Tuda logbooks General E1104 ISACII E1195 E1103 E1147 S1287 S1203 S1233 S1284 S1447 23Na(a,p) S1540 S1381  S1847 Catania
  S1233, Last 65536 days  ELOG logo
New entries since:Wed Oct 21 22:18:44 1981
ID Date Author Type Category Subject
  19   Thu Dec 13 13:21:55 2012 Naomi Galinski  calibration alpha source used

 Before run: (gain changed since source run was done)

S2: 3-alpha R-00866 2.81e3 Bq 5. Aug. 10 (Tigress source)

LEDA: 241Am 3.67e5 Bq 15. Sept 09 (Dragon source)


After run:

S2: 3-alpha R-01037 1.11e3 Bq 15. Sept. 12 (Tigress source)

LEDA: 3-alpha R-00968A 1.11e3 Bq 1. Apr. 11 (Tigress source)

  18   Sat Dec 8 10:46:51 2012 Barry  scintillator gain change documentation in EPICS

 Here are some plots of the scintillator count rate (Scaler S4) overnight. The first shows the result of a gain shift, the second a positive effect from tuning in ISAC-I, and the third another gain shift.

Attachment 1: 2012-12-08-00-28-05.grab.zu7x55.png
Attachment 2: 2012-12-08-01-24-21.grab.Rl8Wi5.png
Attachment 3: 2012-12-08-03-24-07.grab.gujgU4.png
  17   Sat Dec 8 09:17:42 2012 Naomi Galinski  Histogram screen shots

Screen shots of:

1) ADC 11 ch 0-7 Corresponds to LEDA 0 ch 0-7

2) ADC 4 ch 0-31 Corresponds to S2 front ch 0-31

3) ADC 2 ch 0-15 Corresponds to LEDA 4 all 16 channels

4) ADC 2 ch 4 Corresponds to a zoom in of LEDA 4 ch 4

Attachment 1: CIMG2291_sm.JPG
Attachment 2: CIMG2292_sm.JPG
Attachment 3: CIMG2293_sm.JPG
Attachment 4: CIMG2293_LEDA4_ch5.jpg
  16   Fri Dec 7 17:40:59 2012 Sky  Integrated 8Li current screenshot
Attachment 1: integratedbeamcurrent.png
  15   Thu Dec 6 22:42:49 2012 Naomi Galinski  Run 248 & 249 - no beam current monitor

Run 248 Start 6:50 am

Run 249 Start 11:01 am

64 MeV Li8 beam.

Low intensity. Can't use scalers to count beam current.


  14   Thu Dec 6 22:31:53 2012 Naomi Galinski  Run 242 - alpha calibration

 3-alpha source used on S2

241Am source used on LEDA

  13   Thu Dec 6 22:30:13 2012 Naomi Galinski  Beam current and Si triggers
Attachment 1: Beam_current_trigger.PDF
Attachment 2: Si_trigger.PDF
  12   Thu Dec 6 21:26:55 2012 Naomi Galinski  Old TDC trigger setting + Tom's log book entry scans in pdf

This is a scan of Tom's log book for an experiment. One of the pages contains their trigger setting. There might be other useful things in there too.


The uploaded pdf is their TDC trigger setting which is just a crop of a page in the file above.

Attachment 1: Old_TDC_trigger_settings.pdf
  11   Thu Dec 6 21:24:42 2012 Naomi Galinski  Pump down, venting, cooling preamps and epics

Pump down and venting of chamber is controlled via the TUDA epics.



(I hope this procedure is correct! If not then epics will stop you from doing something stupid and you can't open valves and turn on pumps if the conditions are not right)

Pump down:

- Check manual valve to turbo pump and vent valve are closed.

- All interlocks should be closed except PV5 and RV5.

- Pump down using roughing pump first, BP5.

- Open manual valve to roughing pump slowly.

- Once CG5 is < 250 mT you can turn on turbo. Close RV5 first then turn on TP5, the turbo pump, and open BV5.

