Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 14:41, David Wang, ITE, Maintenance, , , ITE dump plug water circuit is closed for ITE IG1S small surge. 

It is closed @ 2:35PM by closing supply side valve first , the return side valve of ITE dump plug .

Opened ITE dump plug circuit valves @4:28PM. ITE IG1S still at 1XE-6. No change before and after of circuit closing and reopeneing.

Entry  Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 09:25, David Wang, ITW, Repair, , , ITW HALCW 2" return line ball valve seals replacement. 

Leaking seals on ITW HALCW 2" return line ball valve have been replaced. 8 liter waters are drained out for this job. Water are drained into a thick plastic bag.  The bag is tie strapped , labeled, and put into a yellow garbage bin in MAA. Water sample is given to RPG. After analyzing, RPG will give instruction on how to deal with it. Since we just refilled NALCW to system before this job, the active level on sample is very low. We may dump them into active sump.  After seals change, The system is refilled . I started pump and set everything back to normal configuration. NO leak has been found on new seals. The HALCW system is operating good so far.

Entry  Monday, March 06, 2017, 08:01, David Wang, Cooling, Repair, , , HALCW resin tank replacement. 11x

HALCW resin tank has been replaced. The old tank is stored in middle-west silo now. The field on old resin tank bottom is about 3.5 msv/ hr(on contact). By shielding it into silo and putting two lead blankets on the top cover of the silo,The general field 1 feet above this silo is 25usv/hr. And, The field around the silo area are less affected. This old tank will stay there as long as possible.  For the new resin tank during preparation, It was found that on return line side, the 1.25" pipe thread plug with return line tube  was very difficult to be installed onto the female thread adapter which is welded onto to tank body. It was jammed in half way of threading onto tank at manufacturer. This plug was removed out first and inspected. The first and second male threads were galled.  Maico repaired the thread on a lathe. The female thread on the tank was tapped. A tight spot was found during the tap. After that, the return line plug could be installed onto the tank properly.  The new tank was installed into the vessel and connected back to HALCW system. Water are refilled into new tank. During refill air were trapped into the system. This caused  pump restarting problem. By Several times of starting up the pump, stopping the pump and venting,  Most air were breathed out of  system. Finally,The system was restarted by supply water to ITW( without module) only. ITE and resin can circuits were brought back to system after that without problem.

 Before removing the old tank, We drained water out of old tank to decay tank. Since the resin tank is largely filled with  resin, and water are soaked into resin, we only can drain out less than 10 liters water out of tank. Also, The drain caused some part of return line on pumps have to been drained. This is the main reason air was trapped in system during the new resin tank water refilling. For the future replacement, we should not drain water in old tank. It does not worth to do it. 

Attach TH HALCW resin tank replacement procedure here.

2022-02-17 reload replacement procedure and draining schematic.

Entry  Thursday, March 02, 2017, 15:02, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC roughing filter installed IMG_8014.JPGIMG_8018.JPGIMG_8019.JPG

 The roughing filter assembly (RFM0001D) has been installed at the ventilation exhaust hole on the NHC partition wall.  The filter used is Model # 332-528-002 supplied by BGE Service & Supply Ltd (see PO # TR123998).  Installation and removal of the filter using the manipulators will be tested after they have been installed.







Entry  Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 17:51, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC flanged ducting connection sealed IMG_8012.JPG

 The North Hot Cell ducting (IRH1617) has been sealed with a bead of Sikaflex 1a polyurethane construction sealant where the flanged connection bolts to the NHC/TCS partition wall.  When this sealant shows signs of aging it may be cut away and re-applied without unbolting the flange.



Entry  Monday, February 27, 2017, 14:23, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Manip. 'Z' motion cable run through 

Aaron and I successfully completed a run through on the procedure to replace the 'Z' motion cable. I will be writing up the procedure for review and we will be performing more run through-s for practice before the actual job.

Entry  Friday, February 24, 2017, 15:12, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC interior walls/floor/ceiling re-finished, sealed, and painted 8x

