Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 67 of 135  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thursday, January 12, 2017, 14:24, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , ITW primary and secondary vacuum vessel winter shut down leak check. 

TM2 is located in ITW for this leak check. Leak detector is installed between ITW BV2s as before. LD base leak rate 0.0XE-9atm.cc/sec, base pressure 0.0XE-4 Torr. First , I leak checked dump module top flange seal which a small leak was found in last year winter shut down. This time,all ITW  turbo-pumps cooling fans are switched off during the check. Lots helium are sprayed around the dump module top flange this time. I did not see any response on LD.  The check is repeated 3 times. The results are same. There is no leak has been found on ITW dump module top flange seal at this moment. The  further confirming check will be repeated  when TM2 is moved back to ITW with dummy Febiad target  at the end of this month. The rest check result:  1 small leak(1.2 xE-8 atm.cc/sec) is found on one TM2 blue nylon bottom o-ring. This o-ring will be replaced when module is moved out of ITW.  It will be an easy job. Another small leak( 1.1XE-8 atm.cc/sec) is found on exit module 1 service cap top plate to frame o-ring seal. Its location is on east-south side of the exit module 1.This side is close and parallel to exit module 2 west-south side. Vacu- seal sprayer is used to fix this problem.  After two times spray, the leak is disappeared. This is not a permanent fix. The big top plate o-ring replacement is a complicate and dose taking job. It need to be well planned. The leak rate is small, and the leak source is close to ITW TP3 so there is no rush to replace the big o-ring on exit 1 service cap top plate at this moment. But, we need to close watching on this issue and have a job plan for this o-ring replacement since it could get worse in the future. There is no leak has been found on big T tank seal this year as well. All other primary and secondary vacuum seals  in ITW are good. TM2 water lines helum pressurize will be fulfilled In ITW or at TCS later. I will update this e-log when further test are finished.

 2017-01-25:  The O-ring on 60KV bias blue nylon stand is replaced at TCS. I leak check it. It is perfectly good now.

Entry  Wednesday, January 04, 2017, 14:27, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, , , started TCS vacuum pump 

TCS TP1S has been started.

2017-01-23 afternoon: Stopped TP1S. We will use TCS to take TM2 tomorrow afternoon.

Entry  Wednesday, November 30, 2016, 16:31, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM3, , TM3 vacuum system have been connected at TCS. 

All water circuits are by passed on the top of TM3. Water pumps and vacuum turbo- pumps are started. Everything is ready for TM3 camera sparking check.

    Reply  Monday, December 05, 2016, 10:04, Aurelia Laxdal, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM3, , TM3 vacuum system have been connected at TCS. 

David Wang wrote:

All water circuits are by passed on the top of TM3. Water pumps and vacuum turbo- pumps are started. Everything is ready for TM3 camera sparking check.

 Wednesday November 30st: <br>

- 3 cameras (1 UV and 2 regular cameras)  were installed in the Service cap and the module was pumped down.  1 UV and 1 regular were placed on the East side of the module, aiming to water lines entering the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was placed on the South side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators.

- started pumping down. <br>

Thursday, December 1st: <br>

- 1st HV test done. TM3 started sparking above 20kV. The cameras responses were consistent with the sparks. However, the screens were flickering and it was not clear if the responses were due to electromagnetic interferences; or due to cameras' gain change caused by high intensity light due to sparking.<br>

- added helium using the regulating valve. same results were found; <br>

Friday, December 2nd: <br>

- vented the module. <br>

- shielded the cameras' cables with aluminum tape. <br>

- removed 2 blue insulator (EE and HS) and shortened them by 1". They were found too long: HS blue insulator touching the horizontal HV water line; and the EE blue insulator at 2-3mm far from the HV water line; re-installed both shortened blue insulators.<br>

- changes the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed South, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators; 1 regular camera was kept on the East side of the module, also aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- started pumping down. <br>

Saturday, December 3rd: <br>

- 2nd HV test was done, with cameras' installed as mentioned above. results were consistent with the first test results. <br>

- added helium. results were the same. <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed at the top of the Service Tray (South-West corner) aiming down the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was kept (its setup was not touched at all) on the East side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- attempted to pump down, but the module was leaking. reopened the flanges, cleaned them, attempted again to pump down, but it showed a bigger leak. <br>

Sunday, December 4th: <br>

- the third attempt to pump down was successful (without reopening the module!). <br>

Monday, December 5th: <br>

- did the 3rd HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 3rd. same results as before were seen. <br>

- again helium was added and same results were noticed. <br>

- stopped pumps and prepared for venting to relocate the cameras lower in the Service Tray.




