Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 34 of 139  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subject Text Attachments
  2123   Tuesday, July 07, 2020, 17:43 Carla BabcockITEDevelopmentTM4 RF tests on new IG-LIS wiringTested RF from RF driver into new IGLIS
wires at ITE. Used 5V, 1MHz (2MHz setting
because of internal halving issue).
  2122   Tuesday, July 07, 2020, 09:16 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3no targetModule move TM#3 has been moved from the silo
to the conditioning station, where David
and Frank will start on the gutting of the
  2121   Monday, July 06, 2020, 12:20 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2C#1Five shielding blocks to ITWFive shielding blocks are transferred to
  2120   Monday, July 06, 2020, 07:54 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4UCx 30TM4 has been connected in ITE connection TM4 has been connected in ITE. Vacuum pumping
down is good so far.
  2119   Friday, July 03, 2020, 14:08 Travis CaveITEStandard OperationTM4UC#30Module move TM#4 with UC#30 has been moved from
the south hot cell to the east target station.
  2118   Friday, July 03, 2020, 13:23 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UCx#30TM4 UCx#30 Electrical check and HS leak checkElectrical and leak check are good. See
  2117   Friday, July 03, 2020, 08:46 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UcX#30UCx#30 installed onto tm4UCx#30 has been installed onto TM4 with
new high current fasteners torqued to 130
in lbs.
  2116   Friday, July 03, 2020, 07:03 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4BEFORE TARGET INSTALLATIONELECTRICAL CHECK BEFORE TARGET INSTALLATION.PQ SHORT TO RU. A TO PQ 1.8 M OHM AT 500
  2115   Friday, July 03, 2020, 06:57 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2C#1TM2 CONNECTION CHECKLIST SEE ATTACHMENTS. EVERYTHING IS GOOD.  TM2_C#1_CONNECTION_CHECKLIST.pdf 
  2114   Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 10:18 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4Test Proton to Neutron TargetModule move TM#4 has been moved from the east
target station to the south hot cell.
  2113   Monday, June 29, 2020, 10:09 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4P2N test.ITE turbo pumps are stoppedITE venting is in processing.   
  2112   Friday, June 26, 2020, 15:00 David WangITWMaintenance  ITW TP1 and TP1S.ITW TP1 can not be started yesterday. Also,
TP1S was difficult to start , and had a high
current draw after.  We changed both
  2111   Friday, June 26, 2020, 10:43 Adam NewsomeSpent Target VaultStandard Operation  Routine mechanical inspection: storage vault and mini-storage drive systemsAn inspection was performed on drive systems
for both storage vaults (main and mini) by
Adam Newsome and Dan McDonald. The functionality
  2110   Thursday, June 25, 2020, 09:45 Travis CaveITWStandard OperationTM2Graphite #1Module move TM#2 with the graphite #1 target
has been moved from the south hot cell to
the west target station.
  2109   Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 10:56 David WangSafe Module ParkingStandard Operation  SMP annual service. Dan and I did the SMP annual  maintenance
service today. Lid open/close , vessel rotation
and limit switch check, lubricate chains,
  2108   Friday, June 19, 2020, 11:21 David WangITERepairTM4P2N test.ITE TP3 is replaced.ITE TP3 is replaced. ITE is under vacuum
again. All turbo pumps are started successfully.
Current draw on pumps are normal so far.
  2107   Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:25 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4P2N test.Disconnect TM4 in ITE.TM4 has been disconnected in ITE. Vacuum
pumps and gauge are not disconnected yet.
  2106   Thursday, June 18, 2020, 13:22 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2C#1Remove of TM2 from ITE to SHC.Remotely remove TM2 from ITW to SHC. The
move is good.  Shielding plug is put
back to ITW. 
  2105   Thursday, June 18, 2020, 09:11 Travis CaveITWStandard OperationTM2Graphite #1Module move TM#2 with the graphite #1 target
has been moved from the south hot cell to
the west target station.
  2104   Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 09:53 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2C#1C#1 target electrical check and leak check at SHC.Target to HS is 400 ohm. The rest check
is good. See attachment.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455