The vacuum in the cold box was good on Friday 0.0 X 10-4. Let it pump over the weekend. Added two bottles of UHP helium to system Friday. Started the turbines this morning. Cooling in paralell warm return. Solenoid vacuum is 3.9 x 10-6
adjusted turbine speeds and HIC104 to maintain their values.
Solenoid cold and in series mode. 50% liquid level. Starting flow to powerleads.
While downloading new code for 2A PLC the M9 and M15 vacuum systems were shut off. This is due to the two systems piggybacking onto the 2A PLC. When M9 Epics came back up there was no controls. Eventually I reset the local/remote switch (thumbwheel #100) to button #1 being on. Mike Leross added a text and light on the epics vacuum page that says "EPICS works only when green". If this light is not green, dial thumbwheel #100 and push button #1. Make sure the light comes on and you should have EPICS control back. This caused a glitch in the refrigerator system. It did not trip it off, but it would have if the solenoid was energised. The panel showed compressor fault and the temps for TI121, and the powerleads all jumped. This may be a cause for some of our unknown problems.
Kevin and I were at the Sulzer panel when the system quenched 2. No obvious reasons. Restarted the system.
There was a fluctuation of the positive lead temp with no flow going to the power leads.
Refrigeration sytem shut off at ~ 12:30 today. No apparent reason. Only light on was a cold box fault. Restarted in parallel cold return mode.
Regenerating M9B:CP2 as temperature was up to almost 20k. Shut off flow to power leads to allow them to warm up. The positive and negative temps were beginning to creep up. Regeneraing the adsorber.
And started flow to coldbox,solenoid in parallel warm return. Tuesday evening theree was a 2 hour power outage 19:00- 21:00. No call made to M9 operator. Wednesday tried to recover vacuum. Started cool down Thursday morning.
switched to series mode.
Solenoid cold. Added two bottles of helium. Allowing to stablize. Will ramp power supply in half an hour.
thumb wheel panel all lite up. 2APLC rebooted by Klara (Thanks). M9BMP2 not pumping properly. Edi is looking at it.
M9BMP2 was replaced. Vacuum good. Solenoid is ramped up. :)
I received a page at 1:30 this morning. The power lead temperatures were climbing. Cycling CV142 did not fix the problem. The solenoid quenched at 1:50. Restarted flow at 2:45 in parallel cold return.
About 10 hours ago the power lead temperatures started to fluctuate and climb. I cycled CV142 and the Temps have dropped and stablized.
Power lead temperatures were rippling yesterday afternoon. I asked one of the operators to cycle CV142. The temperatures were rippling again this morning, so I cycled CV142.