Fri Aug 13 09:27:49 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for SCC Development
MWS is running nicely. SCC development continues. This is scheduled to end on this coming Tuesday morning. It will likely continue for a couple of days, after which there would be a beam switch to 16O2+ from the MWS for TUDA-II setup. |
Wed Aug 11 10:35:03 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for SCC Development
Beam used into last evening, then idle overnight. Nice and stable. Maintenance Day for the cyclotron and ISAC. |
Tue Aug 10 09:30:36 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for SCC Development
Beam idle overnight, and grew nicely. Source tweaked up and throttled back a little while ago. SCC development expected to continue today. |
Mon Aug 9 10:38:43 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ Setup for SCC Development
We have a request for changing over the source to 4He1+ operation from the MWS.
Later... OLIS opened. Canister purged with N2 and pumped via IOS, then valved off and disconnected. ICR has restored a recent 4He1+ tune. |
Mon Aug 9 09:09:36 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 35Cl2+ for DRAGON 
Beam ran quietly over the weekend, with the anticipated intensity drop-off. Source gas canister at ~15"Hg and IOS at 3.3e-7 presently. Several DRAGON energy changes were done as planned.
Later... at ~09:45 DRAGON is done. |
Fri Aug 6 09:50:22 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 35Cl2+ setup for DRAGON 6x
First beam appearing on FC6 presently, after the source pumped overnight. Source gas valving set up earlier this morning.
Later... We have a whopping 5nA of 35Cl1+. We expect orders of magnitude more. Mass scans and investigation in progress.
Later... Another scan after some source gas changes. Much better. 35Cl+1 = 575nA 35Cl+2 = 3.5pnA with 1mm slits.
Neon support gas hand valve is closed. Source wuill require expert intervention to reignite, if there is a power bump, etc.
Later... Final tweaking done. ~10enA on FC6 with 1mm slits in, and ~23enA with 2.5mm slits in. A Stripchart of the last little while, plus present IOS tune and skimmers. Hand over to ICR at 13:25. |
Thu Aug 5 18:56:48 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 35Cl2+ setup for DRAGON
OLIS off Wednesday morning for source changeover from 16O3+ to 35Cl2+. We have elected to use the MWS for this run. Supernanogan is removed from OLIS and parked at its service dock. Lots of leakchecking done on both sources. Both sources are under high vacuum presently and improving. MWS will be ready to start in the morning. |
Thu Aug 5 17:47:04 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 16O3+ for TIGRESS EOB Tuesday a.m.
Delivery of 16O3+ for TIGRESS "buddy beam" purposes ended early Tuesday morning, followed by CSB setup as an ion source Tuesday day. MWS behaved very nicely. Beam off Wednesday morning for switchover. |
Tue Aug 3 09:31:30 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 16O3+ for TIGRESS
Beam idle for most of the weekend. Some ion source ups and downs, in part due to a WFB setting on the edge. Tuning began last evening. Some funny business overnight with apparently disappearing and returning beam. |
Fri Jul 30 09:09:35 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 16O3+ for TIGRESS   
Supernanogan is online. Setup done last night. There is room for tweaking, but stable 3enA on FC6 of 16O3+ presently. We'll see if ICR has room for tweaking before handover to users. Yes, we have clearance.
MCIS RF scan in progress.
MCIS vacuum: 8.17e-8 Torr
IOS vacuum: 3.15e-7 Torr
Later... No-one has called so far for the beam, but they can have it anytime. Right now, about 15enA on FC6 with an RF frequency that is midway between lots of current and ruler-flat stability. There are other choices too. |
Thu Jul 29 18:12:38 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 16O3+ Setup 6x
So... the long-awaited word to switch OLIS beams and sources finally came through... at 17:45. Luverly. Anyway, we're on it. Basic idea: 4He1+/MWS -> 16O3+/MCIS. Users only care about A/q being as close to 72/13 as possible using standard beams. Last moments of 4He beam shown below. MWS is running very nicely.
Later... Supernanogan is up and delivering 16O3+. Note that MWS solenoid valves and flow controller are just so for this to be possible. Leave them alone.
Later... Mass scans and some optimization. All better. Intensity is still drifting and will overnight. |
Thu Jul 29 15:31:21 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for TIGRESS
Beam in use intermittently. |
Wed Jul 28 09:23:57 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 4He1+ for TIGRESS
Source switchover went quite well yesterday morning. About 6nA of beam on FC6. Beam idle overnight. Tuning has resumed now. |
Tue Jul 27 08:55:49 2010, Damien Gallop, , , OLIS Maintenance  
Today we switch from 74Ge1+ to 4He1+, about as wide a switch as we've done at OLIS. We will use the MWS for the 4He.
Later... sources lit. First mass scan attached. Intensity is pretty low for now.
Later... MWS optimized better. Optimal He gas pressure is somewhere between zero and the leakthrough rate on the flow controller set at zero. Stripchart attached. ICR will play with source and beam as it is for now.
Later... ICR has found a few enA in there, and vested parties are happy with the beam. |
Mon Jul 26 09:41:46 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 74Ge1+ to TITAN
Beam is sitting on FC6 presently. Good source operation over the weekend. Some pics to come. RIB delivery to TITAN ended at 08:30 this morning. OLIS is scheduled for a beam switch tomorrow morning.
Later... A power bump knocked us out cold again. It appears that the Safety Enable bit was lost. |
Fri Jul 23 13:00:04 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 74Ge1+ to TITAN 
Beam remained on FC6 overnight. Beam was used for a tune check this morning. At noon today beam was switched to 4He.
Later... Outcome of 4He development with Supernanogan: beam comes with other isotopes. e.g. 12C3+ and 16O4+. Verdict: 4He1+ beam is better produced with the MWS.
Later... By request, set up source for 74Ge beam again. ~30pA on FC6 by ~midnight. |
Thu Jul 22 09:25:21 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 74Ge1+ to TITAN
The Supernanogan is producing 74Ge using the heater source, a first for the Supernanogan. Development done over the last couple of days and completed yesterday. Tuning using mass 76 (76Ge or 76Se?) was done last night. Energy is set at 12.24kV, same as previous 12C2+ run. Beam is being used as TITAN pilot beam for their 74Kr run. |
Tue Jul 20 09:38:45 2010, Damien Gallop, , , OLIS Maintenance
Our work permit to leakcheck the Supernanogan and IOS was signed this morning. The source is off presently, and work is underway. The 12C2+ beam was not used overnight. |
Mon Jul 19 10:56:53 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 12C2+ for TIGRESS
Beam from the Supernanogan remains on standby for TIGRESS pilot beam. There were a couple of source trips over the weekend, at least one a consequence of a power bump that took out a few other things too.
We have had a couple of pending work permits in the queue for a while. One is for germanium beam development, and one is for OLIS leak checking. The benefit of carrying out this work is assured delivery of 74Ge for the upcoming TITAN run, rescheduled to begin Wednesday. Note that if a leak is found and repaired on the Supernanogan side, there will be a minimum of three days pumping required before sufficient vacuum will be achieved to generate multi-charge ions. |
Fri Jul 16 10:22:35 2010, Damien Gallop, , , 12C2+ for TIGRESS
Tuning to TIGRESS is continuing. There is a full expectation that they will take RIB over the weekend.
As it stands, the beam schedule shows switchover from TIGRESS to TITAN on Sunday evening. For a couple of reasons, it would make sense to move that time into Monday or so. |