Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Target Production, Page 4 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target/No.# Source Station Moduledown Target Oven W.O# Heat Shield W.O# Status Subject
  18   Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 14:08 John WongUCx#3LP-SISITWTM138634-1036833-3SpentUCx#3 ready to go online

 Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 13:51

UCx#3 descriptions: 

Target oven wrapped with 3-Ta heat shields, including the back block (see attachment#1)

Total UCx/C discs = 365

Total disc length = 12.9cm 

UC2/C (365 foils) = 44.76 g

UC2/C (365 foils) - organics = 39.24g

U (365 foils) = 34.05g

U (365 foils) thickness = 16.03 g  

Salts added:  Na, Li, K, Rb, & Ce. 

Attachment 1: UCx#3_assembly.jpg
  19   Monday, February 13, 2012, 16:00 John WongNb#6LP-SISITWTM138634-436833-1SpentNb#5 ready in the Conditioning Station


Monday, February 13, 2012, 16:00 

Nb#5 target description:

Total Nb foils = 400

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 24.52g

Total Length = 4.0cm

Target thickness = 11.57 g/cm2

Target Density = 8.57g/cm3

Inserted Rh foil (1cmx1cm)

Added standard salts before test-stand:

15ml Cs

10ml Li, Na, Rb  

5ml K 

Monday, April 23, 2012, 08:58

Target was tested in the test stand, see https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/Test-Stand/77 for more details.

No salts were added after the test.  The target is now in the conditioning station. 



  22   Friday, June 01, 2012, 11:43 John WongTa#38LP-SISITWTM139165-238633-2SpentTa#38 target description

Ta#38 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69 g/cm3

Target area = 2.12cm2

Target length = 4.3cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 42.8013g

See the link for more details: http://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-8541

Friday, June 01, 2012, 11:36

The target is now in the test-stand, and by next week Tuesday, it should go in the Hotcell.


 Monday, June 04, 2012, 16:56

The target was tested in the Test-stand.  The EE was inspected and a small amount of deposit was discovered after the test (the same stuff was found on Ta#36),  see attachment #1.  The samples were collected and will be analyzed through SEM/EDX/XRD.

The EE and the common plate were cleaned with methanol and were assembled back.

The target is ready to go in the Hotcell tomorrow, June 05.

 Monday, November 05, 2012, 16:42

The deposits on the EE and CC were analyzed using XRD

On the EE, it was mainly copper hydroxide nitrate, Cu2(OH)3(NO3). (see attachment #2)

On the CE, it was mainly tantalum, Ta. (see attachment #3)


Attachment 1: Ta_38_EE_deposit.JPG
Attachment 2: Ta#38_EE.PNG
Attachment 3: Ta#38_CE.PNG
  23   Monday, June 11, 2012, 13:46 John WongNb#6LP-SISITWTM138634-436833-1SpentNb#5 run finished

John Wong wrote:


Monday, February 13, 2012, 16:00 

Nb#5 target description:

Total Nb foils = 400

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 24.52g

Total Length = 4.0cm

Target thickness = 11.57 g/cm2

Target Density = 8.57g/cm3

Inserted Rh foil (1cmx1cm)

Added standard salts before test-stand:

15ml Cs

10ml Li, Na, Rb  

5ml K 

Monday, April 23, 2012, 08:58

Target was tested in the test stand, see https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/Test-Stand/77 for more details.

No salts were added after the test.  The target is now in the conditioning station. 



 Monday, June 11, 2012, 13:42

The Nb#5 run was good.  The target is now in the storage. 

see https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/RH-ISAC/124


  25   Friday, July 20, 2012, 11:39 John WongUCx#4LP-SISITWTM138634-936833-4SpentUCx#4 target description

Friday, July 20, 2012, 11:35

UCx#4 target description, see attachment#1

The target is assembled and stored in the Ar-glove box.  It will be transported to the South Hotcell on July 31, 2012.


