The lid up operation took place on Jan. 28, 2025 under work permit C2025-01-28-1
The system was energized approximately 1.5 hr ahead of time during motor direction checks. Motor direction was correct for both stations.
Starting master synchro value: 2
The master synchro was not jogged prior to starting. It was noted prior to starting that station 12 would likely cause issue as it was near the borderline of the tolerance window for its synchro count.
Upon starting, station 12 faulted almost immediately. It was manually jogged to match the other stations' synchro counts. The system was restarted. This occurred twice until 12 became synchronized with the others.
The system was stopped at around 1" opening (master count 1958) to allow the tank seal to have time to fall out of place (approx. 5 minutes).
The system tripped unexpectedly at master count 3400 because one station drifted slightly out of tolerance. It was resumed again with no adjustment, no issues.
The system was stopped at approx. 3" of travel (master count 4230) to inspect the seal, etc. Everything OK.
During lid travel:
- No abnormalities were noticed with any synchro feedback via the DAQ - they all appear to be in good working condition.
- No jack stations exhibited any abnormal behaviour
- Stations 2, 11, and 12 ran warmer than the others - this should be considered in the future for replacement planning (see attached spreadsheet)
- Total motor current draw from all motors operating simultaneously (nominal condition) was noted to be 280A
The system stopped when the lid was fully raised at a master synchro count of 47397.
When finished, the limit switches toggled as expected, and the gap was measured at 46.5" (correct value).
Start time: 11:15 am
End time: 11:57 am (travel finish) |