- Turn on PNG5 ion gauge when vacuum is good enough. 

- When PNG5 is < 1.e-5 T it's ok to turn on cryo pumb.

- For cryo pump CG5C has to be < 150 mT. Turn on CP5 and open GV5..

- If CG5C is not low enough in pressure then open RVC5 while monitoring TURBO V-550 monitor and making sure Power < 55W. You should see the vacuum pressure on CG5C going down. Close CG5C is turbo power is > 55 W and wait for it to go down to 27 W or lower. Repeat process till pressure is low enough to turn on cryo pump CP5/


- Turn on chiller by switching on and setting temperature to - 15 deg C or something low.



- Bring back chiller to room temperature. If broken then turn off and wait 30 min. Preamps should be turned off.

- Close BV5 and turn off TP5, turbo pump.

- Close GV5 and turn off CP5, cryo pump.

- Turn off PNG5 ion gauge.

- All interlock should be closed to the chamber.

- Close manual turbo valve and check manual vent valve is closed.

- Open VV5, the vent valve.

- Wait 30 min for turbo to spin down 10%. Turn open manual vent valve slowly by observing pressure on manual meter and CG5 pressure gauge.

NOTE: If you're venting while preamps are still a little cold use dry nitrogen gas when venting.


Some info on previous pump down and cooling times:

https://elog.triumf.ca/Tuda/ISACII/185 (first pump down)

https://elog.triumf.ca/Tuda/ISACII/188 (subsequent pump downs)

Attachment 1: TUDAepics.png
  10   Thu Dec 6 21:23:25 2012 Naomi Galinski  MIDAS UK configuration and startup

Here are some useful links and files:



https://elog.triumf.ca/Tuda/ISACII/177 (you need to register an account to look at the configuration files Tom Davinson used)


You can change the files called 'latest' in:




to change/add ADC, TDC, scaler, etc. modules in the VME crates. Restore these files in the VME MODULES CONFIGURATIONS in MIDAS.

I've attached our configuration files.


See Tom's configuration files as examples:


Attachment 1: README.MIDAS
Shutting Down MIDAS DAQ

The following procedure describes a 'cold' stop of the DAQ.
Normally one would only need to perform steps 1 to 2.

1) If possible, stop data acquisition

   MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control -> select STOP
2) If possible, quit data acquisition

   MIDAS Main Menu -> select Quit
   From the Quit Session Confirmation pop-up window
   select -> Yes
3) If possible, stop TapeServer. The TapeServer is normally run from
   a terminal session on tuda2.

   In the command window where the TapeServer was started enter CTRL-C
   The TapeServer should respond confirming that its processes have
   received an INT signal.

MIDAS Tape Driver (5615): Received INT signal; exiting.
MIDAS Tape Driver (5614): Received INT signal; exiting.
MIDAS Tape Driver (5613): Received INT signal; exiting.
Starting MIDAS DAQ

The following procedure describes a 'cold' start of the DAQ.
Normally one would only need to perform steps 5 to 9.

1) Login to Sun Blade 100 workstation - tuda2 ISAC-II Experimental Hall

   user: tuda

2) Switch off the VME crate.
   Wait 20s.
   Switch on the VME crate.
   After a short delay (c. 20-30s) you will observe significant network
   load on the Allied Telesys 8-port switch on top of the TUDA 19" racks
   whilst the Lynx operating system is downloaded to the MVME 2431 CPU 
   and the DAQ application is loaded. 
3) Open (another) command window on tuda2. Enter the commands

   cd /MIDAS/TapeServer/SunOS
   This will start the TapeServer process which should conclude with
   messages of the type
   MIDAS Data Link (5821): MIDAS Data Link thread 0 using TCP port 10305.
   MIDAS Data Link (5821): Entering server loop
   MIDAS Data Link (5821): thread 0 listening on port 10305

