Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 136 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Categorydown Type Module Target/Number Subject
  2608   Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 10:18 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM2 TM2 is moved from TCS to silo this morning

TM2 is moved from TCS to silo this morning. The move is smooth.

  2609   Thursday, June 13, 2024, 11:44 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM2 Replaced several o ring seals on TM2 service cap.

  couple of E-8 to low E-7 atm.cc/sec leak were found on TM2 service cap top air to vacuum  o rings.  Replaced these leak o ring seals including o ring on IG1 and steerer service panel,o rings on MSP, EE, D blue nylon and copper feed through, and o ring on a round blank off beside MSP terminal on second row. 

2024-july-03 update: TM2 was leak checked again at TCS. no air to vacuum leak on module top. i helium pressure tested(60psi) all water cooling lines (except HS) . They are leak free.

  2626   Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 13:49 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM2 Tm2 has been moved from SW silo to TCS.

Tm2 has been successfully moved from SW silo to TCS.

  2629   Wednesday, July 03, 2024, 14:01 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM2 Tm2 has been moved from TCS to SW silo.

Tm2 has been moved from TCS to SW silo. the move is smooth.

  2635   Monday, July 08, 2024, 10:40 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4TiC#7TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS.

TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS. The move is successfully.

  2665   Monday, August 19, 2024, 09:32 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4Ta#68 TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS.

TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS. The move is successful.

  2678   Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 07:59 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4TiC#9TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS.

TM4 has been moved from SHC to TCS. The move is smooth.

  2694   Friday, September 27, 2024, 07:29 David WangConditioning StationRepair  TCS water system resistivity analyzer has been repaired.

TCS water system resistivity analyzer has been repaired. Two diodes and one capacitor on PS board were broken. They were replaced. Installed analyzer back and tested it in system. it works fine. Operator closed e-fault, removed force on TS5, and enabled alarm on TS5 and TC1.

  2708   Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:37 David WangConditioning StationStandard Operation  TCS water system functionnal test.

TCS water system has been started for functional test. System parameters including  pressure, all temperature sensors, flow rate sensors, resistivity are ok. I will watch on chiller CP1/2/3 in rest of the week and make sure chiller CP1/2/ 3 auto stage in/out work fine.

  2722   Tuesday, November 26, 2024, 13:54 Adam NewsomeConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3 TM3 move - SHC to TCS

TM3 was moved from SHC to TCS with UCx#47. The move was smooth.

  917   Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 11:49 Grant MinorAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 New Source Tray - Braze & Solder Report - 22 May 2015


For reference, I have attached a list of all solder joints in the TM2 Source Tray, and the alloys used for the most recent build (as per ITA6144).   I have also provided data sheets for the alloys, and PDF copies of all the drawings calling out the joints.

Certanium 34 C (222 deg C melt point) was used for all low-temperature solder applications, except for the steel inserts in the water blocks.  Previous revisions of the Source Tray drawings called out a higher-temperature McMaster lead-based solder (304 deg C melt point).  The change to Certanium 34 C on the prints was made in Bevan's era, during the transitional update of the source tray drawings between the TM1 and TM3 source tray projects, just before I took over updating the drawing packages.  I believe Bevan made this change on general advice from Guy Stanford, who stated that Certanium 34 C is a much easier solder to work with and makes a more mechanically reliable joint.  However, the change really should have had more review and validation testing before being implemented.

This said, we now have a source tray that uses Certanium 34 C, and rework of every joint would set us back too far in the schedule to meet the deadline, so we will have to run with it as it is.

Of particular concern are the joints on the target oven and coil heating blocks, which are now using a lower temperature solder (222 deg C melt vs 304 deg C melt).  We have experienced a coil block failure on TM4 due to a failed solder joint, although the failure mode is not known for certain.  We also had two recent failures on the test stand of a coil joint soldered with Certanium 34 C, but this was due to an error in the connection of cooling water to the joints (i.e. the joints had no coolant flow and the solder melted... this is expected!).

Anders and I have performed independent thermal analysis on the joints due to the radiative and electric heating from the target, and have concluded that even with a lower temperature solder, there is a lot of margin, so the risk seems to be low.  This work will be published in a separate report to be circulated later.

Thank you and regards,


Attachment 1: TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf
TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf TM2_Source_Tray_-_Braze_and_Solder_Report_File_-_22May2015.pdf
Attachment 2: 1005_Bare_DS.pdf
Attachment 3: 1005_Bare_MSDS.pdf
1005_Bare_MSDS.pdf 1005_Bare_MSDS.pdf 1005_Bare_MSDS.pdf 1005_Bare_MSDS.pdf
Attachment 4: Certanium_34C_Data_Sheet.pdf
Certanium_34C_Data_Sheet.pdf Certanium_34C_Data_Sheet.pdf
Attachment 5: Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf
Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf Certanium_34C_MSDS.pdf
Attachment 6: mcmaster_carr_solder_7667A23.pdf
  933   Thursday, June 04, 2015, 07:44 Dan McDonaldAssembly/Bench TestDevelopmentTM2 Movement of TM2 source tray to alignment area in ISAC

Once the test stand was vented and all lines purged Anders Mjos and myself jigged up the water blocks and proceeded to remove the TM4 SiC#31 target used during the testing, Einso lens and steerer.  Once these components where removed we transferred the source tray to the transport plate and moved it to the alignment area.

