M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
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Message ID: 131     Entry time: Fri Jun 30 11:17:57 2006
Author: Doug Preddy 
Operational Mode: Normal Running 
Subject: Solenoid recovered 
Tuesday night. June 27, 2006, the solenoid quenched for no apparent 
reason. It was restarted Wednesday morning. The vacuum in the solenoid 
went away (up to 8 Torr). This was found to be a result of a leaking 
isolation valve between the solenoid and T2. T2 was vented, which caused 
the solenoid to slowly vet. When T2 was pumped out again, the solenoid 
vacuum recovered. This caused a delay in recovering the solenoid. As of 
Friday morning 7:15 the solenoid power supply was ramped up.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455