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Entry  Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 09:42, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, UCx#3, UCx#3 Autopsy 
    Reply  Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:24, Anders Mjos, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM1, UCx#3, UCx#3 Autopsy Inspection_of_UCx#3_in_the_South_Hot_Cell.docx
Message ID: 78     Entry time: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 12:24     In reply to: 76
Author: Anders Mjos 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Standard Operation 
Module: TM1 
Target/Number: UCx#3 
Subject: UCx#3 Autopsy 

chad fisher wrote:

An autopsy was performed on UCx#3 yesterday afternoon. This autopsy followed the plan written by Anders. Indeed, both sides of the target oven had seperated from the central block.Pictures were taken by Anders and Pierre.

After the disection the target was placed back in a can under argon. Any small piece were placed in a zip lock bag and also put in the can under argon.

Pictures are available on DocuShare:


ISAC e-log entries:


See attachment for autopsy plan.



Attachment 1: Inspection_of_UCx#3_in_the_South_Hot_Cell.docx  62 kB
ELOG V2.9.2-2455