Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall, Page 1 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Datedown Author Category Type Specific Subject
  358   Friday, January 10, 2025, 18:36 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherCoolingT1/T2 cooling packages drained

The T1 and T2 cooling packages were drained starting at 14:36, by 14:48 both expansion tanks had dried, meaning the draining rate for both tanks were ~80L/hr, generally it will only take 2 hours to fully drain the system.

Tritium samples were collected after allowing the system to drain for ~5 minutes to clear out water in the drain lines and actually collect samples from the reservoirs. The samples were passed onto RPG for analysis.

The drain valves on the cooling packages and in the BL1A tunnel is left open.



Attachment 1: CALCS_T1_T2_cooling_system_drain_speed.html
Attachment 2: Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T1_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf
Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T1_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T1_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf
Attachment 3: Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T2_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf
Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T2_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf Tritium_Sample_and_Analysis_Form_-_T2_Cooling_Package_-_2025-01-10.pdf
  357   Friday, November 29, 2024, 11:57 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceOtherHot CellHot cell and warm cell maintenance tasks

The following maintenance tasks were completed on 2024-11-29 by A. Newsome, A. Kong, A. Tam, M. Dalla Valle:

  • Warm cell right window water level topup... the water level was a couple inches lower from the top. Using a tube connected to the nearby sink, the level was topped up fully. See attached before/after picture.
  • Hot cell oil level checks:
    • Right side OK. See attached picture.
    • Left side very low compared to July 2022 measurement (suspect internal leak?). The oil was topped up. See attached before/after picture.
  • Hot cell scissor table pump oil level check - M. Dalla Valle notes this was topped up approximately July 2022. The table was operated and functioned normally, did not sound concerning. The oil level was visible and acceptable.


Still to do, next maintenance check-up:

  • Check HC atmospheric pressure differential gauge
  • Lubricate HC turntable (planned for 2025 winter shutdown when target assembly not present)
  • Lubricate all telemanipulators



Attachment 1: Operator_left_oil_level_before_refill.jpg
Attachment 2: Operator_Left_oil_level_after_refill.JPG
Attachment 3: Operator_right_oil_level.jpg
Attachment 4: Right_window_water_level_before_refill.jpg
Attachment 5: Warm_cell_water_window_after_refill.jpg
  356   Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 15:10 Albert KongStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1-MK1 Electrical Check on Hot Cell

T1-MK1 electrical checks were completed on the hot cell. Specifically the profile and protect monitors were checked (assistance from Micheal Donohoe and Holden Jones from 'probes group'/accelerator systems).

Reference WP C2024-10-30-3.

"WORK INSTRUCTIONS / REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: Perform blip test of target protect module by attaching HV oscillator to protect HV bias. Check that the oscillator signal is readable from U,D, L, R and HALO signal cables.

For profile monitor, connect PM cable assembly to 0518 MWC module in portable NIM crate. Connect 0518 "START" to ch2 of an oscilloscope and "ANALOG" to ch1. Set scope to trigger on Ch2. Connect HV oscillator to profile HV bias. Observe signals on all channel devisions, note any channels not responding."


Test outcome (paraphrased from text discussion with Micheal Donohoe)

Profile monitor functioning properly from test, but right 'plate' on protect monitor yielded different results to other plates. May need to be re-checked, pending comparisons with results from previous tests (issues with this because "different oscillator was used"). We may have also not used couplings for cables that were correct for that particular protect monitor plate.


In images attached, red cable used for profile monitor (connect to the vertical connector at the rear), the dark green wire is used to ground the system when the profile monitor is being checked. The grey cable bundle (with 'box') is used to check the protect monitor, with vertical pins located by the main lifting flange support bars in the front left of the target (see bottom right of first image).


Micheal and Holden returned on the 31st with Thomas Manson, they performed direct testing on the leads of the protect monitor connector (directly hook up leads on protect monitor connector to oscilloscope/multi-meter). All direct checks went well, the waveform issue from yesterday's testing likely resulted from the testing cable having issues.

Electrical testing on T1-MK1 is now complete. Probes group will work to update their documentation and possibly develop a process change to fabricate new cables to make the testing happen fully on the hot cell roof and have it complete faster.

Note: it may be a good idea to perform preventative maintenance on the protect monitor @ T1-MK1 the next time it is on the hot cell. Probes group members noted that the protect monitor components are nearing their end-of-life and it would be good to replace old components to avoid the protect monitor failing in the target station.



Attachment 1: IMG_0368.JPEG
Attachment 2: IMG_0369.JPEG
Attachment 3: IMG_0360.JPEG
Attachment 4: IMG_0374.JPEG
Attachment 5: 78c73bfe-d624-4ca7-95e8-9d4a3d921f8e.jpg
Attachment 6: Media_(1).jpg
Attachment 7: Media_(3).jpg
  355   Thursday, October 10, 2024, 12:24 Adam NewsomeOtherOtherHot CellSafety Walkaround Complete - Meson Hall HC/WC Area

A safety walkaround was completed for the Meson Hall Hot/Warm Cells.

The resulting spreadsheet can be found on DocuShare as Document-242733.

Main deficiencies identified:

  • Hot Cells:
    • Pressure gauge reading is suspect
    • Operator station phone not working (resolved now)
  • General:
    • Lifting equipment has overdue inspection

Action has been taken on all deficiencies.


