Remote Handing is ready for January, 8 2018 Cyclotron lid up. Elevating system service has been completed.
A Cyclotron Lid raise was attempted on Monday, January 8 at 12:00, however this attempt was aborted after lifting the lid several millimeters due the motor
brake on Station #9 that would not release properly. After troubleshooting the elevating system for several hours, motor brake wires were disconnected from
the motor terminal block at the station and pulled through the vertical conduit down the B2 level below the Cyclotron for further inspection. The inspection
showed severe damage to the wire insulation and conductor over an 18" interval, which corresponded to the position directly across the mid-plane of the
cyclotron. New wires were spliced to the existing wires at the bottom of the vertical conduit section, which were run through the conduit and reconnected to
the motor terminal block.
The motor drive wires on Station #9 were also removed for inspection, which revealed major damage to the wire insulation over the same 18" interval;
however, the conductor remained intact and was covered in electrical tape and re-run through the conduit vertical and reconnected to the terminal block. The
elevating system was then tested and the motor brake on Station #9 released as expected.
The Cyclotron Lid was successfully raised on Monday, January 8 at 20:00. The initial station readings are shown below:
00075 - Master
00045 - Station #1
00044 - Station #2
00042 - Station #3
00045 - Station #4
00044 - Station #5
00044 - Station #6
00045 - Station #7
00044 - Station #8
00044 - Station #9
00047 - Station #10
00048 - Station #11
00045 - Station #12
The final lid-up station readings are shown below:
47422 - Master
- Station #1
- Station #2
- Station #3
- Station #4
- Station #5
- Station #6
- Station #7
- Station #8
- Station #9
- Station #10
- Station #11
- Station #12
The Cyclotron Lid was lowered on Tuesday, February 20, between 11:30 and 12:00. The final station readings are shown below:
00081 - Master
00086 - Station #1
00089 - Station #2
00054 - Station #3
00016 - Station #4
00087 - Station #5
00087 - Station #6
00085 - Station #7
00083 - Station #8
00086 - Station #9
00087 - Station #10
00089 - Station #11
00088 - Station #12
While lowering the lid, the following observations were made:
- The left High Field gear reducer on Station #1 made noise intermittently during the middle of the lid lowering operation
- The right High Field gear reducer on Station #2 made noise intermittently during the end of the lid lowering operation
- The right High Field gear reducer on Station #11 made noise intermittently during the beginning of the lid lowering operation |