       Reply  Friday, December 09, 2016, 18:05, Aurelia Laxdal, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM3, , TM3 vacuum system have been connected at TCS. 

Aurelia Laxdal wrote:

David Wang wrote:

All water circuits are by passed on the top of TM3. Water pumps and vacuum turbo- pumps are started. Everything is ready for TM3 camera sparking check.

 Wednesday November 30st: <br>

- 3 cameras (1 UV and 2 regular cameras)  were installed in the Service cap and the module was pumped down.  1 UV and 1 regular were placed on the East side of the module, aiming to water lines entering the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was placed on the South side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators.

- started pumping down. <br>

Thursday, December 1st: <br>

- 1st HV test done. TM3 started sparking above 20kV. The cameras responses were consistent with the sparks. However, the screens were flickering and it was not clear if the responses were due to electromagnetic interferences; or due to cameras' gain change caused by high intensity light due to sparking.<br>

- added helium using the regulating valve. same results were found; <br>

Friday, December 2nd: <br>

- vented the module. <br>

- shielded the cameras' cables with aluminum tape. <br>

- removed 2 blue insulator (EE and HS) and shortened them by 1". They were found too long: HS blue insulator touching the horizontal HV water line; and the EE blue insulator at 2-3mm far from the HV water line; re-installed both shortened blue insulators.<br>

- changes the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed South, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators; 1 regular camera was kept on the East side of the module, also aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- started pumping down. <br>

Saturday, December 3rd: <br>

- 2nd HV test was done, with cameras' installed as mentioned above. results were consistent with the first test results. <br>

- added helium. results were the same. <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras: 1 regular camera taped to the UV camera were placed at the top of the Service Tray (South-West corner) aiming down the Service Tray; 1 regular camera was kept (its setup was not touched at all) on the East side of the module, aiming at the bottom of the blue insulators. <br>

- attempted to pump down, but the module was leaking. reopened the flanges, cleaned them, attempted again to pump down, but it showed a bigger leak. <br>

Sunday, December 4th: <br>

- the third attempt to pump down was successful (without reopening the module!). <br>

Monday, December 5th: <br>

- did the 3rd HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 3rd. same results as before were seen. <br>

- again helium was added and same results were noticed. <br>

- stopped pumps and prepared for venting to relocate the cameras lower in the Service Tray.




 Monday, December 5th (Con't): <br>

- vented and changed the location of the cameras;<br>

- the UV camera was placed (tapped on an aluminum spacer and on the grounded water lines) at the middle of the Service Tray (right below the first Mykroy insulator-plate) aiming down the Service Tray (at the second Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines) ; <br>

- 1 regular camera was placed right below the UV camera, also using a spacer (taped with the camera on grounded water lines) and also aiming down the Service Tray (at the second Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines);  The spacer for this camera had 300counts on it after it was removed from TM3, after the test;<br>

- NOTE: when installing the 1st regular camera: dropped a small allen key in the Service Tray. It landed on last insulator with the epoxi and water lines, between the first HV line and the wall of the grounded Service Tray.  This insulator is down below in the Service tray. Used a magnet stick to recuperate the allen key. <br>

- the 2nd regular camera was placed at the top of the Service Tray (tapped on the grounded water lines) looking down at the first Mykroy insulator-plate and water lines. NOTE: this camera had a filter applied to its lens. <br>

- pumped down <br>

Tuesday, December 6th:<br>

- did the 4th HV test with the cameras installed as described on December 5rd Tuesday morning very early . Same results as before were seen, except that the top camera (2nd regular camera) with the filter applied to its lens was flickering less than the other 2 cameras, and for small sparks this camera was not reacting at all. <br>

- vented shortly after the 4th test and relocated the cameras for the 5th HV test (last test); <br>

- placed only 2 regular cameras in the Service Tray;<br>

- 1 regular camera was placed right below the 2nd Mykroy insulator-plate, aiming down the Service Tray at the last insulator with the epoxi and water lines (this insulator is down below in the Service tray); <br>