4) Check whether the EPICS access repeater process is running

    tuda2> ps -ef | grep caRepeater
    tuda  2182     1   0 12:35:07 pts/2       0:00 caRepeater

   If the EPICS access repeater is not running, you can start it
   by requesting any EPICS variable, e.g.

   tuda2> caget CCS2ISAC:BL2ACURRENT
   CCS2ISAC:BL2ACURRENT          0

5) Open (another) command window. Enter the command


   From the pop-up window select -> MIDAS Data Acquisition

   If you wish to run a MIDAS session remotely (tuda3 ISAC-II Counting
   Room 1) establish a Secure Shell (ssh) connection from tuda3 to tuda2

   tuda3> ssh tuda2 -l tuda

   and enter the command MIDAS-session in this terminal session.

   It is *strongly* recommended that you do NOT run the MIDAS DAQ
   locally *and* remotely.

6) From the MIDAS Main Menu select Experiment Control ... and wait
   until start sequence is complete

7) From MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control select SETUP.
   From Confirmation Request for Data Acquisition Setup pop-up window
   select Setup Everything
   ... and wait until the sequence is complete with the message
   MIDAS DA is SETUP and ready to GO at <date/time>

8) From the MIDAS Main Menu select Experiment Control select -> Advanced.
   Select Configuration/Test/Debug Frame. From confirmation pop-up select
   -> Yes - Please Continue
   Check the TDC mode is Common Stop, TDC reference is 0, and readout mode is 1.

   Check Data Destination:Tape Server is tuda2daq and select 'Setup Connection'

   Select Update.

   Dismiss the Configuration/Test/Debug Frame.

9) From MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control select Tape Control.

   From the Tape Drive Control window select Allocated? button adjacent
   to /dev/file/0 - No should toggle to Yes.

   Select corresponding Load Tape -> Mount (Append Data to old tape)
   Volume name (S1195) should appear, select Continue.

   If you do not wish to write data to disk (/dev/file/0) select No Storage.

   Dismiss the Tape Drive Control Window.

   From MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control select Redisplay. Tapes
   in use should change to:

   /dev/file/0 (if you are writing to disk)
   Storage is not enabled (if you have selected No Storage)

   Check Histogramming Enabled and TS Transfer Enabled are selected.
   The TS Transfer Enabled button should be green indicating a good
   connection to the Tape Server.

9) From the MIDAS Main Menu select Experiment Control select Go

   If you have selected No Storage you will be reminded of this and asked
   whether you wish to continue, or abort data acquisition start.

Starting data run   
Assumes DAQ is already stopped.   
1) Clear VME CPU histograms (if required)   
   From Spectrum Directory Browser frame select -> Resource -> hist   
   Select -> Select All   
   Select -> Actions -> Zero & Deselect   
   The footer of window should show zeroing of spectra in progress.   
2) Clear online sort spectra (if required)   
   From Spectrum Directory Browser frame select -> Resource -> SortSas   
   Select -> Select All   
   Select -> Actions -> Zero & Deselect   
   The footer of window should show zeroing of spectra in progress.   
3) Start DAQ   
   From MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control select -> GO   
   If the DAQ has started OK you should see the 'Good Events' scaler   
   increment and 'Good Events /s' should be non-zero.   
4) Complete Elog entry  
   The Session Log window will show the start time & date  
5) Check run data file

   Open a command window and enter command(s)

   ls -l /net/tuda2/data2/data/S1195; sleep 60; ls -l /net/tuda2/data2/data/S1195

   and check current run data file is increasing in size.
Stopping data run  
Assumes DAQ is going.  
1) Stop DAQ  
   From MIDAS Data Acquisition Experiment Control window select -> STOP  
2) Save VME CPU histograms  
   From Spectrum Directory Browser select -> Actions -> Save  
   The Spectrum Copy & Online Histogram Save window should appear.  
   Select -> Source Resource -> hist  
   Select -> Select All  
   Check destination Directory (e.g. /home/tuda/S1195/spectra)  
   Enter (sub-)Directory (e.g. run100)  
   Select -> Execute  
3) Save online sort spectra  
   From Spectrum Directory Browser select -> Actions -> Save  
   The Spectrum Copy & Online Histogram Save window should appear.  
   Select -> Source Resource -> SortSas  
   Select -> Select All  
   Check destination Directory (e.g. /home/tuda/S1195/spectra)  
   Enter (sub-)Directory (e.g. run100)  
   Select -> Execute  
4) Complete Elog entry  
   The Session Log window will show the stop time & date and # blocks written to disk 

