Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 129     Entry time: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 11:39
Author: Grant Minor 
Category: South Hot-Cell 
Type: Development 
Module: TM3 
Target/Number: N/A 
Subject: TM3 Planned Activites at South Hot Cell Jun 20 to 29 2012 

(Copy of e-mail correspondence sent June 20th 2012)

After some discussions this morning I’ve decided on the following best path forward for TM3 at the Hot Cell leading up to the Canada Day long weekend.


General Goals:

-          Blank-off TM3 water line terminations (coil, heat shield, water-cooled window)

-          Test sliding tray removal tool to determine fit on TM3 chassis


We will skip the Conditioning Station leak tests and return TM3 directly to a silo for the following reasons:

-          We will have a visitor next week and this will impact Chad’s time available to do Hot Cell work

-          Helium pressure leak checks on the blanked-off circuits are only one small portion of a large set of diagnostic tests (leak, electrical, HV, etc.) that must ultimately be performed on TM3 to determine its fitness. This full set of tests must be carefully documented in a procedure and executed systematically when there is adequate time at the CS to do all of them, with results recorded.  There is currently not adequate time for this work between now and Canada Day.

-          If we were to detect a leak from one of these tests, it would not tell us anything about where the leak is in that given circuit (there are multiple possible points).  The service cap would have to be opened regardless, which we don’t have time for.

-          The aforementioned bullets above lead me to conclude that the extra work required for two module moves for one set of partial leak checks is not a value-added exercise: In other words, the module will have to go back to the CS, regardless of what we do over the next week for more tests.  The time savings of trying to squeeze it in next week are really negligible and it makes for a tight schedule for not much benefit.


Chad:  Please prepare a detailed work plan for your hot cell jobs including a list of the tools required and what leak checks you will do specifically after you have installed the blank-offs.  You may refer to existing procedures if you already have these written.  I would like to review this plan and I am expecting that an e-log will be filed daily and this work plan should be referred to as an attachment.


Proposed Schedule Jun 20 to 29


Wednesday Jun 20 (1 working day)

-          Setup for TM3 move from Silo to HC (Travis, David)


Thursday Jun 21 (1 working day)

-          TM3 moved from silo to HC (Travis, Don Dale, David)


Friday Jun 22 to Wednesday Jun 27 (4 working days)

-          Chad performs the following HC work on TM3:

·         Removes containment box

·         Installs water-line blank-offs

·         Checks Sliding Tray Removal Tool Fit

-          Vacuum leak checks of blanked-off lines at the HC (Chad, David, VG)

-          Chad buttons up TM3

-          In parallel - David performs block moves as required


Thursday Jun 28 (1 working day)

-          TM3 moved from HC to Silo (Travis, Don Dale, David)


Friday Jun 29 (1 working day)

-          Contingency


RH Group: Please move ahead with the work as outlined above.  Please comment if you have any concerns or proposed changes to this plan.  Thanks very much to all for your assistance,





Grant Minor, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.

TRIUMF Remote Handling Group Leader

Nuclear Engineer

4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver

BC, Canada, V6T2A3


(604) 222-7359



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