Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Thursday, August 03, 2017, 15:02, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , SiC#36, Spent Target Move Vault_Storage_August_3_2017.pdf
 The spent SiC#36 has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault.
Entry  Wednesday, August 30, 2017, 11:37, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#52, Spent Target move Vault_Storage_August_30_2017.pdf
The spent Ta#52 target has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. See attached PDF for details.
Entry  Thursday, September 28, 2017, 11:59, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#53, Spent Target move Vault_Storage_September_28_2017.pdf
The spent Ta#53 has been moved to the spent target vault. See attached file for details.
Entry  Thursday, October 12, 2017, 08:48, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , , Field measurements of the old source trays 
 Field measurements were taken of the old source trays. The old TM#2 source tray had a minimum field value of 0.50 mSv/hr and a maximum of 1.18
mSv/hr through 360 deg of rotation. The box was rotated around three times and put back in the vault. TM#1 old source tray was also removed and measured
as well the field values for it were a minimum of 0.52 mSv/hr and a maximum of 1.15 mSv/hr through 360 deg of rotation. The box was rotated around three
Entry  Monday, October 23, 2017, 13:38, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , UC#21, Spent Target move Vault_Storage_October_23_2017.pdf
The spent UC#21 has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. See attached for details
Entry  Thursday, October 26, 2017, 13:20, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , SiC#30,ZrC#7,Ta#44,TiC#4, and Ta#41, Targets moved to mini storage Mini_Vault_Storage_October_26_2017.pdf
SiC#30,ZrC#7,Ta#44,TiC#4, and Ta#41 have been moved from the spent target storage to the mini storage. See attached PDF for details of the orders of
the pails in the mini vault.
Entry  Monday, November 13, 2017, 13:50, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#54, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2017-11-13.pdf
 The spent Ta#54 target has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. It was placed in Pail #157 and put in spot #5B of the
Entry  Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 10:36, Anders Mjos, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, TM2, , Old TM2 Source Tray moved to Cyclotron basement 
The old TM2 Source Tray from 2009 has been moved to Cyclotron basement this morning. Source tray was stored in location 9. The box was moved from the
vault to the ante-room yesterday. No contamination was found on the box.
Entry  Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 10:38, Anders Mjos, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, TM1, , Old TM1 Source Tray moved to Cyclotron basement 
The old TM1 Source Tray from 2011 has been moved to Cyclotron basement  this morning. Source tray was stored in location 10. The box was moved  from
the vault to the ante-room yesterday. No contamination was found on  the box. Photos
Entry  Monday, March 05, 2018, 13:47, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Repair, , Many, Spent Target Assay 
 The spent target assay was aborted today after the first target was finished due to the very old computer that controls the camera and the vault
door effectively died. The vault door had to be closed using the emergency door closing winch which worked so it passed that test.
Entry  Friday, March 23, 2018, 09:34, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Many, Spent Target Assay Target_Index_2018-03-23.pdf
 All targets in the ISAC Spent Target Vault have been either assayed and had field measurement done on them or just measurement if to hot to assay.
Entry  Monday, April 16, 2018, 14:51, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#55, Spent Target Move 
 Ta#55 has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. It was 30.4mSv/hr upon removal from the hotcell, placed in pail #161 and
put in spot 7A of the vault.
Entry  Monday, May 28, 2018, 14:06, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , SiC#37, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-05-28.pdf
 SiC#37 has been moved from the South Hot Cell to the Spent Target Vault. It was placed in Pail #165 and put in spot 3B of the vault and it measured
25.8mSv/hr upon removal from the hot cell. See the attached PDF for details
Entry  Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 11:16, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , UC#22, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-07-30.pdf
 Yesterday the spent UC#22 target was moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. It was placed in pail #167 and placed in spot 4A
see attached PDF for details.
Entry  Thursday, August 02, 2018, 14:12, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Nb#8, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-08-02.pdf
 The spent Nb#8 target was moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. It was placed in pail #168 and place in spot 2A in the vault.
See the attached pdf for vault details.
Entry  Thursday, August 30, 2018, 11:13, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , Ta#56, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-08-30.pdf
 Ta#56 has been moved from the south hot cell to the storage vault. It was placed in pail#169 and place in slot 2C of the vault. Also the vault
is now full with 24 spent targets and can no longer accept any new targets. See the attached PDF for further details.
Entry  Thursday, September 06, 2018, 10:25, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , SiC#34, Ta#45,46,47, 50, Spent Target Move 
 Targets SiC#34 , Ta#45,46,47,50 have been moved from the spent target vault to the mini vault.
Entry  Monday, September 24, 2018, 14:50, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , UC#23, Spent Target Move 
 The spent UC#23 target has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target storage. It was placed in pail #170 and place in spot #4B in
the vault.
Entry  Friday, October 05, 2018, 14:41, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , UC#24, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-10-05.pdf
 UC#24 has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. The target is in pail #171 and placed in spot 4C. See attached PDF for
Entry  Monday, November 05, 2018, 08:24, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , nSiC#1, Spent Target Move Target_Index_2018-11-02.pdf
 The spent nSiC#1 target has been moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. It was placed in pail #172 and placed in spot 7B. See
attached PDF for vault details.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455