  354   Monday, September 09, 2024, 16:31 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherActive SumpActive Sump High Level Sensor Testing

The active sump high level sensor was tested and correctly alarmed locally. However the alarm in the MHESA RCR lab did not make any sound and no notification was recieved at the main control room. After some investigation, it is believed that the RCR lab alarm 'had already produced a notification at the control room and so no new notification was produced by testing the remote handling sump. Alternatively, the RCR sump alarm may have been silenced in the control room and so the notification was not seen. 


We will look to modify the system so that our sump's alarm does not piggy-back off the RCR sump alarm when notifying the control room.


  353   Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:39 Albert KongOtherTarget 2Cooling B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW noisy, CYCLOTRON Fault 17321

Secondary flow sensor B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW on the T2 cooling station suddenly became very noisy at around 11 pm, 01 September 2024.

The sensor reading would fluctuate from 0-150 gpm which is beyond typical noise levels for these sensors (~2gpm).

The noise spontaneously ended at around 4 am, 05 September 2024.


The noise likely originated from some stuck debris preventing the paddle wheel from turning normally that got spontaneously dislodged.

Alternatively, changes in the environment temperature could have broken some electrical contact that recovered when the temperature cooled over the weekend. We will make a note to look into this sensor in the coming shutdown and perform preventative replacement of components.

Attachment 1: EPICS_Data_Strip.png
  352   Thursday, August 22, 2024, 15:16 Adam NewsomeStandard OperationOtherActive SumpActive sump filled ~600L with grey water from RCR1 sump replacement

During a replacement of the RCR1 active sump (mechanical services group), approximately 600L of non-active grey water was released into the RH active sump. At this time, this should be all of the water in the RH sump (approximately 600L total).

  351   Tuesday, August 06, 2024, 11:35 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherBL1A Holding TankBL1A and RH Active Sump Draining

The RH active sump was drained (over Jul 31-Aug 01), in total approximately 5500 L of water was sent to city sewage.

We also tried to divert water from the BL1A holding tank to the active sump, and learned that we cannot run back-flow through the sump pump. The valving configuration used here was V10, V1, SV1, V6 open - V2, V3 closed. (Note solenoid valve SV1 does not serve a purpose and energizing/powering-down does not affect the observed flow.)

In order to divert water from the holding tank to the sump, we likely need to add a 'T' after V6 to send the flow through the opening port into the sump.

The BL1A holding tank was subsequently drained and is now ready again to receive water from T1/T2/TNF.

Attachment 1: IMG_0173.JPEG
Attachment 2: IMG_0170.JPEG
Attachment 3: IMG_0185.JPEG
  350   Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 15:05 Adam NewsomeStandard OperationOtherOtherSafety Walkaround Complete - Meson Hall HC/WC Area

A safety walkaround for July 2024 was completed by A. Kong.

Results can be found in the master spreadsheet


Major deficiencies:

  • Identified a 1/2 ton chain hoist missing an inspection tag. Mechanical Services will need to be informed about this.


  349   Friday, June 28, 2024, 15:44 Albert KongOtherOtherTransfer FlaskInspection of Primary Target Transfer Flask

The primary transfer flask was inspected on the 26th of June, 2024:

  1. Electrical cabling and connections externally mounted on the flask + on the hook/latch were inspected for wear, damage, proper connections,etc.
    • It was learned that the controls+power cable that drives the latch also runs the height indicator pulley+lead weight system, this should be reworked in the future and replaced with proper load bearing rope/cable.
    • The cable connecting to the main control box was duct-taped heavily, it may be a good idea to replace it with proper reinforcement in the future.
    • The power cable connection to the grey junction box is not terminated properly and should be re-terminated (some other cables may need to be re-terminated properly).
  2. Various markings on the exterior of the flask were checked:
    • Marks on the flask flange were still visible
    • Marks on the flask body for reference flask orientation were still visible
    • The weight of the flask (30,000 lbs) had faded and was written over with a sharpie (it may still be a good idea to paint a larger version of the weight so that it is visible by the crane operator)
  3. Limit switches throughout the flask was inspected
    • The chain hoist limit switches were tested and both functioned properly, some wear was observed on the spring toggle for the upper limit switch but it does not need to be replaced yet.
    • The limit switches on the hook/latch were tested and functioned properly, with the exception of the 'unlatch' limit switch which we could not test because the unlatch indicator light on the control was broken (this should be re-tested in the future).
  4. Rolling/rotating components (pulleys for the door and level indicator, guide wheels inside the flask,  door pin/hinge, main lifting eye, hook latch) were inspected
    • A retaining ring was missing from one of the level indicator pulleys which was promptly replaced
    • All other pins/shafts/rollers were in visually in good condition and rolled properly (despite some being rusty) and had proper retaining components (cotter pins, retaining rings, etc.).
    • Note that for future inspections, it may be a good idea to manually move the various rollers to check by hand if the pins/shafts need to be lubricated
    • Also, the lead weight driving the level indicator should be painted over, and a sacrificial contact pad should be used to prevent the load from wearing the outside of the flask
  5. Electrical assemblies inside the control and grey junction boxes were inspected and found to be in good condition
    • *Except for a broken LED for the unlatch limit switch in the main control box (the broken LED issue was sourced to a broken relay that was promptly replaced, the unlatch status light shows up now)
    • All hook/latch actuating switches on the control box seemed to be working (note that the finger-related switches were not tested)
    • Note that there is an 'override' button on the control box whose purpose is unclear, we should investigate this to determine its purpose in the future
    • Note that to access the internals of the control box, only the two central screws along the white line need to be removed
  6. The chain hoist and cable pulley system for flask door were inspected
    • The chain lubrication seemed dry, it would be a good idea to re-lubricate the chain properly and perform some form of maintenance on the hoist in the future
    • The chain length is retracted and dropped from a bucket and currently causes the chain to rub against a corner on top of the flask, in the future it may be a good idea to make some changes to avoid this
    • The flask door cables used duct tape to prevent the crimped cable loops from fraying and was still in good condition
    • In the future, we may want to look into the cables' channel to check for fraying or damage along their length.
  7. Inspect main flask structure
    • Welds on and around the main lifting eye were in good condition without chipping paint
    • There was visible deformation on the lifting eye from contact with the hook, but this should be no cause for concern, and besides this, no signs of wear/damage was found on the lifting structure
    • The external welds on the main flask body were in good condition
    • The welds on the hook/latch that we could see were in good condition and still fully painted
    • There was some rusting on the platform
    • The welds on the ladder and platform were of lesser quality than the lifting structure but no cracks or broken welds were found
    • In the future, we should determine a weight limit for the platform based on some analysis
  8. The aluminum tray was inspected and found to be in good condition, however we should replace the old rubber pieces with new ones at some point
  9. The drive mechanism for the doors/hook/latch was tested and we were able to travel the full distance without abnormal sounds from the chain hoist.
  10. Seismic clamps were inspected and the bolts + threaded inserts were re-tapped and greased for smoother disassembly/installation.

