 816 A (setting) in an effort to save the Ta boat. See Attachment 3. The current will stay at 800 A for ~4 hours before ramping down.



ELOG V2.9.2-2455