Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Monday, January 26, 2015, 07:57, maicodallavalle, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Fall arrest Platform Railing 

All of the Fall arrest Platform Railing has been Collapsed for Cyclotron Lid up.

Entry  Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 11:39, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Lid-Up Report 26 Jan 2015 Station_8_Interference_Measurment_26Jan2015.JPGStation_8_Lid_Up_without_platform_26Jan2015.JPG

Lid-up started approximately 10am Monday 26 Jan 2015.

The first attempt to raise the lid was halted at a mechanical counter reading of approximately 1050 because a large discrepancy was observed in the mechanical counter reading at Station 11.  One jog at station 9 was employed leading up to the halt:


Station 9 Jog:

8              732

9              652/735               

10           739



1              1048

2              1052

3              1025

4              1053

5              1026

6              1055

7              1038

8              1042

9              987

10           1051

11           2968

12           1052


All jacks were lowered back to the starting position, and the mechanical counter was replaced at station 11.  The new counter was set to the balance between adjacent stations 10 and 12.

All stations were jogged manually to index the yoke gap at ¼” with shims and the counters were recorded.  It was discovered that station 11 was out by about 30 counts.   Dan Louie wanted to check the discrepancy with the control system so we lowered manually back to start position “A”. 

After Dan’s OK we jogged manually up again to ¼” yoke gap and noticed the same ~30 count discrepancy with station 11.  It was determined that both the counter and the syncro at station 11 were out by about 30 counts with respect to the master.   Maico and Dan de-coupled the syncro and counter box from the output shaft of the jack, and adjusted both the syncro and the counter together until the count on the counter and the control system was adjusted about 30 counts back into the range of the other jacks.


New start “A”:                   ¼” shim - #1       ¼” shim #2

1              44                           115                         116

2              58                           145                         143        

3              44                           137                         133

4              55                           146                         144

5              46                           133                         133

6              47                           127                         124

7              47                           129                         125

8              49                           105                         110

9              62                           129                         126

10           54                           124                         124

11           55*                         162                         157 to 130**

12           55                           116                         114


* 55 set value after counter replacement

** both syncro and mech counter decoupled from jack worm gear shaft and adjusted to 130


The lid-up procedure then started again.  Two jogs of station 9 were required as recorded below, then the system travel from that point forward was smooth.

Station                  Value    Jog #1                   Value    Jog #2

8                              1439                                       3499

9                              1426       1446                       3476       3506

10                           1448                                       3506


The lid up sequence was stopped at 3pm half way through at around 19,000 counts because it was noticed that the new fall protection platform at station 8 would potentially interfere with an overhang in the ceiling for the vault lights. This interference occurs only at that particular station, and the station directly opposite 8.

The interference was measured by Dan McDonald and confirmed (see attached photos).

The platform was removed and lid-up started again at 4pm and was completed by about 4:23 pm.


Final Counts:

1              47393

2              47404

3              47391

4              47404

5              47403

6              47387

7              47401

8              47379

9              47397

10           47403

11           47397

12           47401


Entry  Friday, March 06, 2015, 16:42, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Lid-Down Report 6-March-2015 Electrical_Cover_Knocked_Off_6March2015.JPG

Lid down started around 2:30 pm today (March 6th, 2015)

Master Start: 47422

Mechanical Counter Readings:

Station Start End
1 47393 36
2 47404 36-37
3 47391 33
4 47404 36
5 47403 36
6 47387 35-36
7 47402 36-37
8 47379 33
9 47398 38
10 47403 38
11 47397 38
12 47401 36

The operation was mostly smooth and no station jogs were required.

At around 4800 counts, a stainless braid hose between stations 2 and 3 knocked into an electrical box (perhaps a new box?) and knocked the cover off, which made a loud clang (photo attached).  The lid down was stopped until the source of the clang was identified.


Entry  Monday, March 09, 2015, 11:55, chad fisher, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Checking for contamination on fall arrest equip. 

Fall equipment from the lockers in the RH shop have been checked for contamination and the lockers themselves have been swiped. All items checked in the target hall cave.

