Beamrate (scintillator) - 2592
Accepted Trigger - 7
Trigger - 7
Minutes from the Shift
18:15 - Lithium beam went down for approximately 6 minutes at about this time. After the beam was reestablished the control room quickly performed a calibration. This can be seen in the data by the re-emergence of the detected proton beam prior to the scintillator detecting any lithium-11.
20:10 - A run that had begun at 18:51 was stopped by R. Kanungo to see if the data collection for the delta-E detector could be improved. Counts for delta-E were low. (note from R. Kanungo to be attached)
21:53 - The control room called to say that a cavity had 'dropped out'. This issue was resolved and a new run began however counts were not taken from the short run which had started at 21:47.
22:22 - The StripTool Graph on the EpicsPC recorded an abnormally stable lithium-11 beam intensity and proton beam current (zero fluctuation) for approximately 5 minutes. However, during this time CAEN readouts from the scintillator on Tuda 3 continued to fluctuate suggesting the issue is with EpicsPC or StripTool.
Leakage Currents
DE0 - 0.06
E3 - 0.25
DE2 - 0.08
E5 - 0.31
DE4 - 0.03
E7 - 0.47
DE6 - 0.05
E2 - 0.52
UP 0 - 0.05
UP 1 - 0.04
UP 2 - 0.04
UP 3 - 0.00
UP 4 - 0.01
UP 5 - 0.06
UP 6 - 0.09
UP 7 - 0.23
S2 - 0.91
Other Issues
A quick run-through of the channels showed that channels 19 and 32 on UP 1 (adc 11) are probably broken. |