Friday, June 20, 2014, 11:14
Made from batch's: oct 23/2013, oct 31/2013 and june 2012
Total number of foils: 515 discs
Total mass of materials [incl graphite foils]: 64.7224g
Total length packed: 17.8cm
Container is wrapped with 3x Ta-heat shields.
Currently being pumped down.
Friday, June 20, 2014, 14:56
HS cooling water valves opened, no leaks detected.
IGP1 = 6.2e-6 Torr
TGHT max = 820A/ 17V
TBHT max = 300A/ 5V
Stepping up manually to 40A
Friday, June 20, 2014, 16:04
IGP1 = 8e-6 Torr
Slowly stepped up to 35A manually.
Vacuum has stabilized.
Initiating auto-ramp at 0.1A/min