Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Test-Stand, Page 15 of 53  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Authordown Target/No.# Source Station Module Target Oven W.O# Heat Shield W.O# Status Subject
  92   Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 16:18 Aurelia LaxdalSiC#27HP-SISITETM4  In progressTarget/Ion source conditioning

Did the HV conditioning up to 30kV and started to ramp up the heaters to 580A and 230A.

  94   Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 18:10 Aurelia Laxdal  ITETM4   SiC#27 cooling down

Today: did a mass scan at 580A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT at 30kV. Found some A/q units discrepancies on the mass scan page. It may be a hall probe problem:  under investigations.

Uploaded the testing file on Docushare: http://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-8539/Document-56575

Started the cool down.

  102   Friday, June 01, 2012, 12:23 Aurelia LaxdalTa#38LP-SISITWTM1  In progressHV & Heaters conditioning.

Did the HV conditioning.

Heaters conditioning in progress.

The Hall probe is not working: couldn't pass 35.5 units (readback) or 50.16 units (setpoint) at field -3710G.

Tried to turn ON/OFF magnet PS and to reboot Canbus, but nothing worked. Still waiting for E-Fault 6031 to be resolved.

Started cool-down.

  113   Thursday, June 28, 2012, 15:14 Aurelia Laxdal LP-FEBIAD     Quick check

Just a quick check at the Test Stand:

1. The system operational (  white out not present ) with TSH:TBHT heating in progress.

2. Started the Archivers: for Source and Optics.

3. Removed bypass on TSH:SV5 since it's not necessary anymore.

4. Currently: TSH:TBHT=107A

  136   Monday, July 09, 2012, 11:14 Aurelia Laxdal       Test Stand status

Restarted the PC at the Test Stand.

Restarted the Archivers; currently pumping down the separator area.

  183   Monday, August 27, 2012, 13:21 Aurelia LaxdalNiO#1HP-FEBIADITETM4  In progressHV conditioning at Test Stand

Did HV conditioning up to TSG:BIAS=30kV, TSH=EE=-600V

Turned off the HV for Kazuya to check the connection/output of the TSG:TGHT Xantrex power supply.

  184   Monday, August 27, 2012, 15:21 Aurelia Laxdal      In progressXantrex PS 10-600 for TSH:TGHT is not working

When turned ON it was not going higher than 3.6A (EPICS/front panel). Kazuya checked the connections at the back and also the EPICS/PLC/PS input/output signals. He compared these values with the similar once of the TSH:TBHT PS (which is also a Xantrex PS 10-600). E-Fault 6275

It turned out to be the connections on the top of the ion source box: the target heater was not connected and the power supply was not seeing the load. Tomorrow we'll check all the top connections, with the corresponding power supplies.

  185   Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 16:57 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIADITETM4  In progressUpdates for NiO#1 at Test Stand

Tested the power supplies and locked up the HV cage.

Turned on the HV: 30kV.

Tomorrow we'll start up the heaters: 580A for the target and 280-300A for the tube.

  186   Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 11:34 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIADITETM4  In progressNiO#1 heating startup & few checks

Friedhelm checked the voltage across R4 from ISK4563D-rev2.pdf. It shows 50 kOhms with the power supplies off and everything connected according to the drawing. With the Anode PS On and set at 20V, we could see the same readback on EPICS and on the meter.

Then started the heater ramping: auto ramp 2A/min.

We'd be watching the vacuum carefully during this process. Also the setup is such that:

- the target and tube heaters are only incremented if the vacuum is less than 5e-6Torr

- and if the vacuum exceeds 2e-5Torr the last increment of the target and tube heater is backed off.

Pierre asked for the 2e-5Torr limit to be changed to 8e-6Torr.

Anders asked to stop the heating at 500A to take a temperature measurement.

Raising the target heater from 500A to 580A.

Did a mass scan at TGHT=580A & TBHT=280A:  Plotdump-local-clean.txt Aug29 12 19-53-16.txt


  187   Thursday, August 30, 2012, 14:34 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIADITETM4  In progressNiO#1 updates

Did another mass scan at 280A for the ionizer:

Plotdump-local-clean.txt Aug30 12 14-28-14.txt


Ramping up the TBHT from 280A -> 290A


And from 290A -> 300A:

Plotdump-local-clean.txt Aug30 12 16-40-29.txt


  188   Thursday, August 30, 2012, 16:51 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIADITETM4  In progressNiO#1 cooldown started

Started the cooldown.

  190   Friday, August 31, 2012, 11:12 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIADITETM4  DoneFinished testing NiO#1

Turned off the HV and the optics in the first section. Couldn't turn off the optics in the second section: left a message for Evgeniy.

Also TMS:RP2 is very noisy. Talked to Edi D. from vacuum group. He would work on it this afternoon. E-Fault#6282

  215   Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 16:10 Aurelia Laxdal       Conditioning - SiC-HP-FEBIAD for operator training

Did the HV conditioning up to 30kV.

Started the heaters conditioning:

for TSH:TGHT up to 580A

for TSH:TBHT up to 230A

  216   Thursday, September 27, 2012, 12:27 Aurelia Laxdal      In progressSiC-HP-FEBIAD for operator training

The source was used yesterday for operator training.

Today, I found the source off: the ISAC PLC Status was stopped. Kazuya re-started the PLC. I will re-start the source.

  217   Friday, September 28, 2012, 09:59 Aurelia Laxdal      In progressSiC-HP-FEBIAD for operator training - Source Off

Checked with ISAC Ops this morning and they are not available for FEBIAD training. Turned off the source until next week.

  218   Monday, October 01, 2012, 10:41 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIAD    In progressSiC-HP-FEBIAD for operator training - Source ON

Turned the source back ON. Heaters are ramping up.

  219   Wednesday, October 03, 2012, 13:50 Aurelia Laxdal HP-FEBIAD    In progressTraining updates

On Monday October 1, the HP-FEBIAD source was turned ON again, to complete the operator training. The last session was yesterday and for the time being the ISAC operators can play with the source when time allows, and from the ISAC Control room. For this purpose the source will be kept on this week and also over the week-end.

  221   Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 17:35 Aurelia Laxdal      Failedfound teststand tripped off

Friedhelm Ames wrote:

turbo pumps in source section and all ion gauges off all optics and heaters tripped. Reason unknown.

 Checked the Archiver and the striptool: TSG:TP1A & TP1B tripped on Oct. 10, at 7:53am. Both pumps showed timeout, but the AC breakers were not tripped. Also, checked with MCR: they were no power bumps or cooling water problems around that time. 

Discussed it with Kazuya Negishi from Controls: there were no PLC problems. Kazuya and I would monitor the trips. 

  225   Thursday, November 01, 2012, 11:16 Aurelia LaxdalTiC#3LP-SISITWTM1   TiC#3-LP-SIS Startup

Did the HV conditioning for the TiC#3 up to 30kV.

Heaters ramp up in progress.

  226   Thursday, November 01, 2012, 14:57 Aurelia LaxdalTiC#3LP-SISITWTM1   TSH:TGHT readback stopped at 264.5A (for a higher setpoint)

The TSH:TGHT stopped at 263.7A, but the setpoint is still ramping (now at 421A). The voltage is set correctly: have 6.238V setpoint and 4.386V readback. The reading on the Power Supply shows 418A. Through the window the target assembly looks at high temperature. The readback on Epics seems stuck. E-Fault for Controls 6389

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