No contamination found.

Upon discussion with Dan it was mentioned the harness that I used was not used in the vault, and its origin is of question at this point.

Entry  Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 10:24, chad fisher, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Contaminated equipment update 

The harness, carabineer, and shock packed used during the ISAC hot cell swipe have been checked seperately by Mike and he has found that the carabineer was active (feild of ~3 uSv/h on contact) not contaminated. All other components are clean and non active.

The assumption being that this carabineer most have come from the cyclotron vault.

Entry  Thursday, March 26, 2015, 15:48, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up 26 March 2015 

Lid was raised today (2nd time during 2015 shutdown) for additional inflector work.

Dan and Maico report that the lid went up smoothly and no jogs were required.  The operation took about 30 minutes.

- Grant

Entry  Thursday, April 16, 2015, 15:26, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Cyclotron Elevating System Maintenance Rotation Record - Updated 16 Apr 2015 Cyclotron_Elevating_System_Maintenance_Rotation_Record_16Apr2015.pdf
Entry  Thursday, September 17, 2015, 18:38, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Station 9 Jack Worm Gear Inspection - unusual wear markings 16Sept2015 8x

Unusual wear markings were observed on the Station 9 jack (not sure if L or R jack?) during a visual inspection.

The grease looked to be in good condition and no sign of chips or contamination was found in the grease, so it is possible that the wear markings are older.

More investigation is required before using this worm gear assembly again.

Grant Minor, P.Eng.


Entry  Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 11:26, Isaac Earle, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Station 9 Jack Right Side - Unusual Wear Investigation 7x

The following people were consulted regarding the unusal wear noticed on jack station #9 right side

Neil Wong:  Neil inspected the jack parts.  Based on the wear and condition of the grease he thought that the wear wasn't recent and that the parts are ok to use.  Neil supported assembling the parts w/o grease and measuring clearances and backlash  worm gears & jack screw to nut 

Guy Stanford:  Guy came in and inspected the parts.  Based on the condition of the grease and the parts he also thought that the parts are ok to use and that the backlash/clearance tests should be done.  Guy could not recall when and which stations were damaged.

Ron Mullen:  Ron was contacted by phone.  He suggested putting in one of the new phosphor bronze jack nuts.  He also supported doing the tests

Bill Chapman:  Bill was contacted by phone.  Bill remembered discoloration of some of the stations.  He also agreed with doing the tests.  He thought the worn one should be ok to use.  He suggested cleaning the old one, reassembling and installing, then pulling out again after 1 year of use to inspect.


There are 3 spare phosphor bronze jack nuts on the shelf in the RH machine shop (2 left, 1 right).  No documentation has been found regarding these spares.  The right side spare was put onto the jack screw (no problems), but when it was put into the jack housing we realized that the nut requires machining to accommodate the bearing races.  The jack case and the jack lid also need to be modified to accommodate the rings at each end of the jacking nut  (this was confirmed when Station 9 Jack Left Side was disassembled - see next E-Log entry).  Machining these parts would likely need to be done off site due to the size.

It was noted that on the inner thread of the jacking nut the thin edge was slightly sheared off.  A piece of the thread was removed to prevent this piece from shearing into the jacking gearbox - see attached photos.

The original right side jack parts were cleaned and reassembled without grease. The following measurements were taken:
Nut in jack case - vertical play: 0.010"  (vertical when installed)

Nut in jack case - tilt: 0.010"
Worm gear backlash: 0.014"  (travel of key on the worm shaft before nut moves)

Nut on jack screw - backlash: 0.023"  (vertical travel when lifting nut)
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on top of nut: 0.027"
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on bottom of nut 0.022"

One of the new spare jack nuts was installed on the jack screw.  The following measurements were taken:
Nut on jack screw - backlash: 0.005"
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on top of nut: 0.004"
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on bottom of nut: 0.005"

Outer diameters of the old jack nut were measured:
Top bearing race: 7.473"
Bottom bearing race: 7.472"
Top jack case lid: 7.461"
Lower jack nut housing bore: 7.463"

Outer diameters of a new unused jack nut were measured:
Top bearing race: 7.479"
Bottom bearing race: 7.480"


It was decided that we should disassemble the left side and inspect before proceeding.  Work will continue on the right side when Maico returns from holidays on Oct 22.  The current plan is to clean off the wear, reassemble, install, run it for one year, and then remove and inspect in Shutdown 2017.

