Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 15:02, John Wong, Empty, 39530-9, HP-SIS, In progress, Sintering TaC coating container for SiC Target  coating_chipped_off.JPGautoTaC_sintering_20.JPEGcoating_chipped_off_2.JPG
    Reply  Monday, September 12, 2016, 17:22, John Wong, Empty, 39530-9, HP-SIS, Failed, TaC coating chipped off Screen_Shot_2016-09-12_at_4.52.53_PM.png
       Reply  Monday, September 12, 2016, 17:27, John Wong, Empty, 39530-9, HP-SIS, Done, RUSH. Round 2: Sinering TaC coating  Screen_Shot_2016-09-14_at_5.05.08_PM.pngScreen_Shot_2016-09-14_at_5.03.48_PM.png
Message ID: 320     Entry time: Monday, September 12, 2016, 17:22     In reply to: 319     Reply to this: 321
Author: John Wong 
Target Material: Empty 
Target Oven W.O#: 39530-9 
Source: HP-SIS 
Status: Failed 
Subject: TaC coating chipped off 

John Wong wrote:

 Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 14:45

Container was previously coated with TaC solution and wrapped with 1-full length layer of Ta- heat shield around the fins.  

Chamber is being pumped down.  Vac at 5.6e-7 Torr before HS water valves were open; no leaks were detected. 

Sintering Temperature 1900C (Omega slope @ 0.98); expected TGHT ~765A/11.90V, TGHT max at 230A.

 Thursday, September 08, 2016, 18:14

At about 1600C, it was observed that the coating inside the tube seems to chip off (see attachment 1).

TGHT was ramped up to 745A/11.85V and TBHT to 230A/3.25V.  Temperature measured on OMEGA/Mikron = 1914C/1881C; both instruments slopes set at 0.98.

Will remain at this TGHT current over night

Vac at 3.0e-6 Torr and coming down.

Friday, September 09, 2016, 11:01 

Target has been heated at the stable temperature at 1914C (for OMEGA) and 1881C (for Mikron) with current at 745A/11.94V (see attachment 2) for almost 19 hours. 

No fluctuation in p/s current or temperature was observed.  The ramping up process is captured and can be view from the link below:


Pressure at 1.07e-6 Torr. 

Cooling down TGHT at 2A/min and TBHT at 1A/min. 

Continue to capture the cooling down process. 

 Friday, September 09, 2016, 15:17

 While the target container was cooling down, the chip-like particle began obvious (see attachment 3).  

Will inspect the container.. TGHT currently at 260A.


 Monday, September 12, 2016, 16:54

The TaC coating chipped off from the surface and didn't get sintered with the container.  (See attachment1). 

There are a few possible reasons why this happened:

1.  The coating was too think.  This may cause the TaC  layer to curl up while the heater was ramped up. 

2.  The coated material got brittle.  The container was flushed with TaC (probably a few weeks ago?) before it went through the sintering process.  Prolong exposure to air/light usually degrade the polymers viscoelasticity.

3.  TaC solution has got bad.  The particles can agglomerate over time and this can cause uneven surface.

4.  Combination of all... ???

Anyway, the chipped off TaC layer was gently scraped off with a stainless steel rod.  Then using kimwipes, i was able to remove most of the chipped off coating; it was not easy - especially trying to remove it from the inner tube.

Instead of "flushing" the tube with TaC, I decided to spray it with thin layer.  And using the air supply, I could quickly dry the coating and installed it back to the evaporator for 2nd Round sintering as we are approaching the deadline!


Attachment 1: Screen_Shot_2016-09-12_at_4.52.53_PM.png  1.143 MB  | Show | Hide all
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