Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 120 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
  ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subjectdown Text Attachments
  706   Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 14:28 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1Ta#43Electrical checkTM#1 with Ta#43 electrical check see attached
  730   Monday, August 11, 2014, 10:38 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UC#10Electrical checkElectrical check of TM#4 with UC#10 from
  737   Wednesday, September 03, 2014, 13:56 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ZrC#6Electrical checkTM#1 with ZrC#6 electrical check at the
south hot cell. The conductance of target
on circuit A-D is a little lower then normal.
  753   Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 13:31 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UC#10, Ta#44Electrical checkElectrical checks of TM#4 with UC#10 post
beam and Ta#44 before beam see attached PDF
for details.
  761   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 11:52 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ZrC#6Electrical checkTM#1 with ZrC#6 post beam electrical check
see attached pdf for results.
  763   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 13:31 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1no targetElectrical checkElectrical check of TM#1 with no target
attached at the south hot cell see attached
PDF for details.
  777   Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:47 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ThO#1Electrical checkTM#1 with ThO#1 electrical check see attatched
PDF for details.
  794   Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 09:18 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UC#11Electrical checkTM#4 with UC#11 electrical check done.
See attached PDF for the results.
  810   Thursday, December 04, 2014, 09:54 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetElectrical checkResults of electrical check of TM#2 with
no source tray and no containment box attached.
See PDF for results.
  870   Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 13:57 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4Ta#45Electrical checkTM#4 electrical checks with and without
the target installed, installed target is
  874   Thursday, March 26, 2015, 09:20 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4Ta#45Electrical checkElectrical check of TM#4 with Ta#45 at
the conditioning station, see attached pdf
for details.
  888   Friday, April 17, 2015, 11:56 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1UC#12Electrical checkElectrical check of TM#1 with UCx#12 attached.
See attached PDF for details.
  1106   Monday, October 19, 2015, 15:52 Anders MjosSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2SiC#32Electrical and leak check An electrical check was completed
by Travis C and Anders M. Note ~250 kOhm
between Target and 60 kV common. Leak check
  538   Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 10:59 Bevan MossSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2 Electrical Test Don Jackson and Myself completed
started an electrical test on TM2. All lines
passed the with OL to ground. When testing
  1900   Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 11:17 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetElectrical Checks of TM#2 during the source tray change. The four electrical check done on
TM#2 during the source tray change.
  1360   Friday, September 23, 2016, 08:55 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4SiC#34Electrical ChecksThe bundle of electrical checks, first
one is the Iglis that failed, the second
is the everything passed at the hot cell
  1382   Monday, October 24, 2016, 14:56 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2SiC#35Electrical ChecksResults of the electrical check of TM#2
with no target after the repair and with
the SiC#35 mounted on the module.
  123   Friday, June 08, 2012, 15:03 Don JacksonSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1Ta38Electrical Check on new Ta38 at hot cellMegger checks were exceptionally high (good). 
Readings taken less than 2 hours after reading low
values from end of run on Nb#6.  Tests
  1517   Monday, May 01, 2017, 13:11 David WangSouth Hot-CellRepairTM3 Electrical Check on TM3 after fibergalss is moved in SHC. RU( coil 1), F (anode), and 60kv bias(HS,
Gasline, and MSP)  are shorted together.
Other lines are good.  They are measured
  1597   Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 09:27 Anders MjosSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2SiC#36Electrical Check of target in SHC


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