ID |
Date |
Author |
Category |
Type |
Module |
Target/Number |
Subject |
Monday, June 27, 2016, 13:45 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | | | 5 Shielding blocks have been transferred from ITW to ITE. |
ITE is configured to take proton beam. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2016, 07:03 |
David Wang | ITW | Standard Operation | TM2 | | TM2 was connected in ITW. |
TM2 was disconnected in ITW and moved to SHC. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2016, 07:06 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | | | venting TCS with argon. |
I switched off the vacuum pumps and vented TCS with argon. The TCS will be ready to accept TM2 this afternoon. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2016, 14:25 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM2 | | TCS and TM2 turbo-pumps have been started. |
The TCS and TM2 are pumping down. |
Friday, July 08, 2016, 08:20 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM2 | | TM2 has been connected at TCS |
I connected TM2 to TCS and started water system. |
Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 12:40 |
David Wang | ITW | Standard Operation | TM2 | | TM2 has been connected in ITW |
All turbo-pumps are started. Everything is good so far. |
Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 12:42 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | | | Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 130 (Apr- Sep) |
Update schedule weekly.Attachment 1,2 |
Attachment 1: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.pdf
Attachment 2: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.mpp
Thursday, July 14, 2016, 10:54 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM2 | | Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 130 (Apr- Oct, 2016) |
Update TH schedule 130 according to mini-shut down change.See attachment 1,2,3,4 |
Attachment 1: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.pdf
Attachment 2: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.mpp
Attachment 3: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep_2016.pdf
Attachment 4: Target_Hall_shedule_129_Sep_to_Dec.xlsx
Monday, July 18, 2016, 14:14 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | | TM3 leak checked at TCS |
Last Friday July-15, TM3 was leak checked at TCS. All air to vacuum seals on service cap are good. Helium pressure test on TM3 water lines(except GE, HS, and Window) were done. Leak detector has no response at 0.0xE-9 They are leak free. |
Friday, July 22, 2016, 10:57 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | | TM3 has been moved and connected at TCS |
I started vacuum system.
I started TCS water system. The chiller does not work properly still. But, It will not affect the TM3 HV conditioning. HV cover is installed on TM3 in TH. The module is ready for HV conditioning. |
Tuesday, August 02, 2016, 15:22 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#17 | TM4 with new target has been connected at TCS |
It is being pumped now at TCS. |
Wednesday, August 03, 2016, 09:45 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#17 | Helium pressure test on TM4 HS line at TCS |
Helium pressure test on TM4 HS line at TCS is done.Leak detector 0.0X 5minutes, 70psi helium. No response on LD. |
Wednesday, August 03, 2016, 09:49 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | | TM4 is ready for conditioing at TCS. |
I started TCS water system and installed HV cover onto TM4. The TM4 containment box is supplied with water also. TM4 is ready for conditioning at TCS. |
Wednesday, August 03, 2016, 09:56 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | | | Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 130 (Apr- Oct, 2016) |
Update schedule weekly. See attachments 1,2 |
Attachment 1: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.mpp
Attachment 2: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.pdf
Tuesday, August 09, 2016, 07:15 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | UCx17 | TM4 has been disconnected at TCS |
I stopped TCS water pumps this morning . The argon venting for TCS is in processing. |
Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 11:30 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#17 | TM4 has been connected at ITE |
Dan and I connected TM4 in ITE yesterday. It is pumping down at ITE now. Everything is fine so far. |
Thursday, August 11, 2016, 10:37 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | | TM3 service tray cover plate ITA2108 has been removed. |
Requested by Aurelia, and approved by Friedhelm, TM3 service tray cover plate ITA2108 has been remove out of the module. The plated is checked for active and contamination after removal. Then,It is double bagged, sealed , tagged, and placed downstairs in TH between south wall and green block . The ram contact reading on the plate is about 10 usv/hr. We will do anther TM3 HV test at TCS without this cover plate. |
Monday, August 15, 2016, 10:08 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | TM4 | UC#17 | 5 Shielding blocks have been transferred from ITW to ITE. |
Dan and I transferred 5 shielding blocks from ITW to ITE. The ITE is configured to take proton beam. |
Monday, August 15, 2016, 10:15 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM4 | | Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 130 (Apr- Oct, 2016) |
Weekly update target hall schedule. Everything on schedule are finished on time. See attachment. |
Attachment 1: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.pdf
Attachment 2: Target_Hall_shedule_130_Apr_to_Sep.mpp
Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 12:35 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Repair | TM3 | | CS vacuum pumps have been stopped |
The TCS is venting now. The TM3 blue insulator replacement job will be started soon. |