The cyclotron lid was raised starting ~10:30am on 2024-02-06 and finishing at ~3:30pm on 2024-02-08, under work permit C2024-02-06-4.
Upon first attempt to raise the lid, issues were encountered. The system seemed to start as expected but quickly tripped, resulting in no appreciable travel. Upon investigation, it was determined that this was due to a blown fuse which feeds the brakes master relay (see e-log The result of this was the the brakes were not properly disengaging, leading to additional friction in the system, and preventing regular motion.
After rectifying this issue, a second attempt was made to raise the lid. This time, issues were encountered with some of the stations being out-of-sync with respect to the others (a result of the troubleshooting which took place for the aforementioned issue). After manually jogging some stations, it was decided to lower the lid all the way, jog motors for individual stations so that they physically match each other in terms of travel distance at a known starting point, manually adjust counters on some stations whose counter values were significantly off so that they matched neighbours, and then jog individual stations such that each synchro measurement was close enough to begin lid up operation.
After this work took place, another attempt to raise the lid was made. This time, the lid traveled fairly smoothly, with a few occasional stops. It seemed that some motors were lagging behind others a bit - namely stations 5, 11, and 12. After raising the lid approximately 4-6", it was decided that the best course of action would be to fully lower it and start again, now that the system had some time to "warm up".
The lid was lowered to the bottom limit again, and then raised. The master synchro count was 0 to start. This time, lid travel was the most smooth, and stops near the start of travel were infrequent. The occasional stop occurred but the system could easily be started again. Jogging individual stations was rarely required. Most stops were due to noise observed on the synchro at station 5 (false trips).
When the lid was approximately halfway up, another unexpected issue occurred: station 10 completely stopped, which caused the entire system to stop. Station 10 could not be jogged in either direction in local mode. After some troubleshooting, it was determined that the motor contactor was causing issues - eventually it was rectified (see e-log
The lid continued to raise smoothly for the remainder of the travel with very few or no stoppages. It raised all the way, as confirmed by the gap measurement.
Final master synchro count when lid was fully up: 47401
See attached inspection checklist which contains information about each jack station during lid up operation, as well as pre-job inspection data.
Recommended actions:
- Replace synchro for station 5 next shutdown
- Inspect all 12 motor contactors prior to next lid down
- Order spare motor contactor
- Install replacement fuse (on order)