In addition to the items above, the four 'fingers'/actuators that are holstered by the base of the flask was inspected visually, we will confirm their function before determining whether they need regular inspection/maintenance.

Also, at some point we should inspect the target alignment frames, their camera systems, as well as hot cell flask controls systems.





Attachment 1: Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf
Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf Flask_Inspection_Images_(26_June_2024).pdf
  348   Thursday, May 23, 2024, 17:10 Albert KongStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1-MK1 Target Exchange (+ leak fix, service panel changes, coupler exchange)

On May 23, 2024 two sets of plugs from position 1 and 3 and a 12mm Be target from position 5 (serial #109) was removed from T1-MK1 in the Meson Hall remote handling hot cell.

The plugs and spent target are kept in the secondary hot cell (East) on the lift table for future beamspot imaging and to cool down prior to disposal.

In their place 12mm Be targets were placed:

  • #107 in position 5
  • #110 in position 3
  • #111 in position 1

We will continue with leak checking and position measurements in the coming week, at which point this ELOG will be updated.


UPDATE May 24:

  • leak testing began on the T1-MK1, vacuum stagnated at 1.5e-2 Torr and a leak rate of 3.9e-07 atm-cc/sec (system vented, will re-tighten target fittings and re-do leak test). 
  • after tightening and repeating pump-down in the afternoon, the vacuum volume stalled again at 1.5e-2 Torr. releasing helium to the target fittings registered a response in the leak tester at all virtually locations (for either side of the ladder). 
  • the plan for the coming monday is to re-check the vacuum fittings and re-tighten the swage-lok connections to the targets before repeating the leak test once more.


UPDATE May 27:

  • the swage fittings for the targets on position 1,3,5 were tightened in the morning but the volume still couldn't be pumped down to 1e-03 Torr.
  • pumping down only on the vacuum line (up to KF elbow ahead of hansen fitting at outlet of target connections pannel) allowed the pressure to drop to 1e-03 Torr so it was determined that the leak tester + associated vacuum connections were not the problem.
  • shortly afterwards, we troubleshooted by pumping only to the 'high pressure test' setting (no Turbo pump) and sprayed helium to various joints above the target flange. we learned that there is likely some leaking through the hansen fittings + the swage elbow from the fittings down through the target flange.
  • plastic ferrules are used in this elbow to allow for some seals to be replaced, so this may be the source of the leak.
  • then, the fittings on the target ladder were re-tightened and helium was sprayed onto various fittings on the ladder. all but the left join on target ladder #1 (position 9a) does not register a leak rate above baseline after tightening.
  • at end of day, the ladder was able to consistently reach a base-line leak rate of 1.7e-07 Torr-l/sec and a vacuum of 4e-3 Torr.
  • we will proceed with replacing the water line connections on top of the target flange and re-check the leak-tightness of the ladder in the coming days.


UPDATE June 14:

    several attempts at replacing the plastic (Nylon, Swage NY-1013-1 and NY-1014-1) ferrules and re-establishing the fittings on the target service panel were made since the last update. it was determined that the lines leading from the leak detector to the target panel was leak tight (reached 1e-03 Torr within ~5 minutes of pumping down). a double-male Hansen adapter was made to test this (see image). in the final attempt to re-seal, the nylon ferrul-ed fittings were tightened last and the target managed to pump down to 2e-03 Torr, with a stable baseline leak rate of ~2e-08 Torr-L/s. note that prior to exchanging targets, the leak rate obtained during water flushing was 1e-10 Torr-L/sec. additionally, spraying helium on the inlet fittings still registered a response at the leak detector (~4e-6 Torr-L/sec in the worst case).

    we think that the following happened to the target, leading to the leak: at some point the target panel collided with something by the water outlet hansen port (see image), this caused the nylon ferrule at that line to crack/become damaged but no leaks occurred immediately after. when we performed the target exchange, the water line was disturbed in some way either as a result of torque-ing the target fittings or when the ladder was moved on the turntable causing the joint to completely fail and leak. because of the damage from the collision, after taking the fittings apart, it is no longer possible to return the fittings and for them to seal.

    the plan moving forward is to implement some minor design changes to 1) replace the damaged fittings on the target panel, 2) better facilitate replacement of the nylon ferrules in the future, 3) better facilitate leak testing on the target service panel connections.


