M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 224     Entry time: Tue Oct 2 13:02:37 2007
Author: Doug Preddy 
Operational Mode: Normal Running 
Subject: PLC problems 
While downloading new code for 2A PLC the M9 and M15 vacuum systems were 
shut off. This is due to the two systems piggybacking onto the 2A PLC.
When M9 Epics came back up there was no controls. Eventually I reset the 
local/remote switch (thumbwheel #100) to button #1 being on. Mike Leross 
added a text and light on the epics vacuum page that says "EPICS works 
only when green". If this light is not green, dial thumbwheel #100 and 
push button #1. Make sure the light comes on and you should have EPICS 
control back.

This caused a glitch in the refrigerator system. It did not trip it off, 
but it would have if the solenoid was energised. The panel showed 
compressor fault and the temps for TI121, and the powerleads all jumped.
This may be a cause for some of our unknown problems.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455