Attachment 1: UCx#4_specfications.PNG
  32   Thursday, April 11, 2013, 14:30 John WongTa#39LP-SISITWTM139165-7 SpentTa#39 target description

Ta#38 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69 g/cm3

Target length = 4.1cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 43.15g

Disc area = 2.12 cm2

Ta thickness = 20.354g/cm2

See link for more details:



  33   Thursday, May 30, 2013, 16:58 John WongUCx#6LP-SIS TM139165-639230-8SpentUCx#6 - target description

 Thursday, May 30, 2013, 16:57

UCx#6 target specification, see attachment #1. 

The target is currently undergoing the final conditioning in the Evaporator#1.

 Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 17:10

Target is assembled and stored in the Ar glove box.

It's ready to go into the Hotcell.


Attachment 1: UCx#6_specifications.PNG
  35   Friday, August 30, 2013, 12:08 John WongUCx#7LP-SISITWTM138634-739230-4SpentUCx#7 - target description

Friday, August 30, 2013, 12:06

UCx#7 target specification, see attachment #1.

The target is assembled and going online soon.

Attachment 1: UCx#7_specifications.PNG
  43   Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 10:54 Laura LambertTa # 43LP-SISITWTM140282-2 ReadyTa # 43 Target Description

 Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 9:45

Ta#42 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69 g/cm3

Target length = 4.9cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 45.920g







  45   Monday, July 28, 2014, 15:57 John WongZrC#6LP-SISITWTM140282-3 SpentZrC target description

 Monday, July 28, 2014, 15:52

See attachment#1 for ZrC target description. 

Target is currently undergoing the sintering process


Attachment 1: ZrC#6.JPG
  50   Friday, April 17, 2015, 16:00 Laura LambertUCx # 12LP-SISITWTM141177-2 ReadyUCx#12 Target Description

 Thursday, April 16, 2015, 14:07

See attachment for target description

Attachment 1: UCx_12_target_description.PNG
  8   Thursday, June 16, 2011, 17:26 John WongNbHP-SIS  38817-1 SpentTarget is ready and stored in cabinet

 Thu Jun 16 17:21:10 2011

Two targets of Nb-HP-SIS are complete and ready to be installed in the heat shields:


Target oven w.o# 38817-1:

inner diameter: left = 18.27mm, right = 18.25mm.

Filled with 400 foils Nb (16pk, 5 foils/pk).  

Discs spec: 18.65mm/14.65mm, thickness = 0.022mm  

Total mass + Ta-wire = 22.74g

Total length = 4.5cm

Rn foil inserted for ionization.  (0.1mm, 0.004", 1cm x 1cm)  



Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 14:35: Salts were added and tested in test-stand last 2 weeks.


  9   Friday, June 17, 2011, 11:58 John WongUCx (flakes)LP-SIS    Problems/SolutionsMaking UC2 flakes (stock# 2011_A & _B)

Fri Jun 17 10:28:47 2011

First batch of UO2/C mixture of carbonization (Stock# 2011_A):   

UO2 used = 50.120g (left overs + container = 411.23g)

C(grv) used = 10.653g (or 21.25% w/w)

Mass of organics = 4.842g (or 9.66% w/w) 

Mass of dried cast = 47.420g 

Waste collected in jar = 18.195g (including UO2, C and Org) 

Waste accountable for UO2 = 12.57g

The carbonization process started from May 26 to June 4 (9 days).  

See attachment #1 and #2 for the striptools during the UO2/C carbonization

Total Mass UC2 flakes = 35.310g 

 Fri Jun 17 11:56:15 2011

Attempted to make the second batch of UO2/C mixture of carbonization on June 13, but it failed.  The milling jar gasket seal partially came out during the high speed milling.  As a result, the UO2/C mixture squirted out and contaminated the planetary mill (See attachment #3 & #4).  RPG and all other groups were informed.  The planetary mill and the lab were properly cleaned up (see attachment #5), no activities were found after the cleaning.  Attachments #6, #7, #8 are some of the discussion about the UO2 spill.  

All the UO2 taken out from the container (50.23g) is accountable for waste.  


 June 28, 2011 - Re-making 2nd batch of UO2/C mixture was successful.  