UPDATE Sep 27:

  • After designing, releasing, and procuring the leak fix components (see TRH1681), we implemented changes to the electrical barrel connectors and tested the fit of the cooling line piping (see pictures).
  • We checked that the ladder motor, potentiometer, and limit switch circuits all worked properly.
  • Some differences were noted:
    • D10414-2 accepts 1/4"-20 screws to mount the panel, not 10-24 like shown in the legacy drawings, the clearance hole on TRH1682 had to be adjusted accordingly.
    • The low profile screws specified for the barrel connectors were difficult to use (item 108 in TRH1681), so instead we used normal 4-40 socket head cap screws and were able to check that the barrel connectors could fully couple without interference from the socket head.
    • We did not use lock washers for the barrel connector flanges because they drop too easily and instead we elected to tighten the nuts well.
    • Some loose leads fell out of the potentiometer (bottom left) and profile monitor (bottom right) barrel connectors. These were not electrically connected to anything so we decided to remove them, they will be kept in a recorded location at the end of the operation. 
  • In the coming week, we will look to fasten the water line fully and check that they are leak tight.


UPDATE Oct 02:

  • The water line was fastened fully, some items noted:
    • Order of fittings tightened: elbow to bulkhead adapter > elbow to reducer > 5/8" connector to tube > elbow with reducer to tube > nylon ferrule connection
    • We tried to tighten the elbow with reducer to the tubes with the tubes in position to minimize loading the nylon ferrule at the end but found that the outlet tube still ended up protruding significantly from the bulkhead plate (see image). For future operations we should make a note to not load the outlet tube too significantly because it is only supported by the tube (bulkhead nut not fully engaged).
    • The above issue likely resulted from bending the tubes to the 3D printed template but yielding misaligned ends. In the future better templates that emphasize absolute end alignment for tube bending should be made
    • The NPT-Hansen nipple was not tightened before the water line was put on which may have applied unnecessary loads onto the tubes. In the future we will make a note in the drawing on which fittings to tighten first and how to perform the operation to minimize loading on the nylon ferrules
    • In the future some modifications can be made to help relieve this issue for version 2 of the water connections, maybe using flexible metal tubes or thinner walled pipe, alternatively we can implement a more flexible mounting approach for the Hansen ends.
  • We noted some tight clearances on the electrical bulkhead. In future implementations of the fix, the connectors can be spaced farther apart or staggered, also they should be moved further down from the top flange of the target ladder.
  • Leak testing proceeded with the following results:
    • Total time under vacuum ~2 hours
    • Reached 'fine' vacuum within 1 minute, pressure saturated to 2e-3 Torr within 3 mins 30 secs.
    • Baseline leak rate of 0.0e-10 Torr-L/s reached within 7 minutes of pumping down.
    • ~1.4e-9 Torr-L/s peak @ 15s delay (to first signal) after 1s x 3psi He to general vicinity of newly made water line connections << deemed acceptable
    • 0.5s x 3 psi bursts of He
      • ~0.9e-09 Torr-L/s peak @ 15s delay to nylon ferrule outlet line (did not change after further tightening) < deemed acceptable
      • ~0.2e-10 Torr-L/s peak @ 15s delay to nylon ferrule inlet line < deemed acceptable
      • ~0.5e-10 Torr-L/s peak @ 40s delay to NPT-Hansen outlet < deemed acceptable
      • ~0.4e-10 Torr-L/s peak @ 40s delay to NPT-Hansen inlet < deemed acceptable
    • SS swagelok connections not tested thoroughly due to low likelihood of being a leak source (all tightened properly to 1.25 turns as per swagelok directions)
    • He 'bleed' test by closing hot-cell He wand solenoid valve and bringing wand opening ~5 cm from pos.5 target swagelok resulted in a stable leak rate of 0.8e-8 Torr-L/s << target ladder leak likely prevents pressure in target ladder from bottoming out.
  • Will carry on with leak testing the target ladder and possibly the swagelok fittings on top of the hot cell if necessary by the end of the week.


UPDATE Oct 04:

  • The target ladder was pumped down at ~11 am and reached the same baseline as yesterday (0e-10 Torr-L/s @ 2e-3 Torr within 3mins, 30 sec), but in the afternoon, the baseline leak rate worsened to 1.0e-8 Torr-L/s.
  • For reference, 0.5s of 3psi He was delivered to the water outlet nylon ferrule joint and registered a response of 1.8e-8 Torr-L/s with a delay of 20 sec. A 3s spray at 3 psi around the water fittings registered a 4.9e-8 Torr-L/s response with a 15s delay.
  • The following was observed from sending 0.5s of He to the target ladder Swagelok fittings (see Img for more details):
    • Leak rate baseline improved during testing (~over 1 hour) to 3.0e-9 Torr-L/s
    • Bellows, and targets 2-5 registered leak rates in the order of 1e-8 Torr-L/s
    • Target 1's left Swagelok fitting registered the highest leak rate at 2.8e-7 Torr-L/s (when the leak rate baseline would have dropped to the lowest value of 3.0e-9 Torr-L/s)
  • We checked the KF and hansen fittings to make sure that they are not a leak source and managed to bottom out on both the leak rate and pressure readings on the leak tester.
  • We will take off Target 1 in the next session, run a die over the male threads, clean the conical face of the male thread with scotchbrite,and attempt to re-do the target joint before leak testing once more.