- the 1st regular camera was placed a level up in the Service Tray, right below the 1st Mykroy insulator-plate, aiming down the Service Tray at the 2nd Mykroy insulator-plate; <br>

- NOTE: no spacers were used<br>

- pumped down and did the 5th HV test with the cameras installed as described above in the evening; <br>

- again same results as before were seen: the camera with the filter applied to its lens was flickering less than the other camera, and for small sparks this camera was not reacting at all. <br>

- NOTE: for this last test heard sparks outside (at atmosphere) when the HV was pushed at 26kV; <br>

Wednesday, December 7th:<br>

- vented and removed the cameras from TM3. No contamination was found on the cameras and wires. <br>

- TM3 was moved to the silo.<br>

Entry  Friday, December 09, 2016, 14:58, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC service area floor and top of roof block painted NHC_SA_before_and_after.jpgNHC_roof_before_and_after.jpg

 The concrete floor in the North Hot Cell service area and the top of the NHC roof block in the target hall have been painted with Macropoxy 646 oil based epoxy paint, colour Flint Grey.  Two coats were used for the NHC roof, and one for the service area floor.





Entry  Monday, December 05, 2016, 10:10, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , Five shielding blocks have been transferred from ITE to ITW.  

The ITW is configured to take proton beam.

Entry  Saturday, December 03, 2016, 10:01, David Wang, ITW, Repair, TM2, , venting ITW and TM2 with argon. 

A short between TM2 EE and bias is produced yesterday during tube heater ramp up.  Alex asked for an argon venting on ITW to see if the problem could be solved by venting and pumping down yesterday.  I set up argon venting system in electrical room and started the venting at 8:30 AM this morning.  It will take 5 hours to vent the ITW to 760 torr(mechanical gauge reading).  The venting system pressure is set as 2 torr. A pressure relieve valve is installed into ITW venting line to prevent station over venting. The argon bottle  valve in electrical room will be closed by isac opps after 5 hours venting.

Entry  Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 14:50, Travis Cave, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#18, module moved 

TM#2 with UC#18 has been moved to ITW from the conditioning station.

Entry  Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 12:57, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 is connected in ITW 

All turbo pumps are started. Water system and water signals have been checked. Pumping down on ITW and TM2 is good so far.

Entry  Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 07:50, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 is disconnected at TCS. 

Argon venting is done.

Entry  Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 06:27, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , TCS water pumps are stopped 

Argon venting on TCS and TM2 is processing

Entry  Friday, November 25, 2016, 09:04, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , SiC#35, Spent Target move Vault_Storage_November_24_2016.pdf

On November 24th 2016 the spent SiC#35 was moved from the south hot cell to the spent target vault. see attached pdf for details.

Entry  Thursday, November 24, 2016, 10:30, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , HV cover is installed on TM2 at TCS 

Interlock key  are returned back to B2 level.TM2 is ready for HV conditioning and heating up at TCS.

Entry  Thursday, November 24, 2016, 09:33, Anders Mjos, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#18, Conditioning UC#18 

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 09:33: Water package on

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 09:43: TCS:WPV1 shows only 12% open. A visual inspection confirms the valve is fully opened. Controls will be contacted to troubleshoot


Entry  Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 16:21, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 and TCS vacuum system has been connected. 

All vacuum pumps have been started. Air ballast 50seconds on roughing pump. Everything is good  so far.

Entry  Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 16:10, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, , SHC, TM2 leak check on HS line. 

Chad and I leak checked TM2 HS line with new UCx target installed. Helium spray  2 seconds on each joint and 10seconds flushing around target in SHC. LD base LR: 0.0XE-9atm.cc/sec, base pressure:0.0XE-4 torr. No response has been found on LD during check. The line is leak free.

Entry  Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 14:25, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#18, Electrical Check TM2_elechk_UC18_SHC.PDF

Results of TM#2 with UC#18 electrical at the south hot cell. See attached PDF for details.

Entry  Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 14:21, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#18, module moved 

TM#2 with UC#18 has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station.

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 14:26, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, , , TCS vacuum pumps are switched off 

TCS will be vented tomorrow morning for TM2 moving.

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 11:56, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#35, Electrical Check TM2_elechk_SiC35_postbeam.PDF

Electrical check of TM#2 with the SiC#35  post beam run. See attached PDF for details.

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 10:45, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#35, module moved 

TM#2 with the old SiC #35 has been moved from ITW to the south hot cell.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455