UO2 used = 50.29g

C(grv) used = 10.0g 

Mass of Organics = 4.84g 

Mass of Dried green = 71.96g (the cast was let dry over night <24hrs due to time restriction.  It might not be completely dried as a result of such heavy mass remained.  However, the UO2 waste was very minimum, <5.0g) 

Total Mass UC2 flakes = 56.853g 







Attachment 1: UO2_C_IG1_CG2_2011_A.jpg
Attachment 2: UO2_C_TGHT_IG1_2011_A.jpg
Attachment 3: UO2_mill_spill_01.png
Attachment 4: UO2_mill_spill_02.png
Attachment 5: UO2_spill_cleanup.png
Attachment 6: UO2_spill_discussion_01.png
Attachment 7: UO2_spill_discussion_02.png
Attachment 8: UO2_spill_discussion_03.png
  10   Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 14:13 John WongTa#40HP-SIS  38295-4 SpentTarget description

Details about Ta Hp surface, w.o#38295-4 (spare):

This target was built as a spare.


Note: Left side target arm replaced, Nov 18, 2010.  Weld prep on centre block misaligned.  (Marik has more details about this).

Packs of Ta foils were prepared by JW. 

Target was filled with 400 of 0.025mm foils (25 foils/pk) in 4.0cm length. 

Total Mass of 16 packs of Ta foils + Ta wires = 42.70g.  

See attachment#1 for the measurement.


Friday, April 19, 2013, 09:44 

Target was tested at the Teststand.  Result Good. 

Ready for use.


  11   Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 14:29 John WongNb/SpareHP-SIS  38817-2 In progressTarget ready for Assembly

Target oven w.o# 38817-2:

inner diameter: left = 18.29mm, right = 18.16mm.

Filled with 400 foils Nb (16pk, 5 foils/pk).  

Discs spec: 18.65mm/14.65mm, thickness = 0.022mm  

Total mass + Ta-wire = 22.66g

total length = 4.5cm

Rn foil inserted for ionization.  (0.1mm, 0.004", 1cm x 1cm)  



  28   Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 01:53 John WongNb#7LP-SIS  39165-6 SpentNb#7 target description

 Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 02:10

Nb#7 target description: 

Total Nb foils = 400 discs

Total Nb mass (Nb foils + Ta wires) = 26.529g 

Total length (after filled) = 4.6cm 

(see attachment #1) 

Attachment 1: Nb#7_target_description.jpg
  36   Friday, August 30, 2013, 14:45 John WongNiO#2HP-FEBIAD  39530-639069-4SpentNiO target description

Friday, August 30, 2013, 14:38 

NiO/Ni#2                                             Average

NiO+ Ni (g)                                          0.114

NiO - Ni foil (g)                                    0.066

NiO + Ni thickness (mm)                  0.116

NiO - Ni thickness (mm)                   0.104

Area (cm2)                                           2.212

NiO + Ni - organics (8.95%) (g)       0.104

NiO - Ni - organics (8.95%) (g)        0.060

NiO Density (g/cm3)                          2.110

% Yield density                                   32%

# discs in target                                  530

Total target length (cm)                      9.0


  40   Monday, March 31, 2014, 15:02 John WongTiC#4HP-SIS  38817-839956-10SpentTarget Description

 Monday, March 31, 2014, 15:00

Target consists of 360 discs of TiC + graphite foils. 

Total length = 11.7cm 

Total green mass = 40.945g

(see attachment for more details) 



Attachment 1: TiC#4_description.JPG
  42   Friday, June 06, 2014, 14:09 John WongUCx#9LP-SIS  39165-9 ReadyUCx#9 - Target description

 Friday, June 06, 2014, 14:08

See attachment for the target description


Attachment 1: UCx#9_target_description_1.JPG
  46   Monday, August 18, 2014, 14:39 Laura LambertThO2 #1LP-SIS     ThO2 #1 Target Description

Monday, August 18, 2014, 14:53

See attachment for target description


Attachment 1: ThO2#1_target_description.JPG
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