The North Hot Cell interior walls, floor, and ceiling were re-finished, sealed, and painted by Omni Coating from Feb 6 - 17 under PO #3036471.  This job required 2-3 people for 4-6 hours per day over the 2 week period.  First the existing surfaces were ground and/or sanded to remove existing coatings and protrusions/sharp edges.  This was followed by a coat of primer to highlight uneven surfaces and improve adhesion of following fillers and coatings.  Metal shims between the cell walls and roof were cut away where they protruded into the cell.  Loose steel cylinders between SHC and NHC spaces were fixed in place using epoxy filler. Epoxy or polyurethane fillers were used to fill all gaps, cracks, holes, etc, as detailed below.  Foam backer rod and polyurethane filler were used to seal all large wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-wall gaps.  An approximate 2cm radius rounded corner was formed at all wall-to-wall and floor-to-wall corners using polyurethane sealant.  The interior of the tool-port, personnel access hatch, as well as the north roof hatch were also re-finished with the same procedure.  After all sealing and finishing work the surfaces were coated with "Mill White"  Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint as per manufacturer instructions.  Note:  this paint is recommended by the manufacturer for nuclear applications and has been tested for decontaminability:  99% water wash; 95% overall as per ASTM D4256/ANSI N 5.12 as well as for radiation tolerance:  Passed ASTM D4082 / ANSI 5.12 with a 525 micron thick coating.


The following products were used as described (data sheets attached):

Sanitile 120 Universal Acrylic Primer - 50-75 micron dry film thickness coat applied over all existing ceiling, walls, and floor surfaces after preparation by sanding

Sika Duochem 8107 Epoxy Paste - Used for filling voids and cracks in concrete surfaces

Sikaflex 291 Polyurethane Elastomeric Adhesive and Sealant - used for caulking joints and cracks in the concrete walls and aluminum panel wall and for creating radiused corners in wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor corners

Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint - 4 coats applied on all surfaces using rollers or brushes to create a total thickness of 525 microns as per data sheet









Entry  Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 12:07, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , Manipulator 'Z' motion cable replacement preparation status 20170215_113609.jpg

Aaron and I completed assembling (re-assembling) the clean spare on Tuesday, February 14th to assist in determining a procedure for replacement of the 'Z' motion cable on the south hot cell manipulators.


The anchor point in the slave end of the clean manipulator could not be found as the manipulator stand is too low and does not allow full extension of the slave end.


Did some poking around on the in-situ manipulator in the south cell and was able to find the anchor point viewing it with the in cell camera (see blurry attached photo).


Was able to then find reference to the "cable clamp" in the parts list and drawing for the slave end. Also, confirmed there is not a procedure in the manual for a CABLE 'Z' motion system as we have, only a tape driven system. The procedure should however be very similar safe this mystery anchor point I discovered today and how readily this anchor point can be worked in.

Entry  Friday, February 10, 2017, 09:56, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, , , water has been refilled to TCS:TK2  

TCS:TK2 , Water has been refilled to 28.5" level. It was 15.1". Fall protection equipment  are used during the job.

Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 14:07, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , North Hot Cell Shielding Window Gaskets Changed 23x

 The North Hot Cell shielding window gaskets have been changed and the window has been filled with new oil.  Although there was no noticeable oil leaks before starting the job, the gaskets had not been changed since initial installation approximately 15 years ago, so they were done now as part of construction of the new  cell.  The work took place between January 26 – Feb 8, 2017 following the attached PDF “Full procedure for NHC shielding window gasket change” which references “Gasket change procedure from Hot Cell Services” (also attached).

To drain the window a 1/2”polyethylene hose was attached to the drain line using  a Swagelok fitting and routed into a 55 gallon drum.  A vent valve on the expansion tank was opened to allow air to enter  the window.  It took approximately 5 hours to drain the window using this method.  Approximately 50 US gallons were drained from the window, agreeing with the amount specified on Hot Cell Services drawing #96173-100 (attached).

After draining, the window was purged with helium then pressurized to approximately 13” WC with helium.  A pressure drop of 0.6” WC was observed over a 2 hour period.  While pressurized, a Varian G8601-60001 leak detector was  used to sniff for helium around the perimeter of the gaskets on both the hot and cold  sides – no helium leaks detected.  A small leak was found on the pressure gauge used to monitor helium pressure.

The cold side cover panel assembly was  then removed  following the HCS procedure.  From HCS Drawing #96173-100, the weight  of the cold side glass cover panel was estimated to be  approximately 50lbs.  The guide  pins used were McMaster-Carr PN# 93460A385.  The trim frame could be easily removed, however the glass panel was stuck to the window housing.  A putty knife and isopropyl alcohol were used to cut through the gasket to separate the window from the housing.  The alcohol did not damage the paint of the housing – acetone was also tested on a small area and did not cause damage  to the paint.  Two suction cup handles were used to transport the glass panel, and it was easily lifted by two people.  Various methods were attempted to remove old gasket material and gasket adhesive  from the trim frame and housing surfaces – the most successful was using a razor blade scraper to remove the majority of the material, followed by an acetone wipe to remove the remainder of the stuck-on gasket adhesive.  The panel was reinstalled with new gaskets following the attached  procedures - no issues encountered.  After torqueing the trim frame bolts the window was leak checked as before.  A drop of 0.8” WC was observed over two hours, and no helium could be detected around  the perimeter of the new cold side gasket.