T.Davinson - May 2009
Revised - April 2011
Attachment 2: latest
SAC sac#1 vme 0x0400:0x000000:0x00000000:0:0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 1
{Silena S9418} s9418#1 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02000000:0:0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 1
{Silena S9418} s9418#2 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02020000:0:0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 2
{Silena S9418} s9418#3 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02030000:0:0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 3
{Silena S9418} s9418#4 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02040000:0:0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 4
{Silena S9418} s9418#5 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02050000:0:0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 5
{Silena S9418} s9418#6 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02060000:0:0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 6
{Silena S9418} s9418#7 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02070000:0:0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 7
{Silena S9418} s9418#8 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02080000:0:0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 8
{Silena S9418} s9418#9 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x02090000:0:0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 9
{Silena S9418} s9418#10 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x020a0000:0:0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 10
{Silena S9418} s9418#11 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x020b0000:0:0 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 11
{Silena S9418} s9418#12 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x020c0000:0:0 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 12
{Silena S9418} s9418#13 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x020d0000:0:0 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 13
{Silena S9418} s9418#14 vme 0x0000:0x000000:0x020e0000:0:0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 {} 14
Attachment 3: latest
{"s9418#1.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#10.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#11.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#12.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#13.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#14.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#2.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#3.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#4.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#5.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#6.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#7.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#8.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#9.RTP" "0x02"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#1.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#10.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#11.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#12.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#13.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#14.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#2.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold7" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold8" "16"}
{"s9418#3.Threshold9" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold0" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold1" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold10" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold11" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold12" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold13" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold14" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold15" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold16" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold17" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold18" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold19" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold2" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold20" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold21" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold22" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold23" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold24" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold25" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold26" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold27" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold28" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold29" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold3" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold30" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold31" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold4" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold5" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold6" "16"}
{"s9418#4.Threshold7" "16"}
... 165 more lines ...
  9   Thu Dec 6 21:05:46 2012 Naomi Galinski  TUDA setup - how to get TUDA ready for our experiment

 - Ground test TUDA chamber.

- Vacuum test chamber and check cooling of preamps. Temperature sensor for preamps must be attached inside chamber.

- Mount beam tuning target holes (5, 3, 1 mm) and target holders (with 10 mm holes)

- Calibrate target ladder positions and check horizontal alignment.

- Check alignment of detector holders using cross etched plastic.

- Attach inside flange to 1x services adaptor PCB (5x BNC, with two pulser -ve and +ve and three bias voltage connectors, to 10-way IDC = 2x5 ribbon cables) to multiple 10-way IDC connectors. For LEDA detectors string 8 sectors together with one cable. Use a separate board for S2 Si detectors.

- Attach preamp power supply and pulser signal to outside flange.

- Attach preamps to inside flange using 16 ribbon cables.

- On the outside these 16 ribbon cables are split into two 8 ribbon cables and go into two RAL shaping amplifiers.

- Test preamp signals for each channel with pulser. You can use the signals going into or coming out of amplifiers. Best check both to make sure you know what channels in the amps correspond to which channels in the preamps.

- Attach Si detector bias cables from inside flange to preamps using BNC to SNC cables.

- Attach Si detector bias cables from outside flange to CAEN SY40S voltage supply using BNC to BNC cables. This voltage supply only outputs -ve voltage.

- Check Si detector bias using a VT100 monitor, which is attached to the CAEN voltage supply. Add a small voltage first and make sure the leakage currents are going up but stay low.

