Anders Mjos wrote: |
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
The Cool Transfer Line (CTL) test target is installed for thermal tests. Drawing number is ITD0431 REV A.
Thermocouple channels are as follows:
T1: Cu block on CTL
T2: Heat Shield above CTL
T3: Heat Shield cooling water Supply
T4: Heat Shield cooling water Return
Cooling water is in Evap2 supplied to the cooling line that goes directly to the area on the Heat Shield above the CTL.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 17:23
The target has been pumping down to 5.3 e-7 Torr. On the RGA mass scan, mainly H2O (mass 18 + constituents) was detected at ~2.7pA (see attachment #1).
The target will be heated up: TGHT = 850A (rate @ 1A/min); TBHT = 300A (rate @ 1A/min).
Thursday, March 07, 2013, 11:51
TGHT and TBHT reached to 850A (local, 845A\13.80V) and 300A, respectively. The out gassing of CO (mass 28) reached to ~5pA at the max currents. (see attachment #2)
TBHT will be ramped down to 0A to compare the temperatures.
Thursday, March 07, 2013, 15:55
TBHT at 0A. See attachment#3 for the temperatures and RGA data before further ramping down the TGHT.