Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall, Page 17 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Categorydown Type Specific Subject
  147   Thursday, April 09, 2015, 13:56 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 2TargetT2-MK2 target wired for version identification, cable ties replaced, ready for use

The "POT/CAM" MS connector on the T2-MK2 has been wired to allow automatic target version number identification by the new T1/T2 control system.  Pin A was jumpered to Pin C.  (MK1 targets will use Pin A to Pin B jumper).

The nylon cable ties on the target assembly were found to be very brittle and fragile, they have been replaced with PEEK cable ties.

The T2-MK2 target is now ready to be moved to the beamline.

  151   Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 09:46 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetWater Sensors Installed on T1 Monolith

 Four water sensors have been installed on top of the T1 monolith.  These water sensors were wired and brought to the area during the 2014 shutdown, but installation was delayed so that the top of the monolith could be painted first.  The sensor labels (attached to the sensor cable) are: T1, T2, T6, and T8.  The location of each sensor is documented on the diagram below.  Two photos of the top of the monolith are also attached.  Doug Preddy has been notified.


Attachment 2: IMG_4859.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_4860.JPG
  153   Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 15:17 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetT1-MK2 wired for version identification

 The T1-MK2 target was wired for automatic target version detection by the new PLC control system (A to C jumper  in POT/CAM MS connector).  T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 targets still need to be wired which can take place after the shutdown without moving them from the storage pit.

  154   Thursday, April 23, 2015, 13:40 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 2OtherT2 Protect Monitor Elevation Adjustment

- T2 Protect Monitor moved from the beam line to the hot cell on Monday April 20th
- Elevation of the plate center measured at 1839.0mm from the base of the vacuum flange
- Old monitor cassette photographed (attached).  Heat mark noticed on exit side approximately 10mm above and 5mm south of plate centers (cause unknown, and no matching mark on entrance side)
- Old monitor cassette removed, new one installed.  New elevation 1836.1mm (2.9mm upward shift - 3.0mm was requested)
- Electrical check performed by Probes Group on April 22 - They reported that it looks normal
- T2 Protect Monitor returned to the beamline April 22 in the evening.  Cables plugged in and flange bolts installed
- Vacuum pumped down normally on April 23 in the morning
- Probes group repeated the electrical check after installation from the 1A mezzanine - They reported that it looks normal
- The old monitor cassette will be left in the hot cell for possible future use

Attachment 1: Old_T2_Protect_Monitor_(removed_Apr_22_2015)_-_Entry_Side.jpg
Attachment 2: Old_T2_Protect_Monitor_(removed_Apr_22_2015)_-_Exit_Side.jpg
  157   Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 15:55 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetTarget Version Jumper Wires Installed for T1-MK1 and T2-MK1

 The T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 targets have been re-wired to allow version identification.  Work was performed in the target storage pit.  Approximate field around the targets in the pit was 100microSv/hr.  Disposable coveralls were worn for the job and had 800cpm of contamination on completion.  All nylon cable ties on the targets were replaced with PEEK cable ties.  Total dose received was 0.06mSv by Isaac Earle.  This modification has now been completed for all T1 and T2 target assemblies.

  162   Thursday, June 11, 2015, 16:59 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsLab Test of New T1/T2 Level Sensors

The new T1/T2 level sensors (Omega LVCN414) were tested in the RH HC lab today using the Omega software on a laptop and positioning the level sensor flange above a bucket of water with similar height as the expansion tank.
The level sensors behaved as expected with varying water level.

The level sensor was configured with the following parameters:

- Loop Fail-Safe: Empty
- Output at Empty: 4mA at Bottom
- Start-up condition: Empty
- Sensor Height: 50.1cm (Based on TBP1682)
- Fill Height: 45.0cm (Based on TBP1682)

This results in 4mA output at 0cm tank height, and 20mA output at 45.0cm tank height.

This test will be repeated next week with the sensor wired directly to the PLC.

  163   Friday, June 19, 2015, 17:11 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsPLC Test of Ultrasonic Level Sensor

The new T1/T2 level sensors (Omega LVCN414) were hooked up to the PLC and the test performed on June 11 was repeated.

