M9sol Logbooks Solenoid Daily log
  Solenoid logbook, Page 10 of 15  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Operational Mode Subjectdown
  131   Fri Jun 30 11:17:57 2006 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid recovered
Tuesday night. June 27, 2006, the solenoid quenched for no apparent 
reason. It was restarted Wednesday morning. The vacuum in the solenoid 
went away (up to 8 Torr). This was found to be a result of a leaking 
isolation valve between the solenoid and T2. T2 was vented, which caused 
the solenoid to slowly vet. When T2 was pumped out again, the solenoid 
vacuum recovered. This caused a delay in recovering the solenoid. As of 
Friday morning 7:15 the solenoid power supply was ramped up.
  282   Tue May 18 15:04:36 2010 Kevin TrithardtMaintenanceSolenoid ramping up
  272   Tue Jul 14 15:28:36 2009 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid ramped up

The solenoid is cold and I have started to ramp up the power supply. Some slight ripples in the power leads, but they are dieing out. Liquid level is a lot more stable this time.

  286   Fri Nov 12 16:54:50 2010 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid ramped up
  214   Tue Aug 14 10:15:22 2007 Doug PreddyMaintenanceSolenoid ramped down
Solenoid ramped down and locked out for M9A slits work.
  197   Wed May 30 08:38:38 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched this morning
Solenoid quenched this morning on power lead temp (I believe).
I restarted it at ~7:00, but the capacity control for the compressor would 
not respond. I shut the system back down and checked as many relays as I 
could. I then restarted the system and it is now cooling. I will go 
through the wiring diagrams and see if I can locate the bad relay.
  23   Wed May 5 07:55:37 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched on power lead temp
Solenoid quenched on power lead temp. I ran down and managed to recover it 
with minimal temp rise in the solenoid. Coil temps are falling, liquid is 
building. No flow to the power leads yet.
  235   Mon Nov 19 02:58:44 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched on power lead over temperature
I received a page at 1:30 this morning. The power lead temperatures were 
climbing. Cycling CV142 did not fix the problem. The solenoid quenched at 
Restarted flow at 2:45 in parallel cold return.
  260   Fri Sep 26 09:45:18 2008 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched at 7:50
Compressor on. Turbines started. Vacuum system recovering.
  267   Wed May 27 08:06:00 2009 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched at 5:00

The solenoid quenched at 5:00 this morning due to power lead temps. The temps started oscillating about 10 minutes before the trip. The compressor and the cold box stayed on. The flow to the solenoid was stopped.

The solenoid flow was started in parallel cold return at ~7:20.

  135   Thu Jul 20 00:25:16 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched @ 11:15
Solenoid Quenched on C1 temp. It went above 5K. Shut off compressor. 
Restarting system @ 12:15
  255   Sat Aug 23 17:02:38 2008 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quenched
The solenoid quenched this afternoon at ~12:30. The compressor shut down. Fault lights were cold box trip. Restarted the compressor by 3:30 and started flow to the solenoid by 4:15. Peter Yandon came down with Ops' radio to investigate the radios may trip the solenoid. When the radio is keyed the vacuum guages jump. CG1, CG5 and the pirani gauges. This would trip of the refrigerator. More investigation to happen tomorrow and on maintenance day.
  279   Mon May 3 07:49:54 2010 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quench Saturday

Solenoid quenched at ~13:30 Saturday. Kevin came in later in the day to recover it. System was in all around mode, no flow to solenoid. Discharge pressure went over 12 bar while starting flow and tripped the compresswor. After restart solenoid was cooling well.

Monday morning 7:30 I opened CV155 to increase the cooldown rate.

  78   Tue Nov 23 07:47:00 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quench Nov 21
Solenoid quenched Nov 21 due to alarge power bump. Everything tripped off 
including vacuum and water pumps. Cold box vacuum was at 3.6e-1, so pumped 
it out overnight.
Started compressor at 7:20. Started turbines at 7:40.
  32   Tue Jul 27 23:33:27 2004 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid quench 9:30
I was phoned at about 9:30 tonight with a solenoid alarm. After looking at 
the display I found the system to be tripped off. When I came in I found 
the compressor off and the solenoid quenched. There was no real indication 
of the problem other than a cold box fault. I restarted the compressor and 
started flow to the cold box.
Just a reminder: This elog is now at: https://elog.triumf.ca/M9sol
  203   Sat Jun 16 15:05:03 2007 Doug PreddyNormal RunningSolenoid power lead temp problem
Power lead temps rippling and increasing. I asked an operator to cycle 
HIC142. This seems to have fixed the problem (for now).
  174   Thu Oct 26 11:45:22 2006 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid cold
power leads cold 50% liquid.
Turning on power supply
  223   Thu Sep 27 07:41:15 2007 Doug PreddyStart UpSolenoid cold
Solenoid cold and in series mode. 50% liquid level. Starting flow to 
  232   Fri Nov 9 14:50:03 2007 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid cold
Solenoid cold. Added two bottles of helium. Allowing to stablize. Will 
ramp power supply in half an hour.
  105   Mon Jul 18 11:18:40 2005 Doug PreddyQuench RecoverySolenoid Quenched over the weekend
The solenoid was found to be warm on Monday morning. M9Q3 had a bad water 
leak over the weekend. The water header serving Q3 was turned off and the 
leak confirmed. Q3 was isolated and the header was turned back on. My 
supposition is that while the main header was turned off, the diff. pump 
under the solenoid tripped. When I looked at it this morning the 
compressor was off and the vesssel vacuum was very bad. The PLC connection 
to EPICs is down, so I can not restart the vacuum system yet. Mike Leross 
is looking at the problem. 
There was no trip signal to the main control room. It looks as though the 
control room signal was bypassed downstairs. 
The power supply fault light was on on the QRL panel, but I okayed Bob 
Hilton locking out the power supply in order that Q3's water leak can be 
repired. Shutting of the main breaker may have turned on this light. The 
other possibility is that the power supply was not ramped down and shut 
off properly.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455