- Attach Si signal cables to preamps using 16 ribbon cable.

- Insert alpha sources and close chamber. Before closing make sure all cables are tied onto the rails and are out of the way of the beam path and not blocking Si detectors. Close slowly making sure no cables are being pulled out of sockets and unmount target ladder if it's in the way of the Si detectors.

- Check alpha source signals from amps in atmospheric pressure first. Preamps and Si detectors must be biased, but don't leave preamps on long due to heating concerns.

- Pump down following pump down procedure. Once vacuum is less than 1e-5 T you can switch on preamp chiller. Preamps should not be turned on in vacuum without being chilled.

- Connect DAQ next. Amplifier ADC outputs go to Silena 9418 ADC modules in VME crate. Amplifier ECL outputs go to CAEN V1190 TDC modules in VME crate.

- Check DAQ configuration following procedure written in DAQ configuration.

- Connect MVME2431 module in VME master crate to computer.

- Start DAQ. First start tape drive and then MIDAS-session following MIDAS startup procedure.

- Turn on preamps and Si detector bias and start run and look at alpha signal gains and channel thresholds.

- Change amplifier gains by changing two resistors on board and change threshold on front panel. Instruction are in another elog entry.

- Take calibration source run.

- Turn off bias to preamps and Si detectors.

- Open up chamber. First turn off chiller and let it warm up to room temp. Then vent following venting procedure.

- Take out alpha source.

- Add targets to target ladder but leave one target holder with 10 mm hole free for beam tuning.

- Install detector shields for beam tuning.

- Attach target ladder current and FC scalars for operators to see beam currents.

- Pump down again and let operators tune beam. Move target ladder to different positions as beam tuning proceeds.

- Vent chamber BUT before opening get someone to swipe inside of chamber. This is a Triumf safety procedure after beam is passed through a target chamber.

- Remove detector shields, pump down and cool preamps.

- Start cryo pump after vacuum is good enough.

- Turn on bias to preamps and detectors and start taking data!!!!

  8   Thu Dec 6 20:28:23 2012 Naomi Galinski  DAQ configuration

 VME crate (master): VME V430 

1x MVME2431 VME processor module, slot 1

1x SBS master, slot 2

1x SAC S9418 ACQ controller, slot 5 - trigger condition set here

14x Silena 9418 ADC, slot 7-10 (geographic location doesn't matter only jumper address)


VME crate (slave): VME430 - we didn't use this since the power supply died but we still needed a VME crate connected to the master crate

1x SBS slave, slot 1 (needs to be plugged in!)

2x CAEN V560 scalers

4x CAEN V1190 TDC


Debugging notes:

Turn slave crates on first and master crate last

VME crates must be of type V430 for MIDAS UK. We used V64x crates and unable to read scaler and TDC modules. Error messages result if you try to load modules in the wrong type caret into MIDAS UK. 

HOWEVER, SBS modules MUST be plugged in. Probably some firmware coding in MVME2431 tells MIDAS there are two VME crates. SIGBUS error results if slave crate is not connected to the master crate.

  7   Thu Dec 6 11:03:10 2012 Naomi Galinski  Detector specs

S2 500 um: I think the bias is - 75V. I pulled that out from a previous Tuda experiment elog

VT100 monitor readout:

S2-1 75 V - leakage current ~ 5 uA


LEDA: 1 mm. Ritu's LEDA detectors have reverse order connectors. Special adaptors needed to bias them properly with -130 V.

VT100 monitor readouts:

LEDA-1-0 130 V - leakage currents for all LEDA sectors are < 1 um

LEDA-1-1 130 V

LEDA-1-2 130 V

LEDA-1-3 130 V

LEDA-1-4 130 V

LEDA-1-5 130 V

LEDA-1-6 130 V

LEDA-1-7 130 V


  6   Thu Dec 6 10:58:31 2012 Naomi Galinski  Amplifier gain and thresholds


Max channel no. in Silena 9418 ADCs is 4096. We want the max channel correspond to just above 70 MeV.