UPDATE Oct 11:

  • We removed target at pos 1 (ID 111), noticing that the swagelok nuts were easy to undo.
  • Working theories on how they became 'loose' include: 1) creep undoing misalignment between the two swagelok tubes on target, 2) vibration from the nuclear ventilation onto the target ladder undoing the joint, 3) thermal changes between summer and 'fall'.
  • The threads on pos1 seem worn, it may be a good idea to plug this ladder position permanently to avoid further damaging the threads and jeopardizing the ladder in the future (see image).
  • The ferrules on the target seem to be in good condition but we should still clean them with the scotch brite tool
  • We added plugs over the exposed male swagelok ports to protect from debris entering the water line.
  • We placed the removed target between two wypalls and weighed the wypall down with a wrench to protect it from debris.
  • The 3D printed scotch brite tools need to be re-designed for 3/8" drive size (was designed for 1/2" drives).
  • We will return to bag, and package the target for safe keeping in the secondary hot cell; clean the male swagelok threads and sealing faces on pos 1 target ladder; and possibly place permanent plugs in pos 1.


UPDATE Oct 15:

  • The leak tester was calibrated with an external calibrator. Original leak rate 1.3e-7 Torr-L/s, 2% loss over ~10 years >> ~1.1 Torr-L/s leak rate.
  • The leak checker registered an initial leak rate of ~2.3 Torr-L/s before calibration so we corrected the measurement (at least within the calibration range) by a factor of 2.
  • This voids old leak testing data that we made on the target ladder.
  • We will add a note to the procedure to ensure that the leak detector has been calibrated before performing leak testing in the future


UPDATE Oct 23:

  • After some testing with 3/8" tube Swagelok threads outside of the hot cell, we determined that the reason the threads in pos 1 of the target ladder was 'difficult' to run was likely because the nuts were over-tightened previously.
  • There is a risk of compromising the threads if we run the die over over-tightened threads because they have been shifted from where they should be. We will instead attempt to replace the plugs, after cleaning the sealing face on the male threads using the cleaning tools.
  • We also checked with a Swagelok tightening gage (3/8) to see whether the other targets were tightened properly, and all had gaps smaller than the gage. Note that we could not get fully into the gap with the gage on the side by the profile/protect monitor due to interference with a support column with the gripper. We will make an extender tool to avoid this issue in the future.
  • We also bagged the target that was previously mounted onto pos 1 on the ladder and moved it to the secondary hot cell for storage (temporary).


UPDATE Oct 24:

  • The threads and sealing face on pos 1 were cleaned with scotch brite, blown with compressed air from the inside by connecting compressed air line at the service panel, blown with compressed air from a bottle externally, and wiped with a wypall with the manipulators.
  • The old plugs were moved to the secondary hot cell, new plugs were tightened onto pos 1.
  • Initially the baseline leak rate was 3.3e-8 Torr-l/s at 4e-3 Torr. With He, we were able to determine that the plugs, specifically position 9a, was the most leaky joint in the ladder.
  • After a couple rounds of tightening the plugs, and making sure that the remaining targets were also tight, the baseline improved to 1.7e-9 Torr-l/sec. The plug at position 9a also no longer registered a leak response from having the He line brought up to the joint.
  • The plug at position 9a still is the leakiest location in the ladder however, registering a peak leak rate of 2e-8 Torr-l/s at the final baseline.
  • We deem that the ladder is sufficiently leak tight, and we will move on to replacing a rubber coupling on top of the target ladder before performing target position measurements.


UPDATE Nov 25:

  • The coupler was successfully removed with a custom puller tool (see TRH1730, TRH1731, TRH1732, and Document-244878). This tool is used for the 3/8" shaft side.
  • The press fit coupler had to be cut up with a dremel and saw before using the tool.
  • The old coupler had to be 'cut-up' to be removed. During initial troubleshooting, the rubber body split, indicating that it was near end of life.
  • The replacement coupler system could be inserted without removing any parts.
  • The relative alignment of the shafts may have changed up to 1/2 a turn during this process (the printed clamps were not strong enough to resist torques exerted when attempting to remove the press fit coupler).
  • Potentiometer table will need to be reviewed when performing target measurements.
  • Light loctite to be added to the treads.
  • Note: the old coupler has stainless shaft adapter (3/8" step down).


UPDATE Nov 28:

  • Loctite added to all coupler screws (including flexible coupling from motor to three-way gearbox)
  • Final leak check completed on replacement piping on service panel with the following results
    • baseline leak rate bottomed to 0.0e-10 Torr-L/sec within 7 mins and pressure bottomed to 1e-3 Torr within 5 mins.
    • baseline leak rate worsened to around 1e-9 Torr-L/sec by the end of leak testing, assumed due to increase in amount of trapped He in the line through testing
    • (time to detect [s] || peak leak rate [Torr-L/sec]) values for 3psi, 0.5s Helium using wand on top of hot cell
      • inlet side:
        • 20s || 3.8e-10 for nylon ferrule joint
        • 20s || 6.3e-10 for o-ring flange
        • 20s || 2.7e-10 for hansen NPT thread
      • outlet side:
        • 15s || 3.5e-10 for plastic ferrule joint
        • 15s || 5.1e-10 for o-ring flange
        • 20s || 0.8e-9 for hansen NPT thread

The target ladder was moved to the lift table in preparation for measurements.


