Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Tuesday, January 08, 2013, 14:18, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, no target, Electrical check TM#1_no_tgt_Jan_8_2013.PDF

TM#1 was electrically check with out a target see attached PDF for results.

Entry  Monday, January 14, 2013, 14:09, Travis Cave, ITW, Standard Operation, TM1, no target, module move 

TM#1 has been moved from the south hot hell to the west target station, move went well.

Entry  Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 10:49, David Wang, ITW, Standard Operation, TM1, no target, TM1 vacuum system connection in ITW 

I connected TM 1 vacuum system in ITW. The TM1 and ITW will be pumped out for shut down routine leak check.

Entry  Wednesday, April 03, 2013, 10:59, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, no target, module move 

TM#1 has been moved from the south west silo to the south hot cell, move went well.

Entry  Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 11:10, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 has been moved from the NE Silo to the south hot cell, move went well.

Entry  Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 09:26, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, Electrical check TM3_DLB_9_PIN_CONN_ID_and_CHK.PDFTM3_Elec_CHK_no_target.PDF

Electrical check was performed on TM#3 with no target nothing was wrong was found, but our megger does not go above 1000 volts so any problems above this value would not be seen, see attached pdf for details.

Also the 55 pin(top) double 9 pin (bottom) connector was tested as well. When it was meggered to 60kV common more then 50% of the lines failed, when those line were identified with a resistance package two were unable to be indentified. The wiring for this double 9 pin connector should be removed to prevent HV problems. New wiring is not physically possible to re-install in its place, see the PDF for the wiring details.

Entry  Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 10:59, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station. Move went well. The fields around the module was 1.6mSv/hr.

Entry  Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 10:14, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 has been moved from the conditioning station to the south hot cell, move went well.

Entry  Friday, May 10, 2013, 11:02, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target and no source tray has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station.

Entry  Friday, May 10, 2013, 11:11, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, Electrical check TM#3_elec_chk_no_tgt_no_tray.PDF

TM#3 electrical check with no target and no source tray, see pdf.

Entry  Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 10:43, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target and no source tray was moved from the north east silo to the south hot cell the move went well.

Entry  Thursday, July 18, 2013, 10:08, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target and no source tray has been moved from the conditioning station to the north east silo, move went well.

Entry  Tuesday, August 27, 2013, 17:18, Grant Minor, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM3, no target, TM3 Rev 3 source tray - prelminary leak check results at CS TM3_leak_check_at_CS_27Aug2013.JPGsketch_TM3_water_feedthru_27Aug2013-1.pdf

David Wang started a helium leak check on TM3 at the CS this morning.

David will create an e-log once his check is complete, but here are the preliminary results:

- target oven +/- OK

- mounting support plate OK

- ionizer tube heater +/- OK

- extraction electrode OK

A large leak was found in the heat shield circuit:

- The module pumped down with the leak rate stabilizing at 4.8xE-9 atm.cc/sec
- 60 psi helium was applied to the heat shield fitting on the right side of the Y-shaped connector (see attached sketch, each side of the "Y" is separated by a face to face metal contact only, i.e. no o-ring seal separates supply and return water)
- The maximum leak response was detected in 10 seconds, with base pressure rising from 2.0E-2 torr to 2.8xE-2 torr
- The helium was vented from the line by using an allen wrench to open the valve on the water quick-connect (see attached photo)
- The module continued pumping down, and after some time, the allen wrench was used again to open the valve, but air rushed inside, indicating vacuum was being drawn inside the water line through the leaking interface
- As the module continued to pump, this vacuum vent air rush inside the water line could not be reproduced by opening the valve again with the allen key

The module is currently pumping down at the Conditioning Station. We will leak check the remaining lines tomorrow with whatever base leak-rate we have achieved, and then move TM3 to the Hot Cell for further diagnosis.

Entry  Wednesday, August 28, 2013, 14:25, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target has been moved from the conditioning station to the south hot cell. The fields observed around the containment box of the module ranged from 0.80 mSv/hr to 1.8mSv/hr..

    Reply  Thursday, August 29, 2013, 12:03, Grant Minor, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM3, no target, Heat Shield Circuit Leak TM3_Rev_3_Heat_Shield_Water_Lines_leak_check_29Aug2013_1.jpgTM3_Rev_3_Heat_Shield_Water_Lines_leak_check_29Aug2013_2.jpgTM3_heatshield_snoop_test2_29Aug2013.pdf

Bevan Moss wrote:

chad fisher wrote:

The heat shield circuit was pressurized with air (15-20 psi) and snoop applied to the water block joint and brazes. Bubbles formed at the joint between the two water blocks indicating that the leak is a c seal problem. Pictures attached but also on docushare Collection-11285.

 Last night prior to this leak check the Heat Shield was pumped on and helium sprayed on the circuit. The pressure was 0.0 x 10^-4 Torr. The leak was traced to water block. response time was 2 seconds and went from 5.5 x 10^-8 to 1.6 x 10^-6 atm*cc/sec. There was also a response without spraying helium (drift from the nozzle). The results of this testing prompted the testing completed in Chads elog.

 Please find attached some schematics which help illustrate the setup for this heat-shield circuit leak check.

Entry  Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 11:31, Travis Cave, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, module move 

TM#3 with no target has been moved to the conditioning station from the south hot cell.

Entry  Thursday, September 19, 2013, 09:08, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, wiring harness 

The wiring harness for TM#3 was made and a continuity and megger test was done on it and it passed, it has since been installed into the hot cell and placed on the module.

Entry  Thursday, September 19, 2013, 11:09, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, TM3, no target, Electrical check 

Electrical check of TM#3 with no target was performed and it failed. There is a 135M Ohm short between the coils and a 165M Ohm short between the coil and 60kV common.  All other circuits passed they were infinite in value.

Entry  Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 08:15, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM3, no target, Electrical check TM#3_elec_chk_no_target.PDF

Electrical check was done on TM#3 yesterday and again the coil lines to the 60kV common and the coil line to each other failed, as in they had a resistance. Everything else passed as showing an infinite value, all meggering was done at 1000V unless noted other wise. See attached PDF for details.

Entry  Wednesday, October 02, 2013, 14:47, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, no target, Electrical check TM#4_elec_chk_No_Tgt_SHC.PDF

Electrical check done on TM#4 with no target, see PDF.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455