Friedhelm checked the voltage across R4 from ISK4563D-rev2.pdf. It shows 50 kOhms with the power supplies off and everything connected according to the drawing. With the Anode PS On and set at 20V, we could see the same readback on EPICS and on the meter.
Then started the heater ramping: auto ramp 2A/min.
We'd be watching the vacuum carefully during this process. Also the setup is such that:
- the target and tube heaters are only incremented if the vacuum is less than 5e-6Torr
- and if the vacuum exceeds 2e-5Torr the last increment of the target and tube heater is backed off.
Pierre asked for the 2e-5Torr limit to be changed to 8e-6Torr.
Anders asked to stop the heating at 500A to take a temperature measurement.
Raising the target heater from 500A to 580A.
Did a mass scan at TGHT=580A & TBHT=280A: Plotdump-local-clean.txt Aug29 12 19-53-16.txt |