The water level above the base of the bucket was measured using a tape measure, as well as with the level sensor at various intervals as the bucket was filled and then drained:

Tape Measure Level (cm) --- Reading from Ultrasonic Level Sensor (cm)

Empty --- 0
3.3 --- 3.3
6.7 --- 6.7
12.2 --- 12.2
20.5 --- 20.3
29.2 --- 28.5
36.6 --- 36.3  (Last measurement on June 17, left overnight, see graph below)
36.6 --- 35.6 (First measurement on June 18)
31.3 --- 30.2
22.0 --- 21.9
13.1 --- 12.3
7.3 --- 6.5
Empty --- 0


Data was recorded while the sensor was left overnight (see attached plot).  After approximately 2 hours, the sensor stabilized and then fluctuated less than 0.1cm for the next 12 hours.  Overall these tests proved that this sensor will be suitable for the intended application and the parameters used for configuration are appropriate.


  165   Wednesday, July 08, 2015, 16:21 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1Target0.003" 347 SS Sheet for T1/T2 Targets Received

 A 5lb roll of 347SS sheet was received today.  This alloy is to be used for the target windows of the new T1 and T2 beryllium target cassettes that will be manufactured in the near future.  The material was ordered from Alloys International (PO# TR206407).  A mill spec report was included with the material, a scanned copy is attached in PDF format.  The roll will be stored in the meson hall RH hot cell lab office on the shelving above the work bench.

Attachment 1: 347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf
347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf 347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf 347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf 347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf 347SS_Mill_Spec_Test_Report_-_July_8_2015.pdf
  166   Thursday, July 09, 2015, 13:51 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherTargetNew T1 and T2 Beryllium Targets Ordered

An order for new T1 and T2  beryllium targets was submitted to the TRIUMF machine shop today.  A total of seven T2 targets and twleve T1 targets were ordered to match existing stock of wire EDM target shells.  All required materials were supplied.  Completion by October 30, 2015 was requested.

A complete set of new drawings for both targets were released in June 2015 (TBP1683 for 12mm T1 Be target; TBP1691 for 10cm T2 Be target)

Current target stock for T1 (12mm Be) includes: 1 target on the shelf, 1 target on the MK1 target assembly (position 4, has not seen beam), 1 target on the MK2 target assembly (position 4, currently in use).

Current target stock for T2 (10cm Be) includes: 1 target on the shelf, 2 targets on the MK1 target assembly (position 3, has seen beam;  position 2 has not seen beam), 1 target on the MK2 target assembly (position 4, currently in use).

  168   Friday, July 17, 2015, 10:14 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetT1/T2 Be Target Failure History & Replacement Plan

T1 and T2 beryllium target failure history was investigated back to 2000 (as far as XSTRIP records were readily available).  For each target cassette the following were noted: length of time the target was subject to direct beam, length of time the target was on the ladder w/o direct beam, and method of failure.  The purpose of the study was to devise a target replacement strategy so that T1 and T2 beryllium targets are preemptively retired from service to reduce the occurrence of failure while running which causes loss of beam time, extra dose to personnel, and damage to equipment.

The following recommendations are the result of the study:
- T1 beryllium targets should be retired after 9.0 months of running time
- T2 beryllium targets should be retired after 12.0 months of running time
- Multiple targets should be installed on each target ladder (at least 2, possibly 3) so that targets may be switched during a running period if required and less target assembly moves are required

A PDF copy of the Excel spreadsheet is attached which includes target use history, failure history, summary of results, and more specific recommendations for each target assembly.  This study and the replacement plan recommendations were reviewed and endorsed by Grant Minor and Yuri Bylinski.  This spreadsheet should be reviewed and updated every shutdown period (including Fall mini-shutdowns), as well as anytime there is a target failure.


Attachment 1: T1_and_T2_Be_Target_History_-_July_17_2015.pdf
T1_and_T2_Be_Target_History_-_July_17_2015.pdf T1_and_T2_Be_Target_History_-_July_17_2015.pdf
  169   Thursday, August 13, 2015, 09:47 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherOther"Clamp A" disassembled and used to build clamp "TRH1257-#01"

The 4" Marman flange clamp (IRH0001) labeled "Clamp A",  as used in the testing detailed in Document-114623 Release 1, has been disassembled.  The parts were used to build a TRH1257 clamp which uses the new TRH1259 jaw with 0.480" jaw root width.  This new clamp has been labeled "TRH1257-#01", and will be tested with Helicoflex H-303654 seals in the near future.