We have the 241Am single source in front of the LEDA and the 3-alpha source in front of the S2. Therefore we want the 5.4856 MeV alpha peak in the LEDA channels and 5.8048 MeV alpha peak in the S2 channels to sit at ~ 300 ch.

To achieve this we put the 3.3 kOhm restsros in the LED and 4.7 kOhm resistors into the S2 amplifiers



All LEDA and S2 amplifiers were initially set at a threshold of 30 mV.


Instructions on how to change the gain and threshold of the amplifiers are in attached file.

Attachment 1: ral109gain.txt
Edinburgh/RAL RAL109 Shaping Amplifier Module


The gain of the RAL109 shaping amplifier modules is adjusted by
attenuating the input signal.

The `gain resistors' are two dual inline (DIL) 16-pin packages. Each DIL
package contains eight individual resistors. The DIL packages are located 
between the power and input signal connectors at the back of the RAL109 
PCB motherboard.

The `termination resistors' are two single inline (SIL) 8-pin packages. 
Each SIL package contains four individual resistors. The SIL packages 
are located adjacent to the `gain resistors'. Input signals are typically
terminated in 100 Ohm. Because the output impedance of the RAL108 charge
sensitive preamplifiers is 100 Ohm, removal of the `termination resistors'
results in an effective x2 increase in gain. It should be noted that n+n
ohmic strip channels _require_ the 100 Ohm `termination resistors' to
be replaced by 1 kOhm `termination resistors' - p+n junction strip 
channels do _not_ require any `termination resistors'.

Examples of gain settings for the RAL109 shaping amplifier module are
shown in the table below.

With (100 Ohm) input termination

	gain [V/MeV] = 0.45 / ( 1 + R [kOhm] ) 

  R	 gain	9.375V FSR	7.500V FSR	3.840V FSR	min. LLD
[kOhm]  [V/MeV]	  [MeV]		  [MeV]		  [MeV]		 [keV]

 0.022	 0.440	   21.3		   17.1		    8.7		  300
 1	 0.225	   41.7		   33.3		   17.1		  600
 2.2	 0.141	   66.5		   53.2		   27.2		 1000
 3.3	 0.105	   89.3		   71.4		   36.6		 1300
 4.7	 0.079	  119		   94.9		   48.6		 1800
 5.6	 0.068	  138		  110		   56.5		 2100
 6.8	 0.058	  162		  129		   66.2		 2400
 8.2	 0.049	  191		  153		   78.4		 2900	
10	 0.041 	  229		  183		   93.7		 3400

Without (100 Ohm) input termination

	gain [V/MeV] = 0.9 / ( 1 + R [kOhm] ) 

  R	 gain	9.375V FSR	7.500V FSR	3.840V FSR	min. LLD
[kOhm]  [V/MeV]	  [MeV]		  [MeV]		  [MeV]		 [keV]

 0.022	 0.880	  10.7		    8.5		    4.4		  150
 1	 0.450	  20.9		   16.7		    8.6		  300
 2.2	 0.282	  33.2		   26.6		   13.6		  500
 3.3	 0.210	  44.6		   35.7		   18.3		  650
 4.7	 0.158	  59.3		   47.5		   24.3		  900
 5.6	 0.136	  68.9		   55.2		   28.3		 1050
 6.8	 0.116	  80.8		   64.7		   33.1		 1200
 8.2	 0.098	  95.7		   76.5		   39.2		 1450	
10	 0.082 	 114		   91.5		   46.9		 1700


1) minimum LLD corresponds to c. 10mV (front panel monitor) for RAL109s
   with 100 Ohm input termination.

2) minimum LLD corresponds to c. 20mV (front panel monitor) for RAL109s
   without 100 Ohm input termination.

