M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Entry  Tue Jun 14 18:48:14 2005, Experimentor, Normal Running, Power bump at 18:40 
Solenoid tripped on a power bump at 18:40 Tuesday
-- Donald Arseneau
Entry  Sat Jul 22 06:34:14 2006, Experimentor, Quench Recovery, looking good 
Donald Arseneau reporting.

It is looking pretty good, so I came back in with the intent of energizing 
the magnet.  Doug should be up now or soon, so I'll wait a little for you 
to see this.  If you do, call the m9 counting room 222-7379.  After waiting 
a while, I will just forge ahead.
    Reply  Fri Oct 13 00:13:57 2006, Experimentor, Quench Recovery, Energized solenoid. 
Hi there,

This is Khashayar (experimenter). Lookin at all different temperatures and 
levelson the monitor, it seems everything is stable now. I wonder if you 
could let us know what time we can have beam again? Would you please send an 
email to kghandi@mta.ca if you know the answer? You can also reach me at my 
cell# (506)961-0802 any time.



> Switched to series mode about 6 hours ago. Cooling continued including 
> power leads until LHe level at about 50% and powerleads appeared stable.
Entry  Fri Dec 19 11:34:10 2003, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Final home of this E-log 
Chris has set up the M9 solenoid e-log at the above web address. Play with 
it and let me know if it breaks. 
    Reply  Fri Dec 19 13:59:53 2003, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, To-Do list for M9SOL 
> I had distributed this list by email earlier this month. I have added
> a few items at the bottom. I am posting it on the M9SOL Elog under
> Maintenance. Some of the items may not be achievable or practical but
> I thought it would be a useful first attempt at a To-Do list.

A couple of other things to add:
Rebuild cooling water circulation pump with new seals and bearings.
Add air bleeds to the copper nonactive water lines.
Entry  Fri Apr 16 10:15:26 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, Changes to M9sol Vacuum PC 
Yesterday and today there have been a number of changes made to the M9 
Vacuum control computer. The computer now automatically boots up to the 
Epics control page. This logbook is also automatically started.
Entry  Mon Apr 19 15:06:49 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, Started turbines april191500.BMP
Purifier run over the weekend. Both LN2 dewars empty, but purifier cold. 
Disabled CV211 and flowed all charge gas through purifier. Started turbine 
at 11:00am. set strip tool to monitor temps. Started M9BCP2. Pumped out 
beamline between BV% and BV7. Opened BV6.
Entry  Tue Apr 20 07:06:41 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, morning day 2 april200705.BMP
Temps in solenoid are equalling out. Increasing PIC229 to 11 bar. 
Entry  Tue Apr 20 07:33:03 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, PIC229 at 11bar 
PIC229 at 11 bar. Changed strip tool to 15 sec increments.
Entry  Wed Apr 21 06:39:17 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, over night 
Changed to parallel cold mode at 9:30.
At about 4:30 the city water chiller was turned on. The air compressor had 
also tripped off. It was reset and restarted.
Entry  Wed Apr 21 06:48:31 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, JT bypass closed 
Closed cv155
Entry  Wed Apr 21 08:16:18 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, switch to series mode 
Switched to series mode.
Entry  Thu Apr 22 10:39:16 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Yesterday 
Added two bottles of UHP helium to buffer tank.
Had no liquifation rate, so optimized Ti121 and HIC141 . Finally put TIC121 
into manual mode at 0.65. Power lead fluctuation died out and liquid 
started building. 
This morning changed TIC121 back to auto mode and played with it's setting 
to minimize the power lead and TI121 ripples. 
TI121 ripples seem tied to power lead ripples.
System seems stable enough to energize the solenoid.
Entry  Fri Apr 23 09:19:30 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, CV211 
PIC 229 was down to 10.8 bar this morning. PIC 229 was trying to open CV211 
to charge the system. I realized that in restoring the control to CV211 I 
did not get the wire into the connector properly. Went back up to the 
compressor building  and reconnected the control wire to CV211. pressure is 
back to 11 bar. TI121, LHE in and liquid level ripples are now all reduced.

System was ramped up to 500 amps yesterday at 14:00
Entry  Mon Apr 26 07:48:46 2004, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Series mode 
Switching over to series mode.
Entry  Mon Apr 26 08:12:30 2004, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Power leads flow 
Throttled back the LHe in until the power leads started to warm. My goal is 
to flow "warm" gas (hopefully 80K) through the leads to drive any frozen 
impurities out.
Entry  Tue Apr 27 09:03:18 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Power leads 
Power leads are being monitored with the strip tool graphs. I saw the temps 
go from having a ripple to almost no ripple, but starting to increase in 
temperature. I also noticed that the flow had dropped to 200 mm. I power 
cycled hic142. This resulted in an immediate drop in temperature, an 
increase of flow to 250 mm, and a slight drop in the LHe level. The temps 
seem to be stable, with only a slight ripple.
Entry  Wed Apr 28 09:30:09 2004, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, power leads again 
Same story as yesterday. Ripples dieing out, flows down to <200 mm, temps 
increasing. Turned HIC 142 down to 0.4 then back up to 0.75. Temps dropped 
quickly. Then turned HIC 142 to 0 and back to 0.75. Temps dropping, flow > 
250mm. Did not let negtive lead >10K, so would not have caused a trip.

TIC 121 into auto mode. 
Entry  Thu Apr 29 23:43:15 2004, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Starting flow to solenoid 
Solenoid quenched due to power leads at 9:00 tonight. Restarted flow in 
parallel warm mode. 
Entry  Fri Apr 30 01:53:34 2004, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, switched to parallel cold 
ELOG V2.9.2-2455