M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 12 of 15  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Operational Modedown Subject
  77   Thu Nov 4 13:33:49 2004 Doug PreddyNormal RunningPower supply problems
Last night the power supply was ramping up at a very slow rate. This 
morning it was energized,but with no current even though the limit was set 
to 500 amps. Klaus R. found the pot. that set the current limit was bad. 
Repaired it. First try at ramping caused a voltage imbalance and a quench 
I. After a quick recovery, the second try was successfull. Solenoid ramping 
to 500 amps at a good rate.
  87   Mon Nov 29 09:28:16 2004 Doug PreddyNormal RunningBuffer tank empty
Came down to check on system. CV211 was fully open, trying to charge the 
system. Ripples on LHe in and PL neg. CV141 fully closed. I closed CV147 to 
0.45 to try and move CV141 open. Checked the buffer tank pressure, it was 
almost at zero. Lowering the liquid level to 40%.
  88   Wed Dec 1 12:55:56 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningadded one bottle helium gas
buffer tank pressure is up to 6.5 psi.
  89   Thu Dec 2 10:51:16 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower lead ripple
Ripples got worse overnight.LHe in 10.3-11.7, PL Neg 8.0-8.7. Flows <200mm.
cycled CV142. Flows 240mm. LHe in 10.3-11.3  PL Neg 7.9-8.1
  90   Sun Dec 5 11:15:24 2004 Doug PreddyNormal Runningmore ripples
I loked at the power lead temps this morning. LHe_in 10.4-12.0  PL-Neg 8.0-
9.0  PL-Pos 9.8-10.4. Flows down to 160mm. Called Ops and got Danica to 
cycle CV142. Ripples and flow improved on the second try.
  102   Tue Jun 14 18:48:14 2005 ExperimentorNormal RunningPower bump at 18:40
Solenoid tripped on a power bump at 18:40 Tuesday
-- Donald Arseneau
  109   Sun Aug 14 10:03:13 2005 Willy AnderssonNormal RunningSystem stable
No experiment running in M9B.

Solenoid current is zero and power supply not armed.

System in stable series cooling mode.
  114   Tue Nov 15 07:25:10 2005 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower supply problem
Saturday November 12 the solenoid power supply ramped itself down to zero. 
It would not ramp up unless the ramp rate was set to 30 minutes. At this 
setting the power supply ramped up to the required current. It seems to 
ramp slower than the 30 minute rate. Klaus also looked at the problem. His 
suggestion is to exercise/clean the switches and pots.
  123   Tue May 30 14:36:41 2006 Doug PreddyNormal Runningpower leads warming
power leads warming. closed HIC 142, then re-opened. temps falling
  129   Fri Jun 16 08:12:04 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningLI108 indicates high on EPICS screen
LI108 indicates high on EPICS screen (150%)  Controller shows ~64%
  130   Fri Jun 30 11:13:00 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningE-log is back up and running
I would have made an entry when it died, but-----
  131   Fri Jun 30 11:17:57 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid recovered
Tuesday night. June 27, 2006, the solenoid quenched for no apparent 
reason. It was restarted Wednesday morning. The vacuum in the solenoid 
went away (up to 8 Torr). This was found to be a result of a leaking 
isolation valve between the solenoid and T2. T2 was vented, which caused 
the solenoid to slowly vet. When T2 was pumped out again, the solenoid 
vacuum recovered. This caused a delay in recovering the solenoid. As of 
Friday morning 7:15 the solenoid power supply was ramped up.
  133   Thu Jul 6 15:00:15 2006 Doug PreddyNormal Runningtest
  134   Thu Jul 6 15:04:17 2006 Doug PreddyNormal Runningtest
Attachment 1: M9daily log070306.XLS
  155   Thu Aug 10 08:33:44 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningRunning low on helium
Temperture okay, but there are fluctuation in the power leads. PIC229 is 
trying to charge. The buffer tank pressure is just >0 psi. I will lower the 
liquid level to 40% to allow some helium to boil off into the buffer tank.
  170   Sun Oct 15 07:09:41 2006 OtherNormal Runningcryopump bcp2 trip
Donald Arseneau reporting

Not really solenoid realated, but FYI...
The cryopump bcp2 stopped working and the vacuum valves tripped.
When I came in, the CP was over 200K and the pressure (bcg4) read
over 200 torr, with the CP nominally on.  I switched it off and
continued warming; pumped it out; and am now re-cooling.  It seems
to be normal so far.

  179   Fri Nov 3 12:09:51 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningFine tuning
The power lead temperatures have been climbing at a rate of ~ 0.02K very 8 
hours. The negative lead started to show some rippling this morning. The 
positive flow had dropped from >250mm to 240mm. I cycled CV142 and the 
temps dropped slightly. The negative ripple is gone and the positive flow 
is back to >250mm. 
  180   Tue Nov 7 10:35:32 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningMaintenance day
I ramped down the solenoid power suplly and shut off flow to the power 
leads. I will allow them to warm up and (hopefully) recover the flow rates. 
I am also regenerating the M9BCP@ cryopump.
  191   Fri Apr 27 10:10:07 2007 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid Cold
Solenoid cold, power leads cold. Alarm handler started.
  194   Mon Apr 30 09:30:26 2007 Doug PreddyNormal Runningproblems over weekend
The PLC Limit switch power supply was tripped off on Saturday. I came in 
and reset it and restarted all the vacuum systems that had tripped off. 
The power leads were found to be warming up. This morning they were at ~ 
45K. I stopped flow to the power leads and will allow them to warm up 
above 80K and then will recool them.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455