Photos of the Station 9 Jack Right Side parts are attached.

Entry  Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 11:52, Isaac Earle, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Station 9 Jack Left Side - Inspection & Service Status 15x

The left side jack was disassembled and cleaned.  It was discovered that the left side had been rebuilt with a new jack nut (similar to the three spare jack nuts in the RH machine shop).  This nut had been machined as is required to fit the bearing races on and fit the nut into the jack nut case.  The jacking case and lid also were machined to accommodate the different size rings for both ends of the nut  This rebuild may have been done after the jack failure that occurred in the late 70s / early 80s due to incorrect bearings and grease in the jacks.

There was less grease in the left side, and one of the worm bearings was on the dry side.  All other components still seemed lubricated, but not as much as the right side.  It seemed that some grease was stuck on the outsides of the jacking case and not mixing with the other grease.  The jacking case was approximately 70% full of grease.

There was a normal amount of wear visible on the surfaces of all jack parts according to Maico.  No unusual wear or colouration such as on the right side observed.  A leak in the shaft seal opposite the drive coupling was observed - this was replaced upon reassembly.


The jack was reassembled without grease .  The following measurements were taken:
Nut in jack case - vertical play:  0.008"  (vertical when installed)
Nut in jack case - tilt:  0.008"
Worm gear backlash:  0.017"

Nut on jack screw - backlash:  0.040"
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on top of nut:  0.031"
Nut on jack screw - horizontal play on bottom of nut:  0.031"


The left side jack was fully reassembled with grease and is ready for installation.

Entry  Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 07:50, maicodallavalle, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Service to Station # 9 Right side 9x

 Station #9 Cleaning of  discoloration-

The right side Jack screw nut and worm screw (mating parts in the right side Jack) had some discoloration from may years ago it is thought.

These two parts were cleaned with Scotch Brite.

The Jack was reassembled with grease.Station #9 has been fully serviced and is ready for 2016 Shut Down to be put back in place.




Entry  Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 17:59, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Development, Upper Bearing Fall Protection Installation - Stations 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, & 12 22x

The installation of the upper bearing fall protection equipment was completed last week by Dan and Maico.

- Full safety platform assemblies (ref. TRH1217) were installed on stations 1, 6, 7, 11, 12

- Short safety platform assemblies (ref. TRH1248) were installed on stations 2 and 8 to avoid interference with the lights

- Inboard anchors and SRL (self retracting lifeline) units were installed on 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, to permit the setup of the inboard railings at each station

- Outboard anchors were drilled and installed at all stations, using either D-ring swivel loops or Saf-Lok wedge anchors (both DBI Sala products), to allow safe setup of the outboard railings at each station

Also note:

- One railing at Station 1 had to be shortened to avoid interference with the guardrail of the aluminum stairs at that station, see attached photo.

- The beam clamp for the horizontal lifeline at Station 1 has an extension that protrudes into the working area.  This extension has been marked with pink flagging tape.

- It was noted that one more horizontal lifeline and two more beam clamps are needed to permit safe access to a station.  Grant will ask the equipment provider if they can make a shorter beam clamp to use at station 1, then transfer that longer standard clamp to the station that requires it (along with another new longer clamp).

- It was noted that we were short 2 carabiners.  Grant will order extra.

Entry  Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 10:51, maicodallavalle, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, 2016 Cyclotron Elevation System Maintenance  

The Cyclotron Elevating System Shut Down  work done this year was done on Station #9 and Station #10.


 Work done on Station #9

                       - note the readings on the Station counter and the gap clearance on the Yoke.

