Ron Kuramoto, Keith Ng, John McKinnon, and myself spent some time today investigating water and air lines related to the T1 Rotary Collimator (Col. A). We discovered the following:
- There is a panel on the back (south) side of the T1 cooling package with 3 air lines for Col. A actuation, Col A cooling water supply & return, and the Col. Shield water cooling supply and return
- The air lines coming from the panel were decomissioned in 2003 by Tom Lyth, and at least 2 out of 3 were replaced with CuALCW water from the M13 header in the BL1A tunnel
- Motion / actuation of the rotary collimator was disabled in Oct 1994 and it is now used only in one position
- The two water lines coming from the M13 header (which connect to the actuation cylinder) will be disconnected, capped, and tagged. The M13 header can then be completely removed
- It is suspected, but not yet 100% confirmed that Col. A and the Collimator Shield are still cooled by the lines passing through the panel at the back of the cooling package
- A flow test will be performed to confirm this, which will also confirm that the Q4 flow meter at the cooling package measures cooling water flow to Col. A |