The hot side cover panel assembly was changed using the same method as for the cold side.  The glass panel was estimated to be 150lbs.  A small amount of oil (< 0.5 L) remained behind the hot side glass panel after draining which spilled out after removal of the glass. Four suction cup handles were used, and four people were required to remove and reinstall the panel.  After installation the leak check was repeated with a drop of 0.3” WC observed over two hours, and no helium detectable around the perimeter of the hot side gasket.

The replacement gaskets were ordered from Hot Cell Services under PO# 3033973 matching the material and sizes specified on  HCS drawing #96173-100.

The window was filled with Drakeol 10B LT MIN OIL NF, Product  code: PEN1550-00-C-DR, PO #3034657.  The window was filled by lifting the drum onto the walkway leading  to the target hall entrance, and siphoning the oil out of the drum with a 1/2” polyethylene tube connected to the drain fitting, and an air vent open on the expansion tank.  Oil was added until the expansion tank was approximately 80% full.

After filling was complete, the cold side housing was repainted using Macropoxy 646 epoxy paint, 4019 Flint Gray.  When the inside of the NHC is next accessible the hot side trim frame bolts will be re-painted to protect the bare metal exposed from removing and reinstalling them.

Note that a quote for $74,313 ($56,823 USD) (PDF attached) was received from Hot Cell Services for them to do this job.  We were able to  successfully complete this ourselves with approximately $4500 required for the gaskets, $200 for other materials, and roughly 8 FTE days of work.








































Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 09:24, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Development, , , Target module window cooling lines at TCS. 

Target module window  cooling lines at TCS has been modified to use spare 2 channel in TCS: WFB1. The old cooling lines used a spare channel in TCS WFB2(HVC channel) are removed and capped. After change, TCS window cooling lines will be interlocked with heaters. The test run on new lines are good. No leak  on all fittings, and signals on flow and temperature are good.   Control people will be noticed on this change for their following up job.

Entry  Tuesday, February 07, 2017, 15:57, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , Ventilation Ducting Gasket Installed 

 Lead gasket IRH1633 was installed today according to assembly drawing IRH1618 Rev B.

Entry  Tuesday, February 07, 2017, 10:34, David Wang, ITW, Maintenance, , , ITW clean up 

ITW has been cleaned up today.  All station are vacuum cleaned. I wiped all HV cover and HV area including conductors and insulators. The black foams which are used to wrap around TP back up line are degrading now. I removed most of these foams. Also, Some obsolete  water lines  are moved our of station. All waste are bagged . they will be surveyed and  stored(or disposed) according to radio-active level.

Entry  Friday, February 03, 2017, 11:49, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, , , Update 2017 winter shutdown TH schedule. 2017_Winter_Shut_Down_Target_Hall_Schedule.mpp2017_Winter_Shut_Down_Target_Hall_Schedule.pdf

Update 2017 winter shut down target hall schedule. See attachments

Entry  Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 12:23, David Wang, ITE, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 has been connected in ITE. 

TM2 has been connected in ITE. The SST window water lines in ITE can not be connected properly to TM2. The water line connector on TM2 window is 90 degree CCW installed in direction comparing to TM4.This caused the problem. Solution: Two piece of flexible lines and extra male QC adapters have been used to fix this issue.  HV cover and HV fence in ITE work  with TM2. Other connections are good as well.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2017, 10:52, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 has been moved from TCS to ITE 

The move is successful.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2017, 08:50, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, , , UCx#18 and Ta#50 autopsy and spent target move 

On Thursday, January 26th UCx#18 and Ta#50 were inspected and packaged into spent target pails, move to storage vault.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2017, 08:46, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta#50 , Ta#50 Removed 

Ta#50 has been was removed from TM4 on Wednesday, January 25th.

Entry  Friday, January 27, 2017, 08:44, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, Ta#50, UCx #18 - Ta Feibiad Dummy installed. Target Change Waterline interference TM2_Waterline_interference.jpg

On Tuesday, January 24th UCx#18 was removed from TM2 and Ta febiad dummy installed. I encountered the same issue mounting the new target as last time. Was able to determine that the issue is the routing of the waterlines to the right-hand (as viewed from the operator) high current tube heater. The lines interfer the the target mounting plate (bottom right hand corner).

Entry  Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 15:32, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 was moved from ITW to SHC this morning. 

The move is smooth. Yasmine and Travis did the move.

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