UPDATE Jan 03, 2025:

  • Measurements (elevations) of the targets and alignment jig were completed over December to early January.
  • Notes on measurement procedure:
    • Used the old alignment jig instead of new (easier to insert/remove)
    • Noticed that the target ladder potentiometer is jumpy at around 12 kOhm
    • Placed the jig between positions 4-5 throughout (pot reading of 11.65 kOhm places the jig in beam height - in line with protect monitor)
    • For left-right measurements, moved the alignment jig 'into-position' (i.e. set potentiometer value to 11.65 kOhm) to 'zero' the micrometer before changing ladder position (potentiometer value) back to the target being measured (turntable height not touched after zero-ing off to the jig)
      • For the entry side, because the protect monitor is obstructing, target 5 had to be measured above the protect monitor (jig also zeroed off above the protect monitor, i.e. not at the resistance value given above), while all other targets were measured below.
      • This introduces some error since we are measuring the target not in the beam position.
    • Target height measurements were done with measuring tape as normal.
    • Targets were measured with turntable flange having an angle of ~0.2 degrees, plumb bob and jig measurements taken with turntable flange 'leveled' as best as possible (angle of ~0.02 degrees)
      • For future measurements, the turntable should be also leveled before target measurements.
    • Levelling the turntable flange was done with a Digi-pass digital level (DW-1300XY, in absolute level mode, calibrated before starting)
    • By the cutout, the turntable flange is less stiff, causing level measurements to be tilted inward. We therefore relied more on level measurements on solid portions of the turntable flange as well as on the target flange.
    • Levelling bolts could be turned with target ladder seated.
    • If the turntable is not rotated, and only raised/lowered, the levelness of the table and target remained approximately constant (e.g. from 0.02 degrees change to 0.04 degrees as the turntable is lowered fully from fully raised).
    • If rotated, the turntable level changes significantly (e.g. from 0.02 degrees to 0.15 degrees)
    • The flange was re-levelled between entry side and exit side measurements for the plumb bob and alignment jig measurements
    • With new nuclear ventilation filters, flow inside the hot cell perturbs the plumb bobs and prevents them from settling.
    • Nuclear ventilation had to be turned off momentarily for the plumb bob measurements
    • Nuclear ventilation is returned when working on the hot cell roof
    • Nuclear ventilation is controlled by turning the toggle on the electrical disconnect panel from 'hand' to 'off' ('auto' setting assumed not used)
    • Respirator and lab coat worn throughout plumb bob measurement job, air survey done by RPG after job (confirmed OK)
    • Area also 'taped off' during plumb bob measurements to prevent non-worker entry
  • The coupler exchange resulted in around a 0.4mm shift in the target heights
  • A shoulder screw and wood clamp is used to lock the plumb bob jig in place (old screw/nut missing, no other components in toolbox provides locating fit for pivot joint on jig)
  • Assumed new plumb bob measurements more accurate due to better/more accurate 'levelling' equipment (digital level).
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Attachment 36: T1-MK1_-_2025.pdf
  347   Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 13:21 Albert KongRepairTarget 2CoolingT2 Cooling System Expansion Tank Ultrasonic Level Sensor Repair

At ~8am on May 06, the expansion tank level sensor for the T2 cooling system suddenly became noisy. 

Cyclotron fault ref: 16915

Approximately 11:00 am today, the noisy sensor was replaced with a spare, upon which it was learned that the spare sensor is broken (registers 0 level and not detected on PC through USB adapter).

The old (noisy sensor) was then replaced at around 12.00 pm onto the expansion tank and it was found that the noise had subsided.

A possible explanation to the noise would be loose connections/grounding wire.

We will continue to monitor the sensor in the coming days, and order replacement sensors has been placed and we will be able to replace the sensor soon should it become noisy again.


Edit 2024-05-07 - A. Newsome: EPICS monitoring shows the sensor appears to be behaving normally since the aforementioned events. Most likely attributed to improper grounding. The fault will be closed. See attached screenshot.


Attachment 1: T2_Level_EPICS_Readout.pdf
T2_Level_EPICS_Readout.pdf T2_Level_EPICS_Readout.pdf
Attachment 2: T2_expansion_tank_sensor_noise_issue_-_4_hr_after_fix.PNG
  346   Wednesday, April 03, 2024, 10:48 Adam NewsomeOtherOtherBL1A Holding TankBL1A Holding Tank - water level check

As of 2024-04-03, the BL1A Holding Tank water level is approximately 580L. It is recommended to drain the tank prior to the start of the operating year.

  345   Thursday, February 15, 2024, 14:53 Albert KongMaintenanceTarget 2Air amplifiersT2 Lower Air Amplifier Maintenance/Rebuild

The lower amplifier for the T2 target station air supply was removed for teardown, inspection, and rebuild. 

The goal of this operation is to understand wear development in the air amplifier over ~13 years of operation, and potentially determine a recommeded service interval.


The T2 volume was vented for an unrelated maintenance operation during this time.

During testing, prior to removing the lower amplifier, both regulators were set to ~20 psi. 

The upper air amplifier resulted in ~125 psi at the outlet while the lower air amplifier resulted in ~120 psi at the outlet.

The upper air amplifier had more audible air flowing out from the muffler than the lower amplifier. 

'Scratching' sounds in both amplifiers were comparable.

