Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 42 of 139  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subject Text Attachments
  1956   Monday, July 29, 2019, 16:17 Carla BabcockConditioning StationRepairTM4Dummy LP SISNew leak on EE water line while testing new In sealsOriginal Problem:
Leaks on the B and D copper blocks,
probably due to corrosion between the blocks
  1955   Friday, July 26, 2019, 15:43 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum control system completed The SMP vacuum control system has
been wired and setup to be controlled from
EPICS.  Backing valve control (SMP:BV1)
  1954   Friday, July 26, 2019, 11:41 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4 TM4 with spare target electrical check and leak check.Electrical check on TM4 with spare test
target. PQ is still shorted to RU. But, The
short between 60KV bias and PQRU which we
  1953   Friday, July 26, 2019, 11:28 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4 TM4 move from SHC to TCS.Tm4 has been moved from SHc to TCS without
containment box. It is a new source tray
on TM4.  A layer of plastic sheet was
  1952   Monday, July 22, 2019, 14:51 Adam NewsomeSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4No TargetTM4 MoveTM4 has been moved from the South West
silo to the South Hot Cell. New source tray,
no target.
  1951   Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 08:44 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4no targetModule move TM4 has been moved from the conditioning
station to the south west silo. Module was
placed with the turbo pump facing south which
  1950   Monday, July 15, 2019, 13:29 David WangConditioning StationDevelopmentTM4 Vacuum surge when TM4 B line iwas supplied with water.Yesterday, TM4 B line was supplied with
water at TCS for testing.  TCS: IG1
and IG2 had big response on it. See attachment.
  1949   Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 11:59 Carla BabcockConditioning StationRepairTM4Dummy HP SIS targetConditioning TM4 w/ new ST up to 50kVDavid raised the bias to 49.5kV. Module
is still sparking mainly on top. Humidity
is super high.
  1948   Tuesday, July 09, 2019, 09:15 Carla BabcockConditioning StationRepairTM4Dummy HP SIS targetConditioning TM4 w/ new ST up to 45kVLeft TM4 at 40kV overnight with no previous
heating. There was only one real spark which
turned off TP2 but ops turned it back on.
  1947   Monday, July 08, 2019, 14:56 Carla BabcockConditioning StationRepairTM4Dummy HP SIS targetFirst TM4 conditioning with new source trayRamping up TM4 with new source tray in.
Current condition: new source tray but no
water running in lines B, D or window. Multipin
  1946   Thursday, July 04, 2019, 08:57 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP vacuum system installed July 3:
- Assembled exhaust line flexible
hose and fittings as per ISK0529 Rev D then
  1945   Friday, June 21, 2019, 07:16 David WangSouth Hot-CellDevelopmentTM4 TM4 new source tray leak check at SHC.New source tray was installed on TM4 yesterday.
LD was used to pump down all water lines.
Tube heater +D circuit has a big leak 
  1944   Thursday, June 20, 2019, 15:09 Isaac EarleSafe Module ParkingDevelopment  SMP motor wiring inspected by electricianThe AC wiring for the SMP motor was inspected
by Randy Boehm (TRIUMF electrician) as recommended
by Franco Mammarella (TRIUMF electrical engineer). 
  1943   Friday, June 14, 2019, 08:15 David WangITEStandard OperationTM2 5 shielding blocks are moved to ITE. ITE is configured to take proton beam.   
  1942   Thursday, June 13, 2019, 10:55 David WangConditioning StationRepairTM4 TM4 HV test at TCS without source tray.I brought up TCS bias to 57.5 KV on TM4
without source tray at TCS. It was kept at
this level about 1.0 hours. Some intermediate
  1941   Thursday, June 13, 2019, 09:09 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4no target and no source trayModule move TM#4 has been moved from the conditioning
station to the south hot cell. The module
has no source tray.
  1940   Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 08:56 Carla BabcockConditioning StationMaintenanceTM4No targetMore TM4 conditioning without source trayThe conditioning station was ramped down
overnight and David ramped it back up this
morning. Currently trying to get it to sit
  1939   Monday, June 10, 2019, 18:12 Carla BabcockConditioning StationMaintenanceTM4No targetAttempt to push bias > 56kVMonday, June 10, 2019, 16:59 : TM4 back
up to BIAS / EL = 56.1kV / 29.5kV
Monday, June 10, 2019, 17:14 : After
  1938   Monday, June 10, 2019, 16:22 Carla BabcockConditioning StationMaintenanceTM4No targetRamping V on TM4, no HV cover in THRamped down the bias so David could remove
the HV cover and lock out the target hall.
Ramped back up to BIAS / EL = 50kV
  1937   Monday, June 10, 2019, 14:13 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation  Old TM#4 source tray moved The old TM#4 source tray in the south
hot cell was moved to the spent target vault.
The tray had a low of 7.5mSv/hr to a high
ELOG V2.9.2-2455