Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Target Production, Page 1 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target/No.# Source Station Module Target Oven W.O#down Heat Shield W.O# Status Subject
  30   Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 15:44 Anders MjosSiCHP-FEBIADITWTM4nana (old style fittings)ReadyTest target for the Conditioning Station

 The target has been used for operator training previously at the ISAC Test Stand.

  • 9-pin connector was completed and grounded
  • RH gripper arms added to the heat shield

Further documentation on DocuShare

  31   Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 13:32 John WongSiC#28-RFQLP-SIS TM4LP-RFQ (NEW) SpentSiC#28-RFQ target description

 Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 12:28

SiC#28 - RFQ target description: 

Total SiC foils = 325 discs

Total SiC + C-grv foils = 38.48 g 

Total length = 10.9cm 

Average mass of SiC/disc (without graphite foil) = 0.083 g

Average thickness of SiC (without graphite foil) = 0.18 mm 

No Rh foil added

See attachment #1:  SiC#28 RFQ density measurements 

See link for more details:  https://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-9771



Attachment 1: SiC#28_RFQ_density_measurements.xlsx
  90   Monday, July 22, 2019, 16:33 Marla CervantesUCx#27LP-SIS  49044-9 ReadyUCx#27 Target Description

 Monday, July 22, 2019, 16:31

Attached please find the UCx#27 target description. 


Attachment 1: UCx#27.JPG
  123   Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 13:10 Darwin Ortiz RosalesUCx#40LP-SIS  45550-2 ReadyUCx#40 Target Description

Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 13:10

Target in Glovebox

Attachment 1: UCx#40_Description.png
  135   Thursday, August 24, 2023, 14:16 Aaron SchmidtNb#11LP-IG-LISITWTM245447-9 In progressNb#11 Target description

Nb#11 LP-IG-LIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm (0.001")

Target density =  7.13 g/cm3

Target length = 3.53 cm

Total Mass = 25.165 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  434 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Replacement for Nb#10

Attachment 1: Nb#11_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
  132   Friday, June 23, 2023, 09:02 Aaron SchmidtNb#10LP-IG-LISITWTM245447-7  Nb#10 target description.

 Nb#10 LP-IG-LIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm (0.001")

Target density =  7.36 g/cm3

Target length = 3.5 cm

Total Mass = 25.7576 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  438 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

  142   Friday, June 14, 2024, 14:16 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTiC#7HP-FEBIAD  45447-545235-15ReadyTiC#7_Description

Please note that this target comes in a Graphite cartridge.

Attachment 1: TiC#7.png
  145   Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 09:53 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTiC#9HP-SIS  45447-2945235-19ReadyTiC#9_Description
Attachment 1: TiC#9.png
  147   Monday, October 07, 2024, 13:16 Aaron SchmidtTa#68HP-SISITETM245447-2645235-16ReadyTa#68 Target Description

 Ta#68 HP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.0254mm (0.0010") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: PO# TR-2023-06149

Target density = 14.204 g/cm3

Target length = 3.50 cm

Total Mass = 49.7146 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven =  1483g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Attachment 1: ITE-TM2-Ta#68-HP-SIS_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
  144   Tuesday, September 03, 2024, 16:11 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTiC#8HP-FEBIAD  45447-2 ReadyTiC#8_Description

This was back-up target

Attachment 1: TiC#8_(2).png
  146   Friday, September 20, 2024, 14:26 Aaron SchmidtTa#LP-SISITETM245447-1845235-13ReadyTa# Target Description

Spare for Ta#68 Ta# LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.0254mm (0.0010") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: PO# TR-2023-06149

Target density = 14.17 g/cm3

Target length = 3.505 cm

Total Mass = 47.6553 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven =  454g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

  139   Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 10:15 Aaron SchmidtTaLP-SIS  45447-15 ReadyTa# (March stock) Target Description.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 10:12: Ta# (Stock - Loaded today) LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.033mm (0.0013") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: Ta 2023-1  Mt'l PO# TR-2022-03028

Target density = 18.2 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass = 61.9 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven =  459.6 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added.

  143   Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 10:08 Aaron SchmidtTa#67 Thin Foil TargetLP-SISITETM245447-1445235-10ReadyTa#67 Thin Foil Target description & Notes

  Ta#67 Thin foil LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 loaded into 2 packs of 235 foils each.

Foil Thickness = 0.010mm (0.0004") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: See attached*

Target density = 4.498 g/cm3

Target length = 3.7465 cm

Total Mass = 16.8509 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 2 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven =  415g (No end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 2packs

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

No Ta foil heat shield added

The original HS 45253-23 Had to be replaced due to a leak being discovered during a leak check. Reassembled in 45235-10

However post-TS https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/Test-Stand/1014 & https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/Test-Stand/1015, it was discovered there was electrical shorts, components stuck together, including the retainer to the ovens tube. This had to be repaired & rebuilt.

Repairs included opening ITD0542 inner diameter to 11/16"

increasing the slot gap on the HS for the target leg to bottom insulator clearance

Source Cup inner ID opened 0.030" as the short was found to be the tube touching the Cu wall.

Top & bottom insulators were also replaced pre-TS. Checked post TS. They held 540 OL & 1049 OL respectively afterwards.

Run in TS: https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/Test-Stand/1018

Link to Checklist & Docushare details below.


Attachment 1: Certificate_of_Analysis_-_Ta_0.01mm.pdf
  149   Thursday, January 02, 2025, 12:54 Darwin Ortiz RosalesUCx#47LP-SIS  45447-12 ReadyUCx#47_Description
Attachment 1: UCx#47_Description.png
  134   Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 12:03 Darwin Ortiz RosalesUCx#43LP-SIS  45447-11 ReadyUCx#43_Description
Attachment 1: UCx#43_Description.png
  140   Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 22:32 Darwin Ortiz RosalesUCx#45LP-SIS  45220-9 ReadyUCx#45_Description
Attachment 1: UCx#45_Description.png
  127   Monday, March 06, 2023, 13:38 Aaron SchmidtTa#65LP-SIS  45220-7 ReadyTa#65 Target Description.

 Monday, March 06, 2023, 13:38:

Ta#65 LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.033mm (0.0013") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: Ta 2023-1  Mt'l PO# TR-2022-03028

Target density = 18.2685 g/cm3

Target length = 3.40 cm

Total Mass = 62.113 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven= 460.8 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added


Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 10:44: End cap removed post conditioning to remove rhenium foil. End cap replaced, & weight updated. Length remains the same.

  126   Monday, February 06, 2023, 10:02 Darwin Ortiz RosalesC#6   45220-6 ReadyTarget C#6 Description
Attachment 1: C#6_Description.png
  136   Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 14:25 Aaron SchmidtTa#66LP-SISITWTM245220-5 In progressTa#66 Target description.

Ta#66 LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.033mm (0.0013") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: Ta 2023-1  Mt'l PO# TR-2022-03028

Target density = 12.446 g/cm3

Target length = 5.0 cm

Total Mass = 62.230 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Attachment 1: Ta#66_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
  137   Thursday, October 05, 2023, 12:48 Aaron Schmidt LP-SIS  45220-3  Ta#( ) Target description. (Spare)

Ta# LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.033mm (0.0013") avg Measured. 

Target material batch: Ta 2023-1  Mt'l PO# TR-2022-03028

Target density = 12.515 g/cm3

Target length = 4.97 cm

Total Mass = 62.202 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven =  461g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Dimpling direction on foils/ Packs.                                                               --> Center <--

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Attachment 1: Ta#68_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
ELOG V2.9.2-2455