  934   Thursday, June 04, 2015, 08:27 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 Source Tray C-seal removal and inspection

Source tray for TM2 has been moved to the alignment area by Dan and co.

This morning Dan removed the c-seals used during the test and he and I inspected the sealing surfaces to determine if they need to be cleaned...they do..trace indium was present on all blocks.

Surfaces will be cleaned before final alignment check.


Attachment 1: TM2_20150604_01.jpg
Attachment 2: TM2_20150604_02.jpg
Attachment 3: TM2_20150604_03.jpg
Attachment 4: TM2_20150604_04.jpg
Attachment 5: TM2_20150604_05.jpg
  935   Monday, June 08, 2015, 14:40 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 Source Tray Final Alignment Check

Final Alignment checks of the TM2 source tray took place today.

Mater Jig: Front - 0,0 Back - 0 left, right, .005 low

Tray: Front .001 High, .001 right Back - .001 right, .008 low

Which equals  Tray: front .001 high, .001 right back: .001 right, .003 low in comparison to the master jig which is both within spec and within reason to pre-soldering numbers.

Steerer was out significantly and currently sits at .003 high, .002 right wrt. master jig.

More refinement on the steerer tomorrow and check on the optics tray as well.

  936   Tuesday, June 09, 2015, 09:49 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 Source Tray Final Alignment Check

Final alignment continued this morning.

Steerers have been aligned to 0.001 low, 0.000 left/right wrt master jig.

Optics tray required some adjustment as well and is now at:

Front 0.000 left/right, .001 high wrt master jig

Back 0.001 high, 0.000 left/right wrt master jig

Febiad coil conductor blocks have been reset with the master target jig as well...as they have been on and off during the test stand test.

A few components have been removed during the test stand test (such as feet required for tranfser jig) which I will now hunt down.

Otherwise i believe we are ready.

  937   Tuesday, June 09, 2015, 14:36 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 Source Tray Final Inspection

Final inspection took place with Pierre, Grant, Friedhelm and Anders present.

Two action items were raised:

1) check routing of 9 pin connector line

2) Check orientation of 9 pin water block

Chad pointed out concerns on clearances between a target and conductor block waterlines, possible optics tray alignment issues (that it had changed slightly from the initial alignment), and gap between steerer housing and ground electrode due to alignment.

Attachment 1: 20150609_132818.jpg
Attachment 2: 20150609_132825.jpg
Attachment 3: 20150609_132833.jpg
Attachment 4: 20150609_132839.jpg
Attachment 5: 20150609_132851.jpg
  941   Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 16:49 Grant MinorAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 TM2 New Source Tray - *HOLD* on installation into Hot Cell until HV approval

Don Jackson brought to my attention some potential HV minimum spark gap issues with the source tray cooling lines.  It appears:

- The gap between the Ground Electrode cooling lines (ground) and Heat Shield cooling lines (HV) does not meet the spec of 0.668" MIN called out on the print

- The gap between the Window cooling lines (ground) and the Mounting Support Plate cooling lines (HV) does not meet the spec of 0.668" MIN called out on the print.

A copy of the tube bending drawing is attached with the spec highlighted in green.

The 0.668" MIN gap spec came from a check I asked Mark Llagan to perform to find the minimum gap when he was preparing the model for the tube bending drawing.  This gap was approved Jan 28th, 2015 by Friedhelm Ames on ECO-3587.

The source tray with the tubes bent as it is currently has been tested to 55 kV at the test stand by Anders, see:

I am away June 12th to June 24th on vacation inclusive.  Isaac Earle is in charge of Remote Handling in my absence.

I am delegating Don Jackson responsible for resolving this TM2 HV issue, collecting and documenting the approval to proceed from the T/IS group leader with the source tray as-is, or to try to re-work the cooling lines and delay the project.

The source tray is NOT to be installed in the Hot Cell until this issue has been resolved.



Grant Minor, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
TRIUMF Remote Handling Group Leader
Nuclear Engineer
4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver
BC, Canada, V6T2A3
(604) 222-7359(604) 222-7359
Attachment 1: ITA6144_RevC_markup_10Jun2015.pdf
ITA6144_RevC_markup_10Jun2015.pdf ITA6144_RevC_markup_10Jun2015.pdf
Attachment 2: TM2_cooling_lines_too_close_GE_HS_10June2015.jpg
Attachment 3: TM2_cooling_lines_too_close_Window_MSP_10June2015.jpg
  942   Thursday, June 11, 2015, 13:11 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 Measurements beyween ground Plane and HV TM2 Source tary

I've taken measurements between HV and ground circuit on TM2 source tray as instructed.

At their closest points:

Heat Sheild to Ground Electrode 0.445"

Ground Electrode to C1+ 0.281"

Window to Mounting Support Plate 0.858"


  943   Thursday, June 11, 2015, 13:43 Dan McDonaldAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 Leak check following tweaking of cooling line gaps

Maico, Chad and I conducted a leak check on all affected lines following tweaking of cooling line gaps. All lines pumped down to a level of 10-9 torrliter/sec with no leaks detected with Helium.

  944   Friday, June 12, 2015, 07:49 chad fisherAssembly/Bench TestRepairTM2 New TM2 Source Tray Ground to HV Measurements

After bending and leak checking the new measurements from ground to HV on the TM2 source tray are:

Ground to C1+ 0.6645"

ground to heat shield 0.506

Window to mounting support plate - unchanged - over 0.80"

ELOG V2.9.2-2455