  184   Thursday, December 17, 2015, 13:31 Grant MinorDevelopmentOtherTargetT1/T2 Target Cassette - window / end cap manufacturing change (WO 41527)

Isaac Earle has recently been managing the fabrication of some new Be target cassettes for the T1 / T2 Meson Hall target ladders (WO 41527).

The machine shop has outsourced the cassette tubes to an external shop for wire EDM cutting, as it produces a much more repeatable and consistent wall thickness without the need for delicate forming and welding.

However, the legacy end-cap design TBP1690 calls out a thin-wall formed frame to help brace the window in place and provide material to fusion weld the rim of the end cap to the cassette tube.  The legacy design frame is extremely thin compared to the tube wall thickness, and this mismatch is extremely difficult to EB weld reliably.  If a mistake is made, the entire EDM cassette tube is scrapped.

Bob Welbourn and the machine shop have come up with an improved design for the frame and window with slightly modified forming tools.

The window thickness .003" and tube wall thickness .010" remain the same.  The only change is to the thickness of the welding frame, which is now matched with the tube wall thickness (previously .003", now .010").

Photos of the old (right) and new (left) weld results are attached, as well as the new forming tools created by Bob Welbourn.

The shop is now able to make a confident and reliable weld for the end caps.

I am not sure that the increased frame thickness will have any affect on the beam entry into the target cassette, but my assumption is that this region is not critical.  Now, if the beam does enter that material at the edge of the cap / tube, and the temperature changes during operation, there will be a more secure weld there due to this design improvement.

The machine shop was waiting for the OK to finish welding the end caps into the frames using this new technique / design, and seeing as how the old option was likely to produce more leaking or scrap parts, I gave them the go-ahead to proceed.

Isaac will take care of the drawing and documentation updates when he returns from holiday.

Thanks and regards,


Attachment 1: Left_new_right_old_ref_TBP1683_16Dec2015.JPG
Attachment 2: TBP1690_left_new_right_old_16Dec2015.JPG
Attachment 3: TBP1683_forming_tool_16Dec2015.JPG
Attachment 4: New_Frame_Ref_TBP1696_16Dec2015.pdf
  189   Monday, March 07, 2016, 18:22 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1ControlsPreliminary Testing of T1 Control System Complete

 Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T1 target, T1 cooling package, and T1 collimator.  All systems behaved as specified.  This test did not include testing of any T1 thermocouples which will be included as part of the T2 test program to follow.  This is not considered system commissioning, which will follow after all preliminary testing is complete and the commissioning plan document has been released.

A scanned copy of the T1 test plan with notes is attached.

Attachment 1: T1_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_7_2016.pdf
T1_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_7_2016.pdf T1_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_7_2016.pdf
  190   Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 16:50 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 2ControlsPreliminary Testing of T2 Control System Complete

Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T2 target, T2 cooling package, T2 collimators, and T1 thermocouples.  All systems behaved as specified.

Review of the commissioning plan is currently underway.

A scanned copy of the test plan is attached.

Attachment 1: T2_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_16_2016.pdf
T2_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_16_2016.pdf T2_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_16_2016.pdf T2_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_16_2016.pdf
  192   Thursday, March 24, 2016, 15:38 Isaac EarleDevelopmentTarget 1TargetT1/T2 Beryllium Target Test Jig Fabrication Complete

Fabrication of the T1/T2 beryllium target testing jig (TBP1721) was completed today by Dan MacDonald.  With a target installed across the test ports, the inside volume pressurized with air to 103psi, and both ball valves closed, there was no noticeable drop in pressure over a 16 hour period.  This result was deemed satisfactory for use of the jig for hydrostatic testing of new targets.