                       - Remove all the spares from Station #9 Elevating system (Spares are made up of two Jacks, two Highfield gear reducers,and one electric motor)

                       - Reinstall the complete serviced original Station into Station #9.

                       - Set the noted gap on the Yoke and the same readings on the Station counter.

                      - Station #9  Jacks were found to have some discoloration on the worm and worm gear. Next shut down they will be taken out and inspected and reinstalled.


Work done on Station #10


                        - Note the readings on the Station counter and the gap clearance on the Yoke.

                        - Remove the complete Station #10 Elevating system.

                        - Install the complete Spare Elevation system(Station#14) into Station #10.

                        - Set the noted gap on the Yoke and the same reading on the Station counter.

                        - The complete original Station #10 is taken to the Remote Handing Active Machine shop where each component will be inspected and serviced.(This Station will be ready to be reinstalled during next years Shut Down)



 Electric Motors have been reconnected on Station #9 and #10. We have not been able to test them until all the Interlocks have been satisfied. This may happen on Monday February 1st. 





Entry  Wednesday, September 14, 2016, 11:30, Dan McDonald, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Jack station 10B 14x

Annual jack maintenance : Jack 10b upon inspection it was found that the output shaft seal on 10b was in need of replacement. In past years RH personal had to remove a LoveJoy coupling which required cutting of the coupler due to galling and possible interference tolerances being out. We sourced sample split seals from Motion Canada that can be installed with out coupling removal we will install and monitor to determine the effectiveness and the possibility of converting all jack stations to this seal design . Attached are pictures of old seal style, new style seal, worm, wheel housing, current coupling on shaft, old coupling that has been cut off and various components. The jack components appear to be in good working order, no extra ordinary maintenance needs to be performed besides seal replacement. 

Entry  Monday, February 06, 2017, 20:32, Jason Kapalka, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, 2017 Cyclotron Elevating System Maintenance  Cyclotron_Elevation_Maintenance_Rotation_Record_20170829.xlsx
The Cyclotron Elevating System planned maintenance work this year was performed on Jack Station #3, #8, #9, and #10.

Start date: January 10, 2017
End date: January 23, 2017

Lockout procedure
 - Performed electrical lockout of Cyclotron Elevating System

Jack Station #10
 - Disconnected power from electric motor
 - Noted initial station counter reading and yoke gap
 - Removed limit switch
 - Removed complete spare set #14 from station (2x Duff-Norton screw jacks, 2x Highfield gear reducers, and 1x electric 
 - Installed complete original set #10 onto station (2x screw jacks, 2x Highfield gear reducers, and 1x electric motor)
 - Installed limit switch
 - Set yoke gap and station counter reading according to initial values
 - Reconnected power to electric motor

Jack Station #9
 - Noted initial station counter reading and yoke gap
 - Removed 2x screw jacks from original set #9 for early inspection
 - Lifted 2x screw jacks to RH active shop
 - Broke-out worm-screw from screw jack #9R
 - Inspected worm-screw and worm-gear surfaces: observed discoloured grease, similar to that found while servicing this 
jack in 
 - Decided not to reinstall screw jacks from original set #9 so that they can be serviced again after shutdown
 - Installed 2x screw jacks from spare set #14
 - Set yoke gap and station counter reading according to initial values

Jack Station #8
 - Disconnected power from electric motor
 - Noted initial station counter reading and yoke gap
 - Removed complete original set #8 from station (2x screw jacks, 2x Highfield gear reducers, and 1x electric motor)
 - Installed complete spare set #13 onto station (2x Duff-Norton screw jacks, 2x Highfield gear reducers, and 1x electric 
 - Set yoke gap and station counter reading according to initial values
 - Reconnected power to electric motor
 - Lifted complete original set #8 to RH active shop for inspection and servicing
 - Inspected and serviced upper bearing: ok

Jack Station #3
 - Unable to remove screw jacks from original set #3 for inspection and servicing since there no remaining spare screw 
 - Decided to postpone removal of complete original set #3 until January 2018
 - Inspected and serviced upper bearing: ok

