Temps in solenoid are equalling out. Increasing PIC229 to 11 bar.
Purifier run over the weekend. Both LN2 dewars empty, but purifier cold. Disabled CV211 and flowed all charge gas through purifier. Started turbine at 11:00am. set strip tool to monitor temps. Started M9BCP2. Pumped out beamline between BV% and BV7. Opened BV6.
Yesterday and today there have been a number of changes made to the M9 Vacuum control computer. The computer now automatically boots up to the Epics control page. This logbook is also automatically started.
> I had distributed this list by email earlier this month. I have added > a few items at the bottom. I am posting it on the M9SOL Elog under > Maintenance. Some of the items may not be achievable or practical but > I thought it would be a useful first attempt at a To-Do list. A couple of other things to add: Rebuild cooling water circulation pump with new seals and bearings. Add air bleeds to the copper nonactive water lines. Doug
I had distributed this list by email earlier this month. I have added a few items at the bottom. I am posting it on the M9SOL Elog under Maintenance. Some of the items may not be achievable or practical but I thought it would be a useful first attempt at a To-Do list.
http://isac.triumf.ca/m9sol/ Chris has set up the M9 solenoid e-log at the above web address. Play with it and let me know if it breaks.