The following cycle times were recorded with the M20 BB raised/out (min:sec):

    UPPER: 1:22 / 1:00 / 2:06

    LOWER: 2:30 / 1:46 / 2:12

The following times were recorded to raise the M20 BB (sec): 

    UPPER: 8.36 / 8.76

    LOWER: 8.56 / 9.10

These times will be compared against after completing the teardown and rebuild of the lower amplifier, at which point this ELOG will be updated.


UPDATE (Feb 23, 2024):

The lower air amplifier was serviced (photos in 'S:\Albert Kong\Shutdown Files\2024\Feb20 T2 Lower Amplifier Cleanup'):

  1. Full assembly cleaning.
  2. Piston and barrel was cleaned and lubricated, o-rings and plastic components replaced (with new lubricated ones).
  3. Pilot valve components replaced (except plug).
  4. Check valves (4x) cleaned and plastic/rubber components replaced (with new lubricated ones). 
  5. Muffler cleaned (blown out with compressed air).
  6. Spool and sleeve assembly cleaned, o-rings replaced (with new lubricated ones), and rubber stopper replaced.
  7. Clamping rods tightened to ~17 ft-lbs. 

Note: the piston o-rings were difficult to seat on the piston body/teflon ring. During assembly, we instead seated the o-ring in the barrel on the piston plates (see picture), which allowed the oring to be seated properly, before placing the piston body onto the piston rod.

After servicing, the amplifier was returned to the station, air connections reconnected, and tested. 

Note: it is recommended to do torque-ing of the clamping rods as a final step to simplify mounting of the amplilfier and re-doing connections to the rest of the compressed air system.

The first observation we made was how silently the lower amplifier now operates when cycled: only the exhaust sound from the muffler can be heard.

Note that the piston's motion can be heard when listening ~5cm away from the amplifier barrel. 

The following times were recorded to raise the M20 BB (sec):

    UPPER: ~8.5 

    LOWER: ~7.7s

The following cycle times were recorded with the M20 BB in the out/raised position (min:sec):

    UPPER: 1:05 / 1:04

    LOWER: 1.22 / 1:45

The outlet pressure from the amplifier registers 120 psi with the regulator set only to 15 psi (improvement from previous performance as well as the upper air amplifier's performance).

We will check in on the amplifier next week to see if it still operates silently and can actuate the beam blockers/profile monitor without issue, at which point this ELOG will be updated. 


UPDATE (Feb 26, 2024):

The lower amplifier was inspected this morning, higher volume sound could be heard from the drum in concert with the motion of the piston, but still much quieter than before servicing.


Attachment 1: IMG_4005.JPEG
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  344   Thursday, February 15, 2024, 12:38 Riley SykesRepairOtherHot CellIndium Extruder Hand Pump

Feb 1 2024

Hand Pump observed to be losing pressure at full extension of cylinder, seals likely blown. Due to Enerpac P84 being an obsolete model, a newer model hand pump was ordered.

Feb 15 2024

Hand pump (Enerpac P84 Ultima) installed at Indium Extruder Station, observed to work properly in both directions of flow, deemed operational. 

  343   Thursday, February 01, 2024, 11:16 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherCoolingSpent resin can rinse, purge, and drying

 The recently removed resin can from the T2 target station was rinsed with city water and flushed with compressed air for 1 cycle. 

We will run it through a few more cycles before proceeding with drying under the fume extractor, at which point this ELOG will be updated. 

UPDATE (Feb 08, 2024): The T2 resin can underwent 3 more air cycles. Today it was moved under the fume extractor with the lid cracked open and will be left to dry till next shutdown. It is worth noting that some clumps of old resin was found in the secondary resin can which was previously under the fume extractor. This resin should be disposed of alongside the T2 can's resin once dried.


  342   Thursday, February 01, 2024, 11:14 Albert KongStandard OperationTarget 1Hot CellT1-MK1 Flush and Purge on Hot Cell

The recently removed T1-MK1 target ladder was flushed with city water for ~30s at all target positions. It was then purged with compressed air at ~5 psi for ~1 minute at all target positions. We then left the target ladder in pos5 to fully extend the bellows and allow it to dry overnight.

This ELOG will be updated as we progress with work done to dry the target ladder and eventually exchange the spent targets.


UPDATE (Feb 02, 2024): in the morning, the target ladder was moved to pos4, and air was allowed to run through the morning, in the afternoon the ladder was moved to pos2 and air was ran. At the end of the day, the ladder was moved to pos 0 and air was ran through over the weekend.


UPDATE (Feb 05, 2024): the following procedures were completed.

  1. the air connections on the target ladder was replaced with the leak test/vacuum connections as per instructions.
  2. LN2 was taken from the ISAC-I facility and used to perform two pump-down cycles with the Agilent He leak detector + cold trap.
  3. First pumpdown cycle: 3min45sec to go from roughing to fine pumping, left for a total pumpdown time of1hr20mins, a relatively small amount of ice formed on the cold trap cylinder (see image).
  4. Second pumpdown cycle: 2min30sec to go from roughing to fine pumping, 4min30sec to reach 1e-3 Torr, 5min to reach < 1e-3 Torr. 
  5. Due to good pumpdown in the second cycle, we proceeded with leak testing: Baseling 1.0e-10 Torr-L/sec | ~1 sec He applications at 3.5 Psi directed at fittings/welds/bellows. Worse case measured leak was 0.9e-7 Torr-l/sec in pos 13 of fig 12 of Document 46600 (see taken image for detailed measurements at various locations).

We will prepare an update to the procedure to better log the leak rate measurements and update this ELOG/the procedure. Note that ice removed from second pumpdown was actually comparable to the first (see image, ice knocked off during cold trap removal), but total pumpdown duration (including leak testing) was ~4 hours for the second pumpdown. 

