Nikita Bernier wrote: |
Monday, March 19, 2012, 17:04
Target boat contains 4 BeO pellets with 30% PVB:
Sample, Thickness (mm), Mass (g), Density (g/cm3)
1 4.943, 0.9628, 1.265
2 4.930, 0.9685, 1.276
3 4.758, 0.9607, 1.312
4 4.979, 0.9872, 1.288
Target chamber is currently being pumped down. Leak check will be done tomorrow by turning on the cooling water for the heat shield.
* Note: Target a boat is wrapped with a piece of Ta-foil as a heat shield - JW.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 18:30
The Evaporator #2 backing pump (IEVAP2BP1) muffler has been connected to the exhaust system.
The auto-ramp program has been tested today and works well.
Evaporator #2 is now auto-ramping overnight at 1 A/min, up to 500 A, between 5.00e-05 and 6.00e-05 Torr.
ISAC ops have been informed of the process and they will include it in their walkaround.
Thursday, March 22, 2012, 00:25
TGHT SETPOINT was ramped up to 266A but the actual p/s current remained at 90A; that was because the voltage was set 1.05V. (See attachment1: voltage_limiting.jpg).
Increased TGHT voltage to 20V, and increased the auto-ramping final value from 500A to 1000A (~1780C as previously measured by a pyrometer, see Attachment 2: Temp-Cal vs Measured.jgp)
Thursday, March 22, 2012, 10:17
TGHT ramped up at the rate of 1A/min to 534A/8.89V, local @ 525A/8.90V. Pressure is coming down to low 10e-6. (See attachment 3: TGHT_525A.jpg)
Increased ramping rate to 2A/min until TGHT reaches to 1000A.
Thursday, March 22, 2012, 13:32
A decision was made to stop the TGHT autoramping program, and set the current to 700A, (local at 690A). The temperature was measured to be around 1780C on the target boat, and
1500C on the Ta-heat shield. The current remained at that current for about 2 hours before it's ramping down at zero at -10A/min.