After few hickups the TCS was successfuly commissioned.
In the morning, in the middle of the heaters conditioning: 360A/250A for the TGHT/TBHT, the target heater PS tripped and it didn't recover immediately. I cannot tell if the card is still OK. Before this even, there were few bias current sparks created when the ionized tube was raised above 250A; this also tripped the Einzel lens. Re-started the Heaters, and did the conditioning with the rest (HV, Optics) Off. After the heaters were at nominal values, raised the rest: HV to 30kV and the Optics. And everything held fine. The current on the FC was 3micro-Amperes. The water temperature levels stayed below 25 deg Celsius.
The problems that need to be fixed:
1. The biggest problem was created by the target power supply: the new card is not calibrated, the voltage is not regulating, but the main problem is the grounding of the output of power supply. Friedhelm measured 0.2V across the return and the cage (200mili-ohms resistance) . This was probably overlooked.
2. The Auto-ramping routine didn't work. Controls would need to fix this.
3. The RGA didn't want to connect from the account Don created for me. So, we have only a RGA scan taken on Friday by Don, when the target was cold.