Pre lid-up preparations
 - Tested Jack Station #8 and #10 to verify correct motor phasing
 - Indexed all jack stations to 0.25"
Entry  Friday, February 23, 2018, 15:44, Jason Kapalka, Elevation Jack, Repair, Replacement of Elevating System wiring 
On January 8, 2018, while troubleshooting the Cyclotron Elevating System during the lid-up operation, the
insulation on the three motor drive wires were repaired (w/ electrical tape) and the two motor brake wires were
replaced (w/ crimped butt splices) between the horizontal conduit below the Cyclotron and the terminal block on
the Station #9 motor. The wiring was severely damaged over an 18" long interval that crosses the mid-plane of
the Cyclotron; outside of the 18" damage zone, the wiring insulation was ductile and showed no signs of cracking
or embrittlement.

On February 22, 2018, after the in-tank work was completed and the lid was lowered, the wiring for the synchro
and bump switch on Station #9 was pulled for inspection, which revealed that the insulation on the five synchro
wires had almost completely disintegrated, and the insulation on the six bump switch wires appeared to had
melted together to form a single wire over the typical 18" interval that roughly corresponds to the gap between
the Cyclotron resonators.

On February 23, 2018, the three motor drive wires on Station #9 were pulled and replaced, using crimped butt
splices to the existing wiring in the horizontal conduit below the Cyclotron, as the electrical tape repair job
during the lid-up operation was only a temporary fix. Also, the motor drive, motor brake, synchro, and bump switch
wires on Station #3 were inspected and replaced due to insulation damage.

On February 27, 2018, the synchro and bump switch wires on Station #5 were inspected and replaced due to insulation
damage. The motor brake and drive wires were inspected and re-connected as the insulation showed no signs of damage.
Entry  Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 07:18, Dan McDonald, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Station 11-12 jack swap and hoist plate instal 

Prior to commencing work on jacking stations we installed a wall mounted come along plate as per Jason kapalkas instructions   Completed spare jack swap on station 11 and 12, station 11 was swapped with spare set # 13 and station 12 now has # 14 jack set in its place. Once jack stations where swapped we proceeded to clean, inspect and re grease 11-12 upper bearings.

Entry  Sunday, April 05, 2020, 13:24, Dan McDonald, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Elevating system station swap 2019-2020 

Station 11-12 where swapped for station 13-14 during 2018-2019 shutdown. Once lock out and motor disconnect was complete we commenced removal of spares and installation of original equipment. Station 13 was swapped in for station 3 and the upper bearing was serviced.  In addition to regular maintenance we built and installed a cover for the void in between station 10-11, this void in shielding measured approx 2'x4'. RH borrowed a demo Milwaukee 1' cordless impact from Motion industries. Our goal in trying this tool was to compare break out force between it and a pneumatic 1' impact in the hopes of removing all pneumatic tooling from our elevating system work. We tried it against a number of bolts and found it comparable with a 75% weight savings. In the past number of years we have made investments in tooling, equipment and safety gear in the drive to remove hazards and mitigate risks.

Entry  Thursday, October 06, 2022, 17:15, Adam Newsome, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance: MCC-E elevating system motor contactors Elevating_System_Motor_Contactors_2022-10-06.png

Under work permit C2022-10-04-1, the motor contactors for jack motors 1 through 12 were replaced. The contactors showed signs of corrosion.

Entry  Friday, February 03, 2023, 08:27, Eric Lahe, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Elevating System Jack Inspection  Elevation_System_Checklist_-_Jan312023.xlsx

 Annual Jack Inspection: The annual elevation system inspection has been completed (Jan 31,2023).


At station 1, Highfield gear Jack 13R needs a coupler seal replacement. It is ok for this shutdown, but should be replaced before next shutdown.

During the lift, station 7, Right Highfield was running a little rough - should also be checked before next shutdown. 


All motor and gearbox temperatures recorded during lift were consistent to temperatures recorded in the past. 

The full service to two jacks are not being completed this year. 

ELOG V2.9.2-2455