 UPDATE (Feb 13, 2024): see attached record with new template.


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Attachment 5: T1&T2_Pump-Down_and_Leak_Check_Record_05_FEB_2024.pdf
T1&T2_Pump-Down_and_Leak_Check_Record_05_FEB_2024.pdf T1&T2_Pump-Down_and_Leak_Check_Record_05_FEB_2024.pdf
  341   Friday, January 19, 2024, 17:07 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherTargetT1/T2 Profile Monitor, TGT Ladder, CUNO filter leak, Motor Coupling Inspection, + M9/M20 Blocker Actuation

 The following tasks were completed:

  1. Yesterday (Jan 18), the T1/T2 cooling packages were inspected for leaks and some moisture was found underneath the CUNO filters behind the resin cans on both T1/T2. It was determined that the source of the leak was a loose fitting on the drain valves of the CUNO filter housing (see photo). Today we confirmed that no more moisture is found underneath the CUNO filter after these fittings were tightened. A note will be made to keep this in mind for future shutdown operations.
  2. The shaft couplings on the T1/T2 target ladder drive system were inspected: no cracks were identified on the rubber couplings.
  3. Actuation of the T1/T2 profile monitors were tested. Vacuum levels at T1/T2 remained stable throughout (see picture).
  4. The pneumatic connections/hose/fittings for the T1/T2 profile monitors, and M9/M20 BB were inspected - therere were some air leaks out from the ASCO valve + pneumatic flow control valve on the T2 profile monitor when it was in the down/out position. The same leak out of the pneumatic valve by the profile monitor connection was found at T1. Given that both profile monitors actuated properly however, these leaks were determined to not be an issue.

Next week, we will continue work by actuating the M9/M20 BB at T2, at which point this ELOG will be updated.

UPDATE Jan 30, 2024: The M9 and M20 beam blockers were tested, no leaks through the tubing were observed, actuation was quick, ops confirmed no perceptible change in 1A vacuum levels during actuation and EPICS reads correct blocker position signals.

Note: the M20 blocker was actuated by ops, while the M9/T2 blocker was actuated using the ASU on the B2 level of the Meson Hall. The ASU did not require the area to be blocked off to actuate the T2 blocker.


Note: Ops noted that the profile monitor interlock status has to be reset if a timeout is encountered (such as if the pump were to be turned off or a trip was encountered) before the profile monitor can be actuated (see picture).

Note: When inspecting the system, we tried to open the rotary collimator air supply and the handle on the pannel mounted valve broke off (like it did for the T2 valve last shutdown - see picture). 

UPDATE Jan 30, 2024: The handle to the rotary collimator air supply valve was replaced (see image).

Note: There was also some small leaks at the hose clamps at the T2 profile monitor, in the out position. This leak was however smaller than the leak through the valve. 

Attachment 1: IMG_3901.JPEG
Attachment 2: IMG_3906.JPEG
Attachment 3: T1T2VacuumOK.PNG
Attachment 4: InterlockReset.PNG
Attachment 5: IMG_3902.MP4
Attachment 6: IMG_3904.JPEG
Attachment 7: IMG_3933.JPEG
  340   Monday, January 15, 2024, 16:47 Albert KongStandard OperationOtherCoolingT1/T2 Cooling Pkg. Prep for Refill + Leak Check At Pressure

 The following tasks were completed in preparation of re-filling the T1 and T2 cooling packages:

  1. All valves were returned to the 'open' configuration (note, compressed air to collimators at T1 is to remain closed - rotating collimator no longer in use || also note, odd handle configuration at T1 panel when all valves are open - see attached).
  2. Leaks from valves were checked, two leakly valves found at T2 (Swagelok SS-44S6 and SS-45S12), the stem of these valves were re-tightened and leaks were remedied (see picures).
  3. Spent CUNO filters in buckets were dealt with: water drained to MH HC active sink, and filters organized into a single 'dry' bucket.

The cooling packages will be filled to 38 cm at the expansion tank tomorrow, and the pumps turned on to check for leaks at pressure, at which point this ELOG will be updated.


The cooling packages were filled on Jan 16 to ~38 cm, after which both pumps were turned on and a few more leaky valves were identified at the T2 station (none at T1).

We remedied the leaks by tightening their stems and will continue to monitor both systems for a few days.

Besides the leak, we found that the TGT:OUT pressure gage was incorrectly reading 0 psi. We will be entering the 1A tunnels to drain the 1A holding tank soon, at which point we will look to remedy this issue (either a valve was left closed, or an air column is trapped at the gage port).

UPDATE (30 Jan, 2024): TGT:OUT pressure transducer at T1 was successfully replaced and is now reading the correct pressure (see image, ~20 psi is about the same as readings from 2021 when the sensor was working properly).


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  339   Monday, January 15, 2024, 16:36 Albert KongStandard OperationTarget 2CoolingT2 Resin Flask Exchange

The resin flask on the T2 cooling package was exchanged today (new resin can prepped in the morning). 

The newly installed resin flask was placed slightly off-set from the marking on the platform to ensure that the braided hose will clear the blocks when replaced at the end of shutdown.

The spent resin can was dropped off in the hot cell, ready to be prepped for drying. 

See attached image for illustration of the rigging solution used, ~20 ft was covered by two sligs and a shackle to clear the MH mezzanine.


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ELOG V2.9.2-2455