Tue Oct 26 09:19:39 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TIGRESS
The TIGRESS run was scheduled to end at 08:30, but has been extended for 24h. The ICR reports that they are getting "good data" with the present beam. Why mess with what works?
We will expect to begin the MWS switchover tomorrow. |
Mon Oct 25 09:05:15 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TIGRESS
Smooth delivery (from OLIS point-of-view) to TIGRESS over the weekend. An SCB RF amplifier failed yesterday and was replaced. Tuning was done. Source is stable.
There were a couple of bias sparks over the weekend, expected during Mg runs. The mag stability program got knocked off at some point. Restart OK. |
Fri Oct 22 09:35:24 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TIGRESS
A 26Mg beam was handed over to TIGRESS last evening. It is 26Mg6+ through ISAC-I and further stripped to 26Mg10+ by the time they get it. Approximately 2.5pnA at FC6. |
Thu Oct 21 11:46:14 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TIGRESS
The MWS was restarted yesterday, and a 26Mg beam re-established. ICR set up into ISAC-II overnight, and tuning to TIGRESS began this morning. Note the experiment change due to circumstances at the RIB targets. |
Wed Oct 20 11:30:32 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TUDA-II  
MWS ran fine overnight. It was shut off this morning to investigate bias sparking issue, noted on FR#4894. The two MCIS turbopump controllers are displaying gibberish on their front panels this morning. There was one spark since yesterday, around 19:15 last evening. Due to a failure at ITW - see here and here, a proposal is made to deliver 26Mg to the experiment for data. |
Tue Oct 19 09:20:40 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TUDA-II
MWS operating nicely. |
Mon Oct 18 09:22:35 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 26Mg6+ for TUDA-II
MWS is producing 26Mg, presently parked. It was used over the weekend for TUDA tuning. |
Fri Oct 15 09:23:03 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MWS switchover for scheduled 24/26Mg beams
Source is running nicely. Hand-off to ICR occurred ~Wednesday night. Setup done overnight. 26Mg (PE is now on at nominal value) is selected presently; blue trace on Stripchart. |
Wed Oct 13 16:15:03 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MWS switchover for scheduled 24/26Mg beams
Source conditioning most of today, to 59kV. Striptool attached. Reset to 26Mg tune at ~16:00. |
Tue Oct 12 13:25:21 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MWS switchover for scheduled 24/26Mg beams 
Source switchover in progress on WP#2010-10-12-1. Magnesium material installed into MWS. Pumpdown in progress. Leakup rate OK. Turbos on.
Later... Pumping going well. at 1e-6 by ~16:00. |
Fri Oct 8 09:35:03 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 20Ne1+ at 40.8keV for TIGRESS
Beam from MWS quietly sitting on FC6 awaiting tune checks to TIGRESS. Next experiments up are 26Alg5+ to TUDA and 24Na5+ to TIGRESS. So we are poised for source switchover to provide 24/26Mg pilot beams from the MWS. |
Mon Oct 4 09:46:12 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 20Ne1+ at 40.8keV for TIGRESS setup
A 20Ne1+ beam from the MWS was established on Friday. Line tuning began Friday evening. A tune to the front of the SC LINAC was in place by Saturday. Tuning through was delayed by SC tank conditioning.When the LINAC is ready, tuning to TIGRESS will resume, expected today. |
Mon Oct 4 09:40:30 2010, Damien Gallop, , , OLIS Maintenance and Development completed
The September Mini-Shutdown is now a memory. The few days available to OLIS were used for MCIS Development on 197Au. Productive. A 197Au34+ beam sat on FC6 overnight. The program ended Friday, at which point a 20Ne1+ beam from the MWS was established, and line tuning commenced. |
Fri Sep 24 13:22:00 2010, Damien Gallop, , , OLIS Maintenance and Development
Supernanogan on overnight, in the search for gold. A trace of 197Au34 observed this morning. Development continues.
A/q: 5.7941
FC6: ~500epA
Bias: 10,876V
EL: 4274V
Sputter source bias: 1262V
RF frequency: 13.60175 GHz
RF amplitude: 10dB (~16W FP)
MCIS:IG1: 6.8e-8 Torr |
Thu Sep 23 09:20:34 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for DRAGON   
DRAGON continues to take MWS beam.
Later... 14:00 EOB. Prepare for Mini-Shutdown. |
Mon Sep 20 09:34:44 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for DRAGON
MCIS Development finished Friday evening. OLIS switched to MWS operation and setup began for 4He1+ delivery to DRAGON. Beam handed over to experiment last night. |
Fri Sep 17 14:02:29 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MCIS Development    
Today's agenda: RF frequency scans and generally getting a feel for the new sputter source.
Mass scan plots in region of 197Au25+ attached below, taken with and without the sputter source on. Matlab post-processed pics to come shortly. |
Thu Sep 16 17:06:22 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MCIS Development 
A new sputter source was installed onto the Supernanogan. A wire of Au is installed in the source. Mass scans this morning with source at equipotential. Source patched to MWS EE supply and biased to ~1kV tunable. That makes a significant improvement in intensity. Beam at FC6 is 197Au24+ presently. |
Tue Sep 14 09:18:28 2010, Damien Gallop, , , MCIS Development 8x
The 16O3+ DRAGON run just finished. MCIS Development begins this morning for a few days. The goal is to install and characterize the new sputter ion source.
Below are vacuum pics before and after closing MCIS:IV0. There was a bit of a spike during closing. All three turbos switched off. TP3 is down now.
Later... Keerthi requests we look at 16O7+ production as a measure of source performance. Done. Chart appended below, with source panels. Mass scan next. |
Fri Sep 10 10:38:13 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 16O3+ for DRAGON