Don Jackson brought to my attention some potential HV minimum spark gap issues with the source tray cooling lines. It appears:
- The gap between the Ground Electrode cooling lines (ground) and Heat Shield cooling lines (HV) does not meet the spec of 0.668" MIN called out on the print
- The gap between the Window cooling lines (ground) and the Mounting Support Plate cooling lines (HV) does not meet the spec of 0.668" MIN called out on the print.
A copy of the tube bending drawing is attached with the spec highlighted in green.
The 0.668" MIN gap spec came from a check I asked Mark Llagan to perform to find the minimum gap when he was preparing the model for the tube bending drawing. This gap was approved Jan 28th, 2015 by Friedhelm Ames on ECO-3587.
The source tray with the tubes bent as it is currently has been tested to 55 kV at the test stand by Anders, see:
I am away June 12th to June 24th on vacation inclusive. Isaac Earle is in charge of Remote Handling in my absence.
I am delegating Don Jackson responsible for resolving this TM2 HV issue, collecting and documenting the approval to proceed from the T/IS group leader with the source tray as-is, or to try to re-work the cooling lines and delay the project.
The source tray is NOT to be installed in the Hot Cell until this issue has been resolved.
Grant Minor, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
TRIUMF Remote Handling Group Leader
Nuclear Engineer
4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver
BC, Canada, V6T2A3
(604) 222-7359 (604) 222-7359