  194   Thursday, April 07, 2016, 16:44 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsT1/T2 Controls "Assembly Tests" Completed

The T1/T2 Control System "Assembly Tests"  (Document 118467 Release #1, Section 5) have been completed.  The expected result, as written in the document, occurred for every test.  The T2 Shield Thermocouple #3  (B1A:T2:TC3SHLD:RDTEMP) showed slightly erratic behaviour when viewing archived data.  It is uncertain at this point whether or not it will need to be bypassed in the B1A:T2:TGTRDY interlock.

The official commissioning tests (Section 6) are currently on-going.

  195   Monday, April 11, 2016, 13:51 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherOtherTarget Transfer Flask Hoist Hook Lower Limit Adjusted

 The lower limit of the flask hoist hook has been adjusted.  The travelling nut for the lower limit was rotated 3 notches closer to the upper limit travelling nut which resulted in an additional 1-3/8" travel of the hook at the lower limit.  The door hinges and door cable pulleys were lubricated with WD-40 and actuation of the doors was tested several times.

  202   Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 09:25 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsT1/T2 EPICS System With-Beam Testing

 With-beam commissioning tests were completed today by Tony Tateyama and Isaac Earle.  The test results are attached in PDF format.  These tests are described in Section 7 of the Commissioning Plan (Document-118467 Release #2).  These tests were not part of the official commissioning, but intended as an additional check of system functionality with beam on, and to confirm that the CCS current protection system performs as expected.

Official commissioning of the T1/T2 EPICS system was completed in April 2016, with the results released in Document-131503.

Attachment 1: T1T2_EPICS_Section_7_Commissioning_Results.pdf
T1T2_EPICS_Section_7_Commissioning_Results.pdf T1T2_EPICS_Section_7_Commissioning_Results.pdf T1T2_EPICS_Section_7_Commissioning_Results.pdf
  206   Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 14:09 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherControlsT1/T2 PLC Code Update

 A new version of the T1/T2 PLC code has been uploaded to the PLC CPU.  The main change in the new version is a fix to a bug related to the target MK# which may have caused the previous CPU crashes.  The EPICS interface now needs to be updated so that no target information is displayed on the EPICS screens when there is no target installed, or jumpers for both MK1 and MK2 are detected.  This must be tested during the next maintenance day.  The appropriate tests are Section 6.4.1 Test #5 and #6 from Document #118467

  207   Thursday, September 08, 2016, 17:26 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherActive SumpNew Active Sump High Level Switch and Electronics Installed

To address the deficiencies identified in E-Logs #204 and #205 the old active sump high level switch was replaced with Omega LV164SS model (316SS stem and float, 4' length, standard mount) using adaptor flange TRH1316 to mount to the top flange of the sump.  A new electrical box was also installed (circuit diagram attached in PDF format).  The circuit was designed by Don Jackson and wired by Travis Cave.  Connection to the RCR Lab PLC was done by Dave Morris.

The switch was tested using the following procedure:

1.  The switch was triggered by submerging the base in water until the float lifted.  This was confirmed to be equivalent to disconnecting the CPC-4 connector for the switch from the new electrical box
2.  Switch connector disconnected:  Local alarm sounds in HC Lab, red "Sump High" LED light illuminates, green "Sump Good" LED turns off, RCR PLC reports high level (cannot be reset), main control room "MHESA B1 RCR1 RM 6 WARN" displays NOT OK  (this will sound every 3 minutes until the RCR PLC high level alarm is reset)
3. "Alarm Silence" button pressed on new electrical box:  Local alarm stops, LEDs on electrical box do not change, RCR PLC still cannot be reset
4. Switch connector reconnected:  "Sump High" LED turns off, "Sump Good" LED turns on, RCR PLC can be reset
5. Power to the electrical box removed by switching off the breaker:  All LEDs turn off, no alarm, RCR PLC reports high level

Pump out of water from the MHESA Lab active sump to the HC Lab active sump was tested while observing the HC Lab sump.  The water entering the HC lab sump did not splash on the new switch excessively, and did not cause any false alarms.

The new system will continue to be tested annually according to the calibration schedule.






Attachment 3: RH_HC_Lab_Active_Sump_High_Level_Sensor_-_Electrical_Schematic.pdf
ELOG V2.9.2-2455