Solenoid quenched this morning on power lead temp (I believe). I restarted it at ~7:00, but the capacity control for the compressor would not respond. I shut the system back down and checked as many relays as I could. I then restarted the system and it is now cooling. I will go through the wiring diagrams and see if I can locate the bad relay.
Various start up problems : MV51 stuck open. Finally got it closed by hitting the valve with a hammer. Vacuum is bad in cold box as MV902 tripped closed. Vacuum in solenoid has gone bad. Suspect boil off from inside solenoid. So far it is not recovering. Previously T1 would not spin up - frozen.
switched to parallel cold return earlier this morning. Vacuum is 5 x 10-5.
Solenoid quenched on power lead temperature last night at about 6:00. I restarted flow to the solenoid in parallel cold return. Switched to series mode and am building liquid.
Power lead temps rippling and increasing. I asked an operator to cycle HIC142. This seems to have fixed the problem (for now).
power lead temps caused a quench at 8:30 this morning. Recovery of system and flow to solenoid was started by 11:00. Solenoid was switched to series cold at 3:00. Solenoid and power leads were cold at ~6:30. power supply was to be energized by experimenters.
Diffusion pump tripped off and vacuum (and power lead temps) going up. I had an experimentor cycle HIC 142 at 4:15 this morning. When I got in today I restarted the pump and it is back to 6.0 x 10-7. Power lead temps also are going down.
This is a test to make sure the e-mail works.
The power leads temps are starting to cycle again. Earlier today M9 experimentor cycled HIC142 to stablize the oscillations. They started again early this morning, so cycled HIC142 again. Oscillations died back, but are still present. Will try and warm the power leads later today when the experiment's sample is changed.
The solenoid tripped off this morning due to pwer lead over temp. The compressor was also off. I restarted this morning at about 8:15 in parallel cold return. Switching to series mode at 3:40.
recovered system and energized solenoid at about 6:00 this evening. At 9:30 power lead temps quenched solenoid again. MV52 stuck open during start-up.
LHe level~50%. Still have a slight ripple in the power leads, but they are cold enough to power the solenoid. LHe_in varies between 10.7K - 11.3K.
compressor off due to cold box trip at 6:00 this morning. Restarted system and started flow to solenoid in parallel cold return.
Solenoid ramped down and locked out for M9A slits work.
There are two strip tools saved: coils powerlead
regenerated adsorber replaced MV902 "ON" switch (used nitrogen precooling on switch)
running purifier over weekend
Cold box pumped out to ~ 190 mTorr overnight.Leak checked the pump again. Still leaks at dip stick.Tried resetting the o-ring on the dip stick. It still leaks baddd!!! Machined the old seal off and installed a smaller o-ring onto dip stick. Installed 60 ml of new pump oil into pump. Pumping down again. After 4 hours the cold box is down to 160 mTorr.