Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Thursday, August 13, 2015, 09:47, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Other, "Clamp A" disassembled and used to build clamp "TRH1257-#01" 

The 4" Marman flange clamp (IRH0001) labeled "Clamp A",  as used in the testing detailed in Document-114623 Release 1, has been disassembled.  The parts were used to build a TRH1257 clamp which uses the new TRH1259 jaw with 0.480" jaw root width.  This new clamp has been labeled "TRH1257-#01", and will be tested with Helicoflex H-303654 seals in the near future.

Entry  Monday, March 14, 2022, 14:09, Adam Newsome, Maintenance, Target 2, Cooling, T2 cooling system: filled, tuned, leak-checked  

The T2 cooling system was refilled with water via the expansion tank until the tank level read approximately 38 cm.

The system pump was restarted. All sensors displayed acceptable nominal values. Demin flow was tuned to 1.0 gpm.

No leaks or abnormalities observed - system running normally.

Entry  Monday, September 09, 2024, 09:39, Albert Kong, Other, Target 2, Cooling, B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW noisy, CYCLOTRON Fault 17321 EPICS_Data_Strip.png

Secondary flow sensor B1A:T2CS:FGSEC:RDFLOW on the T2 cooling station suddenly became very noisy at around 11 pm, 01 September 2024.

The sensor reading would fluctuate from 0-150 gpm which is beyond typical noise levels for these sensors (~2gpm).

The noise spontaneously ended at around 4 am, 05 September 2024.


The noise likely originated from some stuck debris preventing the paddle wheel from turning normally that got spontaneously dislodged.

Alternatively, changes in the environment temperature could have broken some electrical contact that recovered when the temperature cooled over the weekend. We will make a note to look into this sensor in the coming shutdown and perform preventative replacement of components.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455