M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Fri Oct 5 13:25:41 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, funny graph  Capture.jpg
There was a fluctuation of the positive lead temp with no flow going to 
the power leads.
Entry  Fri Oct 5 10:25:43 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Unknown quench 2 
Kevin and I were at the Sulzer panel when the system quenched 2. No 
obvious reasons. Restarted the system.
Entry  Tue Oct 2 13:02:37 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, PLC problems 
While downloading new code for 2A PLC the M9 and M15 vacuum systems were 
shut off. This is due to the two systems piggybacking onto the 2A PLC.
When M9 Epics came back up there was no controls. Eventually I reset the 
local/remote switch (thumbwheel #100) to button #1 being on. Mike Leross 
added a text and light on the epics vacuum page that says "EPICS works 
only when green". If this light is not green, dial thumbwheel #100 and 
push button #1. Make sure the light comes on and you should have EPICS 
control back.

This caused a glitch in the refrigerator system. It did not trip it off, 
but it would have if the solenoid was energised. The panel showed 
compressor fault and the temps for TI121, and the powerleads all jumped.
This may be a cause for some of our unknown problems.
Entry  Thu Sep 27 07:41:15 2007, Doug Preddy, Start Up, Solenoid cold 
Solenoid cold and in series mode. 50% liquid level. Starting flow to 
Entry  Wed Sep 26 08:52:46 2007, Doug Preddy, Start Up, switched to parallel cold return 
Entry  Tue Sep 25 07:34:04 2007, Doug Preddy, Start Up, PIC229 to 11 bar 
adjusted turbine speeds and HIC104 to maintain their values.
Entry  Mon Sep 24 15:08:41 2007, Doug Preddy, Start Up, Started cool down this morning 
The vacuum in the cold box was good on Friday 0.0 X 10-4. Let it pump over 
the weekend. Added two bottles of UHP helium to system Friday.

Started the turbines this morning. Cooling in paralell warm return. 

Solenoid vacuum is 3.9 x 10-6
Entry  Wed Sep 19 20:53:18 2007, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, More diff pump news 
Cold box pumped out to ~ 190 mTorr overnight.Leak checked the pump again. 
Still leaks at dip stick.Tried resetting the o-ring on the dip stick. It 
still leaks baddd!!!
Machined the old seal off and installed a smaller o-ring onto dip stick. 
Installed 60 ml of new pump oil into pump. Pumping down again. 
After 4 hours the cold box is down to 160 mTorr.
Entry  Tue Sep 18 18:48:11 2007, Curtis Ballard, Maintenance, cold box leak check 
The leak check of the cold box diff pump fittings.  Found a leak at the 
base of the diff pump on the tee that is apparently used to fill the pump 
with oil.  The fitting was removed and a plug was removed that resembled a 
dip stick (approx 1" long).  Tbe dip stick was charred black as if it had 
been hot.  The seal between the dip stick and the tee was not an O-ring.  
It looked like a high temperature glue?  For leak checking purposes, an O-
ring was fitted to the dip stick and reinserted in situ.  Only the top 
portion of the tee was removed.  The lower cap was slathered in vacuum 
grease. Pumping back down was slow.  After two hours the vacuum was down 
to 2 torr.  At 6:30 pm, the vacuum was 200 mtorr, so I turned on the 
filament and tried again to leak check.  I was able to get the throttle 
valve open a little wider than previously, but we still had a big leak.  I 
checked at the tee and got a strong response, but I also checked at the 
diff pump connections and also got a response, albeit much less.  We may 
have to blank off the entire diff pump to isolate the cold box so that we 
can leak check the system.  Dimo said he will be able to help tomorrow.  
For now, I will leave the roughing pump on the cold box and isolte the 
leak detector.  See you tomorrow.  
P.S. I left a voice mail re: welding at TITAN 8:30 am/blankets/work 
permits/extractor.   cb
Entry  Fri Sep 14 12:44:52 2007, Doug Preddy, Start Up, started compressor 
running purifier over weekend
Entry  Wed Sep 12 12:01:02 2007, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, regenerated adsorber 
regenerated adsorber
replaced MV902 "ON" switch (used nitrogen precooling on switch)
Entry  Tue Aug 14 12:55:12 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Strip tool saves 
There are two strip tools saved:
Entry  Tue Aug 14 10:15:22 2007, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Solenoid ramped down 
Solenoid ramped down and locked out for M9A slits work.
Entry  Mon Aug 6 08:41:31 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Cold box trip at 6:00 
compressor off due to cold box trip at 6:00 this morning. Restarted system 
and started flow to solenoid in parallel cold return.
Entry  Tue Jul 31 07:53:57 2007, Kevin Trithardt, Normal Running, cycled power leads 
got a page for the power lead temp
came down and cycled the power leads.. did not seem to make a difference..

Entry  Sun Jul 29 04:58:27 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Energizing solenoid 
LHe level~50%. Still have a slight ripple in the power leads, but they are 
cold enough to power the solenoid. LHe_in varies between 10.7K - 11.3K.
Entry  Sat Jul 28 22:30:13 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, quench again 
recovered system and energized solenoid at about 6:00 this evening.
At 9:30 power lead temps quenched solenoid again. MV52 stuck open during 
Entry  Sat Jul 28 15:45:17 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, quench recovery 
The solenoid tripped off this morning due to pwer lead over temp. The 
compressor was also off. I restarted this morning at about 8:15 in 
parallel cold return. Switching to series mode at 3:40.
Entry  Thu Jul 5 11:01:47 2007, Kevin Trithardt, Other, Current lead warm up 
Due to curent lead temperature occilation Doug recommended warming up the 
current leads.

The leads were warmed up this morning then cooled back down. Power supply 
is ramping up now.. 2 1/2 hours start to finish.
Entry  Thu Jul 5 03:04:50 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Power lead problems 
The power leads temps are starting to cycle again. Earlier today M9 
experimentor cycled HIC142 to stablize the oscillations. They started 
again early this morning, so cycled HIC142 again. Oscillations died back, 
but are still present. Will try and warm the power leads later today when 
the experiment's sample is changed.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455