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Message ID: 840     Entry time: Friday, February 06, 2015, 08:06
Author: David Wang 
Category: Crane 
Type: Repair 
Subject: TH crane lost movement controls since last Friday. 

Last Friday, During the crane per use check, I found the main power supply to to crane was shut off. I was told   Don and Travis shut off the main power before Triumf power outage. Travis restored crane main power and I  could turn on the main relay on radio pedant  in TH.  But, I didnt have all crane main bridge movement controls on TH raido pedant except rotation. I still have all movement controls on small trolley from the radio pedant. When I operated radio pedant, Travis could hear the relay works in crane control room, but in TH no crane movements. It looks like a crane control problem so Dave Morris was contacted. Dave found one of battery on PLC board is dead and need to be replaced.He did order the battery right way. On this Wednesday, Dave noticed us we could temporarily run the crane. I went to T.H  for checking. At the beginning, I found I cant not turn on the crane main relay from radio pedant in TH. Don was in crane control room. He switched the crane control from TH radio  mode to control room pedant( big yellow control box laid on the ground, the mode switch is located on the up left corner of first main panel)  and he turned on the main relay by doing this and got all movement controls from the big yellow pedant. After switching the mode back to TH radio mode I also got all the controls from TH radio pedant. Everything worked fine on crane so we moved the man lift into TH on Wednesday afternoon and arranged the TH crane inspection on Thursday. On Thursday morning, Gordon Crane guys came in TH and started their inspection. At the beginning, everything works fine. But after they did some operation and checks on crane, the crane main relay could not be switched on again (from TH  raid box). The crane inspection job are suspended. RH group tried to active the main relay by switching the mode back to yellow pedant in crane control room just like we did on Wedsday, but it did not work this time. David Morris was contacted to check from his side if anything wrong. He checked and told us the program is working and everything  is good from his side. A crane expert is needed to trouble shoot this problem. Neil Wong is going to bring Gordon crane guys and start to trouble shoot the problem this morning.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455