3) 9.375V FSR corresponds to the maximum input signal amplitude of the
   Silena 4418/V CAMAC ADC.
3) 7.500V FSR corresponds to the maximum input signal amplitude of the
   Silena 9418/6V VME ADC.

4) 3.840V FSR corresponds to the maximum input signal amplitude of the
   CAEN V785 A[A-D] VME multievent ADC with sliding scale enabled.

5) The gain values quoted are nominal. Typical variation of overall
   gain of RAL108 charge-sensitive preamplifier and RAL109 shaping
   amplifier is +/-10%.

Gain Adjustment


1) Determine appropriate value for `gain resistors' using the tables
   and the information above.

   The resistance value of the DIL/SIL packages is usually presented 
   as follows: R22, R4K7 etc. or 220 (i.e. 22 x 10^0), 472 (i.e. 47 x 
   10^2) etc. for 22 ohm and 4.7 kohm respectively.

2) Determine whether you wish to terminate the input signals.

3) Switch off power to the KM-6 sub-rack containing the RAL109 shaping
   amplifier module.

4) Remove RAL109 shaping amplifier module.

5) Using a fine screwdriver (or similar) _gently_ lever the DIL packages
   at each end until free of their DIL sockets.

6) Remove `termination resistors' if required.

6) Insert `termination resistors' if required.
   Note that the SIL packages have no particular orientation.

7) Insert new DIL packages into their DIL sockets
   Note that the DIL packages have no particular orientation.

8) Visual check for bent pins or incorrectly seated DIL/SIL packages.

9) Insert RAL109 shaping amplifier module.

10) Switch on power to KM-6 sub-rack.

T.Davinson - April 2004

  5   Thu Dec 6 10:41:35 2012 Naomi Galinski  3-alpha source energies

 239Pu: Ealpha = 5.1055 MeV (11.94%)

Ealpha = 5.1443 MeV (17.11%)

Ealpha = 5.1566 MeV (70.77%)


241Am: Ealpha = 5.388 MeV (1.66%)

Ealpha = 5.4428 MeV (13.1%)

Ealpha = 5.4856 MeV (84.3%)


244Cm: Ealpha = 5.7626 MeV (23.6%)

Ealpha = 5.8048 MeV (76.4%)

  4   Thu Dec 6 10:38:12 2012 Naomi Galinski  MIDAS ADC channels

 LEDA: 8 sectors with 16 segments each

S9418#11.adc0 - 15 -> Sector 0

S9418#11.adc16 - 31 -> Sector 1

S9418#1.adc0 - 15 -> Sector 2

S9418#1.adc16 - 31 -> Sector 3

S9418#2.adc0 - 15 -> Sector 4

S9418#2.adc16 - 31 -> Sector 5

S9418#3.adc0 - 15 -> Sector 6

S9418#3.adc16 - 31 -> Sector 7

S2: Front 48 annular segments, Back 16 sectors

S9418#4.adc0 - 15 -> Front

S9418#4.adc16 - 31 -> Front

S9418#5.adc0 - 15 -> Front

S9418#5.adc16 - 31 -> Back

Scintillator for beam current monitoring at end of TUDA:


Attachment 1: LEDAcablenumbers.PDF
  3   Thu Dec 6 10:08:12 2012 Naomi Galinski  16O 4+ stable beam tuning

 242 pA @ upstream FC

229 pA @ TUDA FC through 1 can hole

209 pA through 5 mm hole in target ladder

202 pA through 3 mm hole in target ladder

119 pA through 1 mm hole in target ladder

213 pA @ end of Tuda in FC

223 pA @ upstream FC again, this time baseline better

  2   Thu Dec 6 09:56:17 2012 Naomi Galinski  Si detector distances

Face of S2 is 5.2 cm from target.

Face of LEDA is 55.7 cm from face of S2.

  1   Thu Dec 6 09:54:42 2012 Naomi Galinski  Target and target ladder position

 1.75 mg/cm2 C foils located at position 1 (69.4 mm) and 3 (99.2 mm)

ELOG V2.9.2-2455