Installation of the NHC right side manipulator was completed yesterday. The three piece manipulator was assembled in the module assembly area on the manipulator cart which was then craned through the hatch to the NHC service area (the slave end had to be removed for it to fit through the hatch). The installation went relatively smoothly except for the second (cold side) piece of lead shielding around the thru tube which would not fit because the OD of the two halves were not concentric when assembled (arrived this way from CRL). The shielding was removed and 0.070" was cut down on the lathe, after which installation could be completed. The slave end lift bail and the pulley cover panel had to be removed for the manipulator to fit through the thru-tube. Both these items were reinstalled after the manipulator was in the wall, and it was confirmed that the slave end lift bail aligns with the slave-end removal hatch in the NHC roof. There was some difficulty getting the slave end to the horizontal position using the Y motion drive, also while preparing the manipulator for installation we noticed one of the Z motion tapes on the master side was sliding to the edge of one of the pulleys and rubbing - both these issues will be investigated at a later date.
We confirmed that it is possible to remove the master end using the manipulator cart. We will practice doing this at some point before the cell is commissioned. We will also do a run-through of slave end removal through the NHC roof.
Electronic copies of the Model-N installation and removal manual as well as the manipulator cart user manual are attached for future reference.
