Wed Nov 24 07:28:38 2004, Other, , Mission Impossible
Tue Nov 7 10:35:32 2006, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Maintenance day
I ramped down the solenoid power suplly and shut off flow to the power
leads. I will allow them to warm up and (hopefully) recover the flow rates.
I am also regenerating the M9BCP@ cryopump. |
Sun Oct 5 11:12:48 2008, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, M9B:V1 interlocks and a IOC crash
M9A:V1 was removed this shutdown. It's "in" limit is required to allow M9B:V1 to be opened. I have bypassed the interlocks on M9B:V1 until the M9A:V1 limits
can be jumpered. Don Dale and George Clark have been informed.
Also an IOC crashed so the data pages were not updating. Evgeny rebooted the IOC. All is
now fixed. |
Sun Jul 1 16:09:37 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, M9B:DP2 tripped off
Diffusion pump tripped off and vacuum (and power lead temps) going up. I
had an experimentor cycle HIC 142 at 4:15 this morning. When I got in
today I restarted the pump and it is back to 6.0 x 10-7. Power lead temps
Wed Nov 2 10:17:27 2005, Willy Andersson, Start Up, M9B helium refrigerator and solenoid cooldown
Started M9B MYCOM helium compressor circulating helium through system last
Friday. Right hand purifier was regenerated previously, LN2 fill system
started and flow started from buffer through purifier to low pressure
Fri Oct 1 11:39:55 2004, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Loading of compressor not working
When the compressor was restarted on Monday, the remote load button would
not respond. The compressor was shut off. After two days of searching the
wiring etc. a bad connection was found on DR1 relay (upstairs in the
Fri Jun 16 08:12:04 2006, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, LI108 indicates high on EPICS screen
LI108 indicates high on EPICS screen (150%) Controller shows ~64% |
Tue Sep 9 15:04:23 2008, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Jumpered interlock for diff pump water flow
Jumpered interlock for diff pump water flow in Proteus box. |
Wed Apr 21 06:48:31 2004, Doug Preddy, Start Up, JT bypass closed
Closed cv155 |
Fri May 21 09:27:39 2004, Doug Preddy, Maintenance, Idle mode
Power supply was ramped down yesterday as there are no users.
The Sundance server was rebooted yesterday. This morning the displays were
all white screened, so I restarted the session. The computer was running
Sun Jul 13 20:17:24 2008, Doug Preddy, Other, Helium refrigerator problems
In early June the helium compressor was running with the solenoid cold. A vavlve broke off at the suction side of the compressor. The entire helium inventory
was lost. The cold box tripped off, but the compressor did not. It ran for ~ 2 hours before I came in and shut the system down. The valve was repairedby
Kevin T and Neil Wong. We ran hot (>100C) nitrogen through the fourth adsorber for one week. The solenoid and cold box were allowed to warm above 273C. |
Mon Aug 9 14:27:12 2010, Doug Preddy, Shut Down, Helium plant shut down
Thu Aug 10 16:33:11 2006, Willy Andersson, Quench Recovery, Flow to solenoid tripped on powerlead temperature.
Power lead temps were drifting up, tried to tweak TIC121 and HIC141 to
unstall powerlead flow. Got quench. Restarted series flow, building LHe
level. |
Fri Nov 3 12:09:51 2006, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Fine tuning
The power lead temperatures have been climbing at a rate of ~ 0.02K very 8
hours. The negative lead started to show some rippling this morning. The
positive flow had dropped from >250mm to 240mm. I cycled CV142 and the
Fri Dec 19 11:34:10 2003, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Final home of this E-log
Chris has set up the M9 solenoid e-log at the above web address. Play with
it and let me know if it breaks. |
Fri Jul 21 23:36:21 2006, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Final cooldown problems
80K shield is down to <60K Liquid level not building. Power leads rippling
and warming. T1 inlet 85K with 10%heater load.
Lowered the set point of TI121 to 17K. Shut off flow to the 80K shield to
Wed May 2 16:28:16 2007, Doug Preddy, Normal Running, Energizing solenoid to 500 amps
Power supply initially would not ramp up. I exercised the rate control
selector switch and found that the power supply would ramp up at only the
30 minute setting. It is ramping up at a rate of about 60 minutes. |
Sat Aug 7 23:40:47 2004, Willy Andersson, Quench Recovery, Energizing solenoid
23:39 Powerleads cold, LHe level over 40% and rising. Energizing solenoid
to 500 Amps, ramp rate 60. Checking compressor building then going home. |
Tue Oct 31 08:37:34 2006, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Energizing solenoid
Sun Jul 29 04:58:27 2007, Doug Preddy, Quench Recovery, Energizing solenoid
LHe level~50%. Still have a slight ripple in the power leads, but they are
cold enough to power the solenoid. LHe_in varies between 10.7K - 11.3K. |